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P&P Show Me Newsletter-October 2020
In March 2020, faced with the COVID-19 pandemic, the Division of Probation and Parole responded by requiring the majority of field officers and supervisors to remote work full-time or nearly full-time while keeping offices minimally staffed. Remote Work has shown promising benefits while also revealing areas that needed to be addressed as an agency and individually in districts. Those areas included technology gaps, equipment needs, processing of paper-based items, office staffing, and several other important areas needing solutions.
In May 2020, the Division of Probation and Parole Administrators Team created the P&P Remote Work Team to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations regarding the future of remote work. Recommendations were developed after a thorough evaluation of remote work best practices implemented by other organizations, identifying the current strengths of P&P, and recognizing areas for improvement during the agency’s current COVID-19 pandemic response. In July 2020, Darrin Tipton, DA of District 22 and Chair of the Remote Work Team, presented the team’s final evaluation and recommendations to the Probation and Parole Administrators (PPA) Team. The PPA Team approved the Remote Work Proposal with minor changes. On August 7, 2020, Director Precythe approved the proposal and requested the Remote Work Team developed an implementation plan, along with a timeline. Shortly thereafter, the implementation plan and timeline was approved by Director Precythe as well and the new procedures and updated procedures will go into effect on October 15, 2020. Roll out Zoom Meetings will be held prior to that date.
Director Kempker commented to the team members, “I want to personally thank you each one of you for your work on the Remote Work Team. The content was clearly thought through. It was organized in a way that was easy to follow. There was nothing left out. It was absolutely perfect. This workgroup is a perfect example of excellence. Thank you!"
Team members included: Darrin Tipton (District 22 DA and Chair), Todd Fleharty (Northeast Regional Administrator), Jim Fehrenbach (District 42 DA), Brandon Sapp (District 5 US), Eric Barger (District 27 PPO), Tami Steinbring (District 10N PPO), Melinda Adams (District 1 US), Emily Harbaugh (TCSTL US), Jeff Bogue (District 15 US), Batina Washington (District 8C US), Donna Arthur (District 11 PPO), Mary Beth Lammey (Policy and Procedure Analyst), and Sharon Dunn (Special Projects Coordinator).
On August 21, 2020, District 10 PPO's Eduardo Flores and James Howser completed home and employment visits. They first visited with T.S. who is being supervised on parole. On May 27, 2020, she was forwarded a HiSet status update from Shawn Duplin, DOC HiSET Chief Examiner, which advised she only needed to take and pass the mathematics portion of the test to obtain her HiSet. After studying, T.S. took and passed the remaining portion and obtained her HiSet.
To celebrate this achievement, Eduardo and James made a stop at her job site to congratulate her!
On the same date, they met with M.H. On July 13, 2020, M.H. began the Green for Greene Program through the Missouri Job Center. This is a 5-week EPA-funded grant program where upon successful completion, Misty would earn 13 certifications. In addition to these 13 certifications, participants also received soft skills training provided by Bryan University from Regions Bank, and the Missouri Job Center staff. The soft skills curriculum covered important issues related to employment including budgeting, resume, interviews, proper work attire, and more. M.H. successfully completed the training program on August 14, 2020. To celebrate this achievement, Eduardo and James met M.H. at her home to congratulate her!
Congratulations to both, and Eduardo and James for recognizing their success!
"Heroes Work Here" banners are displayed at all Districts and Facilities. Pictured above is District 10N-Springfield Unit Supervisor, J.D. Presswood.
Jo Ann Riggs (pictured on the left) and Amy Koechner-Talley (pictured on the right) were promoted to Unit Supervisor positions at District 25 in Poplar Bluff.
Congratulations Jo Ann and Amy!
Melissa Boss was promoted to District 29/BCC IP Office Lead Unit Supervisor. Congratulations Melissa! |
Barb Fitzpatrick was promoted to Lead Unit Supervisor at the ACC IP Office. Congratulations Barb! |
Ray Powell was promoted to PPA II at the Command Center at P&P Central Office. Congratulations Ray! |
As part of P&P Interstate Compact Unit re-organization, the role of Deputy Compact Administrator (DCA) has transitioned to Ryan Halbert and as a result his position has been reclassified to District Administrator. In this role, Ryan is responsible for the administration and management of the state’s supervision and transfer of offenders through the Compact, as well as, continuing to supervise all activities within PPICU. Ryan’s knowledge and experience in the Interstate Compact Unit has been an invaluable resource, and as DCA he will be able work with other states to ensure outcomes that prioritize client success.
Congratulations Ryan!
