In December 2020, Director Julie Kempker began her Statewide Virtual Town Halls. Julie commented, "It is important to me to get face to face with you to update you on big ticket items as well as hear how you are doing! We can attempt many supervision models and strategies, new policies and procedures and have the greatest intent to do the best work, but without the hard work of the people we trust and count on, they will simply be grand ideas – not grand realities. Probation and Parole employees are worth investment…while we can’t always pay you what we’d like or deserve, we must try to do things that help express your value to us. One of the best things we can do to express your value is to make sure you are in the know and to listen to you in a way in which you feel heard.
I want you to know that your feedback is incredibly important, especially during these challenging times we find ourselves. But I also want you to know not all feedback is good feedback…I think to be listened to (and heard) you have to do your best to establish credibility, demonstrate logic or reason, and be solution-focused. It is important that we have an environment where people feel comfortable offering feedback, even if it’s contrary to prevailing thought…but that doesn’t always happen, or some people think that their feedback goes nowhere. I will tell you that I have learned more in my career from staff in the field that are impacted by the decisions made at the PPA Team table. Each of you know that we won’t always say yes but we will always try and make sure you understand why we have to say no.
I also believe it is important that you are in the know! I want you to understand the who, what, when, where, how and why of all major initiatives that have an impact on you. Sometimes these things may not make sense but you have to trust that we are doing what we need to do to support the vision and mission of the Department of Corrections and the state of Missouri.
I am excited to spend time with you during these Town Halls! You are my priority and the value you bring to this agency is immeasurable. Thank you so much for everything you do."
District 38 did a canned food and paper goods drive to benefit the local food bank and Domestic Violence shelter. It was a competition between the units. Over 500 items were collected. District 38 came together to assist their community amidst the craziness of 2020. Just a reminder of all the things to be thankful for during this difficult time.
Great Job District 38!
Residents at the District 12 Community Supervision Center gave back to the community over the Thanksgiving holiday. Charity groups in the St. Francois County community, including the Hope Center of Leadwood, Missouri, created food boxes and meals for those in need. The Hope Center relies entirely on volunteers and the residents at the CSC stepped up to help. The Wednesday before Thanksgiving, residents helped the Hope Center load produce boxes and meals to be distributed. During this process, other charities were having trouble loading their boxes and the residents stepped in without hesitation to lend a hand. Meals and produce boxes were distributed to grateful members of the community including PPA staff and residents at the CSC. A local church administrator recognized the great work done by the residents and invited them to a substance abuse banquet and fundraiser. Residents, staff, and the community benefited from each other’s efforts and charity during this holiday season. Great Job District 12 Residents!
The female residents at the District 26 CSC created homemade Christmas cards and decorations for the Senior Citizens in Callaway County. Great Job!
Tavis Thorne was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 12. Congratulations Tavis! |
Mindy Sheible was promoted to Senior Office Support Assistant (SOSA) at District 16. Congratulations Mindy! |
 Pictured is District 10N PPO Amy Grimm along with Lindsey Holm, a client she supervises. Amy accompanied Lindsey to a local job fair where Lindsey was able to interview and interact with numerous area employers. The experience made a significant impact on Lindsey and provided her with the confidence and skills needed to obtain gainful employment. The experience also provided Lindsey with the opportunity to see her officer as an advocate who is genuinely invested in her success. Amy can often be seen engaging with those she supervises in the community, particularly with assisting offenders in obtaining employment. Amy has also developed a fantastic working relationship with the local Family Justice Center (FJC) as she mainly supervises Domestic Violence offenders. Her commitment to fostering quality relationships with community partners has clearly resulted in clients obtaining employment more readily and assisting significant others of clients to be connected with crucial services. Way to go Amy!
Sharon Myler, Unit Supervisor at District 10N, was selected as the Missouri Department of Corrections Employee of the Month for December 2020.
Director Precythe stated, "Your contributions to the department have not gone unnoticed. In your position as a Probation and Parole Supervisor, you have gone above and beyond. As an Ambassador to The Corrections Way (TCW), you have embraced as well as put into action all of its tenants. During a regional supervisory meeting you spelled out in a 3x3 what was important for leaders to be doing during this pandemic, which is to ensure staff are placing an emphasis on self-care and encouraging supervisors to be routinely checking in with staff on their well-being. You have personally recognized the impacts of the pandemic on officer workloads and jumped into action by shifting caseloads so that officers with higher numbers of clients requiring face contacts receive assistance from other team members. Your dedication to staff and ultimately service to the community can be seen by your regular Breakfast and Brainstorming sessions you have with your staff. Your professionalism and ability to accomplish extraordinary achievements demonstrates your assistance in improving lives for safer communities. Your example is an inspiration! You are an excellent role model and an example of professionalism for the Corrections community." Congratulations Sharon!
