District 10N show their support to end Domestic Violence (pictured above) and District 9 PPO Ryan Mann put 578 nails to it! #NOMORE
 The FCC P&P Office collected 252 food items and donated them to the Ministerial Alliance Food Pantry. Some staff also participated in a Domestic Violence Awareness Rally held at the local courthouse.
On 10/30/2020, District 7S PPO Ornella Obradovic and Unit Supervisor Joseph Spence dropped off donations to Stray Rescue in St. Louis City, and to the Domestic Violence Shelter, ALIVE. Both organizations were delighted to get some donations, and both stated since the pandemic hit, donations have dropped considerably. |
 On November 5, 2020, Mayor Lyda Krewson and members of her team, including Director of Public Safety Jimmie Edwards visited the St. Louis Transition Center (TCSTL). During their visit to the facility they were provided with the historical background of the facility, advised of the new programming tracks, and met with several of the facility’s community partners.
Pam Moore from the Show Me Hope Missouri spoke on coping and stress management skills for people involved in crisis events. P&P Director Kempker elaborated on the reentry program established at the Transition Center and TCSTL Associate Superintendent Beth Vancil provided information about the new programming tracks at the facility.
Other speakers included: Kandi-Ayanna Wilson and Esther Williams, liaisons of the MERS Goodwill Reentry Program explained the benefits and purpose of their organization. Tom Casey and Tim Morrison from the Criminal Justice Ministries informed the Mayor and her team about the programming and housing assistance that they provide the offenders at the facility. Also in attendance was Toni Rush who works for the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development.
The P&P Hiring Procedures Workgroup is excited to announce they have finalized policy and corresponding documents associated with the revised Hiring Process which will become effective 01/01/2021. The revised process will:
- combine several policies and procedures;
- provide clarity on the hiring and transfer process;
- change the name of the Background Investigation Report to Pre-employment Summary;
- require the same Pre-employment Summary document to be used for the PPA I (CTO I) and PPO classifications;
- eliminate the need to type a Background Investigation Report;
- provide guidance on the role and responsibilities of the Regional AOSA and District SOSA;
- provide guidance on file maintenance and document retention;
- revise the POII Interview Questions to include questions regarding remote work and the revised supervision model;
- include a revised Recommendation for Hire Form which sets out specific information needed to evaluate candidates; and
- expedite the hiring process to have a positive impact on workload and operational issues.
Zoom Meeting are currently being held with District Administrators, Associate Superintendents, Unit Supervisors, and SOSA’s to cover over the new process.
Eastern Zone Deputy Division Director Lisa Schulze commented, "I’d like to thank those districts that participated in the pilot and to everyone who provided feedback. In addition, I’d like to thank the Hiring Procedures Work Group that included Jennifer Allen, Sarah Brendel, Traci Heisinger, and Mary Beth Lammey."
 In September 2020, P&P staff were challenged to assist local food banks by volunteering their assistance during the pandemic. District 15 PPO Denise Welker volunteered to take on this task along with the Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, several offices in the courthouse, the Jefferson County Jail and the District 15 Probation and Parole Office. As a result of this group's effort, a total of 2,383 items were donated.
In addition, the following law offices in Jefferson County made monetary donations equaling $1,150.00.
- Almond, Gould & Brady LLC
- The Lowry Law Firm
- Ponder-Bates Stewart Law Office
- Grafe and Batchelor PC
All donations were collected in October 2020 and were donated to the Hillsboro Food Pantry.
 Students from Westminster College in Fulton donated pumpkins to the residents at the District 26 CSC. The women carved and decorated them and battery candles were put inside. The pumpkins were donated to several senior facilities around Callaway County.
During the Month of October 2020, Parole Board Operations held Pre-Hearing Report WebEx trainings will all IPO's and supervisory staff involved with the supervision of an IP Office. The training provided an update to the current Pre-Hearing Report policy/format, and to implement the ORAS into the Parole Boards time to serve guidelines.
The Southeast Region (SER) kicked off their first ever Leadership Welcome Workshops in October and November 2020. The workshops were for newly promoted managers in the Southeast Region. The workshops focused on providing newly promoted managers a brief overview on topics such as Engage 2.0, Dashboards, Quarterly Reviews, Reflect Meetings, The Corrections Way, Caseload Reviews, Performance Counseling, PACT, and EAP. The workshops were facilitated by the SER Regional Administrator Don Arias and SER Regional Training Coordinator Jason Royle.
Keith Clow was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 26. Congratulations Keith! |
Chris Doughty was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 10N, Congratulations Chris! |
Kim Mills was promoted to Regional Training Coordinator Supervisor at P&P Central Office. Congratulations Kim! |
Kori Prewitt was promoted to Senior Office Support Assistant at District 29. Congratulations Kori! |
This article was submitted by the Drug Court participants in Henry County.