The NECC IP Office collected canned goods for the local food pantry. They had a trunk full! Great Job NECC! |
As a partner agency in Missouri's formal response to the COVID crisis, there are two resources within the Show Me Hope Initiative:
- SHOW-ME HOPE Disaster Distress Helpline provides 24/7, free, COVID-related crisis counseling at 800-985-5990. You can also text TalkWithUs to 66746.
- The website has Fact Sheets on stress management and coping, self-care tools, and links to the statewide network of Show-Me Hope teams for more localized assistance.
Assistance is being offered free of charge for a variety of services at
 The Missouri 10-33 Benevolent Fund is a statewide fund for the survivors of public safety officers who have given their lives in the line of duty, in service to their fellow citizens. A public safety officer is a person serving a public agency in an official capacity as a law enforcement officer, firefighter, or member of a public rescue squad or ambulance crew. Law enforcement officers include, but are not limited to police, corrections, probation, parole, highways, conservation and judicial officers.
Since the fund’s inception in 2000, 102 men and women have sacrificed their lives in the service to citizens of Missouri. Through your efforts and participation, the Missouri 10-33 Benevolent Fund can continue its mission of helping families who have lost loved ones in the line of duty.
P&P Team Left to Right: District 26-Fulton Unit Supervisor Carl Bimm, District 6-Columbia District Administrator Jared Drummond, District 27-Jefferson City District Administrator Vince Rost, Former DOC Director Gary Kempker and Former Governor and tournament founder Roger Wilson.
DA Vince Rost commented, "According to Gary Kempker, the tournament transitioned from Roger Wilson’s Annual Campaign Fundraiser when he no longer planned on running for office. Because Roger cared about assisting public servants in our line of work, he decided to start the tournament as a fundraiser for the 10-33 Benevolent Fun." Vince went on to state, "Even though we didn't win anything, we had a great time!"
District 6 PPO Nicole Reed shared the following message she received from a client that completed the ICTS Program:
My name is D.S.. I recently completed two years of probation under the supervision of PPO Nathan Whitehead and PPO Nicole Reed (Boone County). My experience under the both of them was nothing short of great. They did an excellent job supporting my development, encouraging me along the way, and celebrating my success. My experience with those two and the ICTS program had a huge positive impact on my life and I’m very grateful for that.
Great Work Nathan and Nicole!
 P&P Pre-Service Graduates from the Eastern Region. Congratulations to All!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 1: Unit Supervisor Scott Adams
District 10N: DA James Long
District 10R: Unit Supervisor Nikki Donohue
District 16: PPO Anthony Anderson
District 18: DA Andrea Applebury
WERDCC IPO Office: PPO Roxane Gaston and PPO Deanna Laird
Congratulations to All!
 P&P Pre-Service Graduates from the Central and Western Regions. Congratulations to All!
For many years BI’s Account Manager made bi-annual office visits to discuss Electronic Monitoring (EM)equipment issues, answer questions, and provide training. BI’s new Account Manager Randy Thompson assumed this role in March of 2020 just as the pandemic was impacting our state. This put a halt to the site visits. In July 2020, the PPA team agreed that Randy should attend district staff meetings twice a year via video conference to conduct trainings, demonstrate equipment, and answer any questions. Pictured is Randy conducting a Zoom Meeting with District 30 staff in Nevada. |
 The MSECC Campaign runs August 26, 2020-November 30, 2020.
What do I do when the person on my caseload does not show up in the ORAS Automation System?
First- did you search both active and inactive at your location. Offender Tab, Click List, Click Filter, change to “Select All”, scroll to bottom and search by DOC # in Unique ID field.
Ok- I did that, still not showing up. Now what do I do?
Follow the guidelines provided under #14 of the ORAS and Case Management FAQ (K-Drive Case Management folder).
First step should always be to submit the ticket to ITSD (Report an Issue/Application Support/DOC/ORA). Once you receive the response with the location, you can proceed with submitting your scoring sheet for entry to DOC.ORAS.ENTRY.
Some tips for submitting:
- Use only the fillable scoring sheet found in the K-Drive CASE MANAGEMENT folder.
- Provide appropriate information in Notes and Overall Impression (see ORAS Automation Manual in the K-Drive CASE MANAGEMENT folder).
- Make sure to name the attachment by Offender Name and DOC#.
- Include current location in ORAS Automation System in your email.
Any Assessment Outcome or Override to add? Note this in the email, but please be specific as those entering assessments may not always be familiar with P&P practices. For instance:
- This female offender should have an override, so in the email- Please add override to Low/Mod with reason PAROLEE.
- This male is a sex offender- Please add Assessment Outcome of Sex Offender.
Following these tips will lead to a faster response time in receiving a copy of the completed assessment.
Missouri Department of Corrections-Improving Lives for a Safer Community
Editor: Sharon Dunn, Special Projects Administrator