 Central Region Pre-Service Graduates! Congratulations!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 7C: PPO Travis Matthews, PPO James Cashett, OSA Vivian Binion, PPO Adrian Harris and PPO Kineu Carr
District 10N: PPO Rebecca Eadie, PPO Jennifer Coonrod, PPO Renae Krisher, PPO Christopher Doughty, PPO Tracy Brown and SOSA Lisa Black.
District 12: PPO Tavis Thorne, PPO Kelly Dement, PPO Joshua Lybarger, PPO Susan Nelson, PPO Broc Gremminger and PPO Keith Groom
District 13: OSA Marion Stubbs
District 18: PPO Emily Barnes and DA Andee Applebury
District 19: PPO Kelly Fitzpatrick
District 27: ACC IPO Mike Seaton and ACC IPO Melanie Frisbee
TCC IP Office: IPO Dena Bemboom
Congratulations to All!
 Eastern Region Pre-Service Graduates! Congratulations!
 Western Region Pre-Service Graduates! Congratulations!
 On December 15, 2020, TCSTL held their years of service ceremony and also recognized several staff that would be retiring at the end of the year. These staff members have served anywhere from a half of a decade to a quarter of a century. Pictured from left to right are CTO I Ann Allen(25 yrs), CTO I Sandra Harris(20 yrs), RO I Bria Christmas(5 yrs), OSA Gloria Wells (Retiree) PPA II Ramona Bembry (15 yrs),CTO I Monica Greene (15 yrs), Cook I Shannon Huston, MS II Carleton Mickens(Retiree), PPA II Leslie Rayford (25 yrs), and CTO I Antonio Crothers (5 yrs).
Congratulations to All!
Deanna Laird, PPO at WERDCC, was selected as the Northeast Region Employee of the Month for July 2020. Deanna always helps her co-workers when they are out, especially during COVID quarantines. She has asked for additional work to help out others and is a quick learner on new caseloads. She is a great addition to the office and has made a great impact on the clients she serves. Deanna is pictured with District Administrator Vicki Bealmear and Northeast Regional Administrator Todd Fleharty.
 Probation and Parole had 137 staff members pledge a total of $22,812.00 for the 2021 MSECC Campaign. Total contributions made by DOC staff during the 2021 campaign was $85,188,15. There were 574 staff members that pledged donations.
The grand total of all contributions by state employees for the 2021 campaign was $629,857.77. Statewide 2,897 state employees participated in the campaign. Great Job Everyone!
DA Dan Martinez shared this photo and stated, "This is how we stay close as a team at District 31. Every now and then, those in the office are treated to lunch and we have a group lunch. We rotate so every staff member can partake one day when they are in the office. In short, this is just one of the ways we do it at District 31 to recognize staff and value staff. We have an open invite to anyone able and willing to visit us. we will extend our hospitality to you as well. During this particular day, District 31 enjoyed crab legs and shrimp plates!"
On December 1, 2020, after 15 years of services with the Division of Probation and Parole, District 2 OSA Debbie Vaughn retired.
Congratulations Debbie!
After 33 years, District 32 District Administrator Monica Lamphier has decided to retire. Congratulations Monica!
After 20 years of DOC service, District 26 PPO Tom Powell will be retiring on December 31, 2020. Congratulations Tom! |
District 16 District Administrator Chris Speckhals retired after nearly 28 and a half years of service. Congratulations Chris! |
District 16.SOSA Barb Bridgeman retired after 36 ½ years of dedicated state employment. Congratulations Barb! |
How do I initiate and engage clients in stages of change discussion and gauge their motivation level?
A simple tool to use periodically is what is called a motivation ruler. Simply ask your client on a scale of 1 to 10, with one being not at all and 10 being very much, how motivated are you to change that behavior or improve that area of their life? The client’s answer then leads to the follow up questions and discussions for future interactions and gives the officer a great starting point. Make sure to document the stages of change talk in your ARB notation!
How can I continue to be a positive influence on incarcerated individuals during the current situation, to keep them thinking about their actions and consequences?
During this time with reduction in programming availability, reduction in privileges and sometimes suspended visitation (which is very important to the individual and support network) staff have the opportunity to help make a difference for the incarcerated individuals.
This is a perfect time to consider use of Carey Guides and BITS, both to address behavior and to help guide the incarcerated individual into thinking about their goals and how to reach them. Whether it is the Carey BIT “Who I Spend Time With” in response to behavior or Carey Guide Case Planning to help them understand how to develop their case plan, options are available to keep the incarcerated individual moving towards goals during this difficult time for all. Please refer to the K-Drive CASE MANAGEMENT folder, subfolder Carey Guide and BITS for a complete list available to assist the incarcerated individual.