"Chances are that upon entering the Henry County Recovery Court program we were all quite distant. Disconnected, detached, even. Our long-term drug use had slowly forced us into a state of total self-isolation that had secluded us from the rest of the world and the people in it. Our morals, goals, standards and expectations were mostly non-existent and the ones that did remain were skewed at best. We didn't trust you. How could we? At this point we didn't even trust ourselves. To say that we were skeptical is a huge understatement. Gracefully, you recognized this, and furthermore you understood it. And so you begin to reintroduce us to ourselves all over again by way of cognitive restructure through a very simple program design for very complicated people. For the first time in what feels like forever we begin to feel like we are a part of, rather than apart from. You pour into us, and when we resist, you push harder, for you are aware that this is a matter of life and death. You encourage us to get back to basics and slowly but surely we start to get well. The support we receive from the program, our families, and the community is overwhelming. As we learn to communicate better people tend to respond to us better, and the stigma associated with being an addict falls away one day at a time. We are no longer uncomfortable in our own skin, you may even consider us confident. Our feelings of social awkwardness is replaced with gratitude and soon enough we are again able to enjoy the people and the things long lost to us throughout the course of our active addiction. And on the best of nights, when we're really lucky, we even get the opportunity to enjoy it all together."
Henry County Recovery Court. Strengthening communities; Restoring hope; Rebuilding families; One addict at a time.
District 27 PPO II Jesse Weed (in the black mask) works as a volunteer at the Habitat for Humanity in Jefferson City. DA Vincent Rost commented, "Jesse is also our Healing House Officer who supervises the Serious Mentally Ill caseload and everyone who resides in the Healing House (female) and the Koinonia House (male) – local religious based residential program headed by founder Heather Geick.".
Thank you Jesse for making a difference in your community!
District 25 is proud to have collected a small donation for their local food banks, who do so much great work in their rural, often poor communities. DA James Berry commented, "With the pandemic adding to the challenges for all our citizens, we encourage everyone to make a long term effort to help those less fortunate in these difficult times." |
“How Being Trauma-Informed Improves Criminal Justice System Responses” is a four hour training that was developed by SAMHSA’s GAINS center for Behavioral Health & Justice Transformation.
The class is recommended for criminal justice professionals and focuses on increasing our understanding of trauma, creates an awareness of the impact of trauma on behavior and teaches us how to develop trauma-informed responses in our day to day lives.
This training came to Division of Probation and Parole through a grant from SAMHSA’s GAINS Center.
Identified P&P Staff, along with several individuals involved with CIT and recommended Department staff, attended an online Train the Trainer course with GAINS Center.
This training opportunity is being rolled out to staff at CSCs through the end of December 2020. These sessions are an in-seat class with masks required and social distancing guidelines in place. After the first of the year the hope is to offer additional sessions across the state for any P&P staff to attend.
For safety precautions at TCSTL, recreation passes have been suspended to avoid unnecessary contact with the COVID-19 virus. In an effort to keep the offenders connected with their families during a time such as this, TCSTL has adopted the idea to host zoom calls between residents and their families. PPA Gabrielle Boudreaux commented, "It’s a new opportunity we have here at the facility and we predict that it will be beneficial even after COVID-19 has subsided." |
Pat Parks, OSA at District 17, was selected as Northeast Region Employee of the Month for June 2020. Pat was nominated by District 17 SOSA Sandi Doss. Sandi wrote, " Pat has been a tremendous asset in keeping the clerical department running smoothly since the departure of two of the clerical team members. She comes into work each day focused and ready to work. She not only does what needs to be done, but also pitches in and helps her co-workers without being asked. She has assisted her team with warrant/detainer/cancellation entries, final forming, openings, suspensions, closings, looking for files and contacting the Court Clerk for Orders.
When her co-workers are not in need of her assistance, she takes it upon herself to go through the suspended files and see if any of them have been reinstated or closed out. She has gone through the warrant book and made sure everything is current. She also keeps our Department letters for closings up to date with current information.
Pat is very organized and gets things done timely and efficiently. She is greatly appreciated by her team and co-workers at District 17." Pat is pictured with Northeast Regional Administrator Todd Fleharty.
Congratulations Pat!
District 3 Unit Supervisor Amy Sanders and PPA Barry Wright, received Northeast Region Employee of the Month for September 2020.
Amy and Barry were nominated by Unit Supervisor Jenny Wilson. Jenny wrote, "On 08/27/20, I was contacted by our newest officer that a person had called and said that they had a client's medication script out front and wanted to turn it in. I advised the new officer to ask the person to put on a mask and meet me in the lobby so that I could get details as to what was going on. As I was contacting the supervising officer of the client I could hear there was in issue in or near the lobby. When I got to the front of the lobby I could see numerous police cars outside of our building along with Unit Supervisor, Amy Sanders and PPA, Barry Wright. Amy was talking to the officers about the person that had brought the client's medication to the office who appeared to be under the influence of substances and who turned out to have a 96 hour mental health commitment on her. The person happened to be a client that had recently been discharged from supervision. As officers were trying to apprehend the female subject on the mental health commitment she became very uncooperative. The temperatures outside on this day were in the 90's. Amy stayed with female the entire time calming talking to her trying to get to be compliant with the officers. At one point she was having an anxiety attack and attempted to escape the handcuffs and ended up on the ground and Amy held her head up off the ground while the officers were attempting to adjust the cuffs on her. Barry was also with the female offering direct assistance to Amy and offering encouraging words. The female was eventually able to be calm down enough by Amy and Barry to be placed in the patrol car so that she could be taken to the mental health hospital. As I stood and watched my two coworkers that day it made me very proud that they were my co workers and that they were thinking of other's life's selflessly during a time that many are not." Barry and Amy are pictured with Regional Administrator Todd Fleharty.
