Department of Corrections Central Office staff kicked off the week with Dicus BBQ Food Truck on Monday, held a Wellness Walk on Tuesday, were served ice cream treats on Wednesday, and offered Taco Thursday with Rebel Tacos Food Truck.
 Western Region Regional Administrator Kim Hubbard -Stewart surprised her DA Team with stainless steel tumblers that read "Thank You For Being Awesome" and an individual handwritten thank you note in honor of Corrections Week. Each DA recognized and gave appreciation to their staff for a job well done.
Kim stated, "The DA's were personally recognized for their leadership during a time when circumstances took Missouri and this Country by storm. No one saw it brewing. Nevertheless, while the pandemic and continued activity of COVID rages below, the Western Region DA's have soared like the wings on an eagle. While the virus rages beneath, these DA's are flying above and carrying their districts with them. These difficult times have not allowed them to turn back. This TEAM has used these strong winds to lift them to a higher level of leadership to rise above the uncertainties that we continue to face. Job Well Done Western Region!"
 District 30 held a variety of activities including “Guess Who” and holding a social distance “Nacho Average PPO” nacho bar luncheon for staff. On September 28, 2020, the Ozark Food Harvest Farm to Family Program delivered pallets of food to the Nevada Housing Authority. Staff from District 30 assisted in sorting and creating boxes of food and then delivering the boxes to 200 households through a drive thru pickup process. Great Job District 30!
The Citizen's Advisory Board (CAB) provided District 2 staff with a bowling/pizza party for Corrections Employees Week. PPO Matt Jessmer received the award for high series with a two game total of 277. DA John Nickell received 2nd place with a score of 275.
The District 17 supervisors gave a thank you card and candy to each team member. Inside the card were handwritten messages from each supervisor saying what they appreciated most in the team member.
Staff at Districts 7C, EP, and ERV were treated to an open continental breakfast on September 24, 2020. A variety of breakfast options were provided along with some raffle prizes for attendees! |
 On September 24, 2020, District 12 celebrated Corrections Week during the staff meeting and sponsored a food drive for the local pantry. There was a competition between each unit to see who could donate the largest number of items. The winning unit celebrated with a water balloon throw at the losing supervisors! The District collected several boxes for the local pantry which were donated to St. Vincent DePaul Food Pantry and SEMO Family Violence Council, as well as, recognized corrections week and the importance of their teams.
On October 15, 2020, the new Remote Work procedures and updated procedures went into effect. Prior to this date, District 22 DA Darrin Tipton and the Remote Work Team conducted two-hour regional Zoom video calls with all District Administrators, Unit Supervisors, and others on the leadership team. Director Precythe and Director Julie Kempker started the meeting with their own personal messages to staff. |
District 20 District AdministratorTena Riley submitted the following:
On September 21, 2020, District 20 staff presented a plaque and coins to Central Region Training Officers Shawn Thompson, Mark Stoehr and Seth Elliott during our firearms recertification, in recognition of their hard work and dedication. These three men, along with a long history of being good Probation And Parole Safety Trainers, have taught us how to be safe in every aspect of our jobs. They are diligent and serious about helping us to be able to go home safely every night. They promote a learning atmosphere that encourages open discussion and new ideas and have been consistent in bringing forward new issues and topics which assist in creating a survival mindset. We wholeheartedly believe that without their training efforts, we as a district would be less safe. They are open to receiving phone calls or emails, even outside training hours if there is a problem or question. Our safety trainers play a critical role in our success and wellbeing. We have been blessed to have the best.
The quote on the plaque says it all, "Next to creating a life, the finest thing a man can do is save one", Abraham Lincoln.
Lakesha Thomas has been promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 7C. Congratulations Lakesha!
Barbie Hayes was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 24. Congratulations Barbie! |
 About 96% of people incarcerated in Missouri eventually return home to our communities. More than 15,000 Missourians are released from state prisons each year. To help boost their chances of success, the Missouri Department of Corrections partners with fellow state agencies and community nonprofit organizations to build a network of support in areas such as behavioral health treatment; job training and employment; housing and transportation; family reunification and parenting; basic life skills; and countless other factors that affect risk and recidivism.
Now Pastor Tony Lowden, Executive Director of the Federal Interagency Council on Crime and Prevention and Improving Reentry, is looking to Missouri as a national model for reentry success. During the week of October 7-9, 2020, Tony toured TCSTL where men on Probation and Parole supervision complete a four-phase residential transitional model focused on programming and education.
Director Julie Kempker, along with her administrative staff, conducted a panel discussion about Remote Work for the Probation and Parole . Working remotely was a five-year goal that had to be launched in a matter of weeks when COVID-19 restrictions changed the world in March 2020. There are still goals to improve and words of wisdom to be passed on to others working remotely with justice-involved individuals. |
On October 6, 2020, PPO Kaila Haymes District 10N, PPO Haley Pursley District 10N, Maria Vo Counselor OCC, PPO Samantha Whitten District 10 and Unit Supervisor Elizabeth Fitzgerald District 10R, attended the Recovery Coalition of the Ozarks monthly meeting. This meeting provides an opportunity to share information with over 15 organizations. The Recovery Coalition is a collaboration of recovery oriented organizations and individuals in the Southwest Region of Missouri.