Congratulations Amy and Barry!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 10: PPO Curtis Stuart, PPO Shirlene Denman and PPO Miranda Collins
District 10N: OSA Diane Simmons
District 10R: US Carol Ward
District 12: PPA Jeff Turner
District 18: OSA Kristi Scott
District 37: PPO Roxanne Cook and Paula Kelly
Congratulations to All!
 On behalf of the PPA Table, the following staff are being nominated and received a Distinguished Service Award. Starting in February 2020, Richard Reital (Storekeeper 1-District 1), Kevin Knickerbocker (DA-District 3), Jared Drummond (DA-District 6), Kim McKlintic (DA-District 10), Ty Scott (DA-District 11), Nathaniel Terrill (Storekeeper 1-District 12), James Adkins (DA-District 17), Laura Fehrenbach (DA-District 21), Nate Arnold (US-District 24), James Berry (DA-District 25), Miguel Rodriguez (DA-District 29), Andre Pike (US-District ERV) and Dana Peters (Executive II-P&P Central Office), played a significant role in the successful distribution of Body Armor to the Firearms Certified staff currently working for the Division of Probation and Parole. All of the identified staff worked together, moving vests from one location to another, to accommodate staff needs. They took on the role of on-site manager for the Body Armor fittings which not only involved their staff but in some cases staff from across the state. These site managers were responsible for tracking attendance and inventory and reporting any problems or concerns, as they developed. They worked in conjunction with the Leon Uniform Representative to ensure everything he needed was available when he arrived at their facilities. Some locations had multiple groups that needed to be processed and some had to have schedule fitting dates changed. Packing slips had to be copied and mailed to ensure all of the shipment was at the correct location. On the day of the fittings, these site managers took attendance, showed the recommended video and then sent the attendance sheets to the proper locations. All of these staff went above and beyond their normal job duties to ensure the process of fitting our firearms certified staff with Body Armor, went smoothly and without incident. Considering all of the above, these staff members received a DOC Distinguished Service Award for their efforts throughout the Division's Body Armor fitting process.
Congratulations to All!
As a result of funding the state received from the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, the Office of State Court Administrators has solicited interest in a local convening of stakeholders to address mental health issues, behavioral health responses, pre-trial practices, alternatives to revocation or incarceration, gender responsivity, competency evaluations, evidence based assessments and screenings. However, priority will be given to the team who applies to address behavioral health concerns with the justice-involved populations.
The purpose of the convening is to design responses from the court and the community to ensure this population is served and treated prior to incarceration. An invitation was sent to all Presiding Judges to discuss how to get the initiative started by applying for funding to have these local meeting and identify their stakeholders. P&P is participating in this very important initiative. Pictured is District 2 PPO Nikki Hinkle who sits on the 3rd Circuit team commented, "The goal of our team is to strengthen community partnerships."
 District 3 CSC, in conjunction with the Northeast Missouri Humane Society, developed an eight week life skills program for residents of the Hannibal CSC bases off of principles developed in the Puppies for Parole Program. The program that was developed was named Canines for a Cause.
Officer Jessica Mundell, Shawn Dowling Parolee, and Janet Smith from the Northeast Humane Society, worked together to create the program and bring it each week to the Hannibal CSC. Jessica and Shawn facilitated the Puppies for Parole Program at NECC and have a genuine passion for the benefits this program can provide. Each week while working with the dogs supplied by the Humane Society residents learn transferable life skills, such as problem solving, empathy, and communication skills which they can use in everyday life. The pilot program has been well received and will become a standard program at the Hannibal CSC. DA Kevin Knickerbocker commented, "Thanks to Jessica and Shawn for their dedication to this program."
After 30 years with the Department, District 3 DA Kevin Knickerbocker has retired. Kevin started his career as a Probation and Parole Officer at the District 18 office in 1990. In 1994 he returned to his hometown and began work in Hannibal. He was promoted to Unit Supervisor in 2005, then stepped up in 2014 to take the helm as District Administrator of the District 3-Hannibal CSC. In the end, Kevin’s heart is with his girls- his wife Amy and 3 daughters: Myranda, Hannah and Sarah
Congratulations Kevin!
How do I get active involvement with case planning and use strengths to assist the client in success?
Carey Guides are available for both case planning and strengths. Consider using the Case Planning Carey Guide with the offender at the beginning of supervision, or when they are struggling to understand what we are trying to help them accomplish. When discussing strengths, staff are encouraged to identify, but what then? Have the client complete the Carey Guide on Maximizing Strengths. It helps them and you see what their strengths are and how to use them to be successful.