The Recovery Coalition of the Ozarks is committed to assisting people achieve abstinence from substance use, stable housing, employment, improved social connectedness, and elimination of criminal activity.
 It is very important to always make sure you are taking care of your well-being, not just during this pandemic.
Many studies show that getting in touch with your spirituality is an excellent way to combat depression, stress, anxiety and isolation. Additionally, spiritual self-care promotes hope, positivity and optimism while building a sense of community and support. There are many ways to get in touch with your spirituality including, but not limited to:
- Exercising compassion and empathy for others.
- Seeking happiness beyond material possessions.
- Seeking out new experiences, new knowledge and new places to evoke the feelings of awe and wonder.
- Experiencing feelings of interconnectedness with others and your environment.
- Seeking meaning and purpose beyond monetary measures.
- Being driven to make the world a better place.
 District 2 staff participated in the Linn County Night Out. SOSA Tracy Buswell, PPO Jennifer Dooley, and US Ashley Thieme assisted local community partners by cooking and serving hotdogs and snacks to citizens that attended the event. What a great way to give back to your community, District 2!
Sharon Myler, Unit Supervisor at District 10N, was selected as P&P Employee of the 2nd Quarter-2020. Sharon was nominated by her District Administrator James Long. James wrote, "As an Ambassador to The Corrections Way (TCW), Sharon has embraced as well as put into action all of its tenants. She has shared her knowledge not only with her District, but at the Regional level. In April, Sharon was a big contributor to the Zoom meeting with the supervisors in the Region where she spelled out in a 3X3 what was important for leaders to be doing during this pandemic, which Is to ensure staff are placing an emphasis on self-care, and encouraging supervisors to be routinely checking in with staff to check on their well-being. Sharon also presents information to staff in the region by way of skill up sessions and previously completed one of these at the CAO meeting in the Southwest Region.
As the Lead Unit Supervisor for District 10NL Satellite in Lebanon, Sharon has been weathering the challenge of having two staff out on parental leave and having two brand new staff. She has recognized that the pandemic impacts officer workload differently, and has jumped into action by shifting caseloads, so that officers with a higher number of clients requiring face to face contacts, receive assistance from other team members. Sharon's dedication to staff and ultimately service to the community can be seen by her regular breakfast and brainstorming sessions al least bi-monthly with her staff. Her recognition efforts for staff success include placing thumbs up stickers on staff members doors appreciating accomplishments, a recognition board In the clerical area, emails, and just regular positive verbal reinforcement She has also encouraged other staff to recognize staff at a higher level. This resulted in another supervisor submitting 11 GEM Nominations for the District within one week of her request.
Sharon's work as a Change Champion for Engage, work as an Adjunct Trainer, involvement as an Ambassador in The Corrections Way and dedication to the Mission of the Department made her an excellent candidate for Employee of the Month for the Region."
Congratulations Sharon!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 2: PPO Deanna Laird
District 7C: PPO Nicole Pulido
District 11: PPO's Christine Lindsay, Robin Bench, Amber Johnston, Brooke Bell, Stephanie Swanson and Illa Gomez.
District 18: PPO Garret Hicks
DOC CO: Personnel Clerk, Sydney Fisher
JCCC IP Office: IPO Jessica Bliesath
District Employee of the 3rd Quarter, 2020:
District 11: PPO Donna Arthur
Congratulations to All!
District 2 PPO Rodney Keller received a Distinguished Service Award. Rodney was nominated by PPO Carol Blakely for events that occurred in January 2020 when Carol’s client called the Chillicothe Probation and Parole Office and she had already left work for the day. Rodney took that call and was informed by the client that he has significant respiratory and pulmonary problems, including COPD. The client reported during the conversation that he couldn’t do his alcohol test on the SL2 because he was having trouble breathing and needed to go to the hospital. Rodney asked the client if he needed an ambulance and the client advised that he did. Rodney called 911 and let the client know that an ambulance was on the way to his residence and followed up with contacting dispatch and making sure they arrived while contacting Carol so the Command Center could be notified he would not be taking his alcohol test.
The client was diagnosed with diagnosed with pneumonia and hospitalized for four days. He was released with oxygen and when a home visit was conducted two weeks later he had lost 28 pounds and believed he had waited too long to get medical attention and felt if he had not been taken to the hospital by ambulance on that day he may not have survived.
Thank you Rodney for assisting this client and congratulations on this well-deserved award! Rodney is pictured with District 2 DA John Nickell.
 The MSECC Campaign runs August 26, 2020-November 30, 2020.
Where and/or Who do I go to with questions about all things Case Management (ORAS, Case Planning, Carey Guides, BITs, etc.)?
Continue to utilize the CASE MANAGEMENT folder on the K-Drive that contains cheat sheets, manuals and tools to assist staff.
Still need help?
There is a page in the K-Drive CASE MANAGEMENT folder called SME and Trainers Group. You can utilize this to find a SME/Trainer at your facility or in your region who can assist with questions. The SME/Trainer will clarify and provide a response with the assistance of the Subject Matter Specialists. If there is still questions the QA/QC team will assist with resolution. PLEASE contact your local resources for assistance as we are all here to help each other!