District 8E staff are purposely seeking ways to stay connected to their co-workers while telecommuting. Activities have included:
- Displaying a "P&P Going Strong" poster in a window above the entrance that staff can visually see when they report to the office.
- Doing morning check-in's, so staff have the opportunity to converse with each other, by sending words of encouragement with cute emojis.
- The District designated a specific “Tennis Shoe Tuesday” where staff take a photo of their tennis shoes and share with staff.
- Staff participate in some form of exercise/movement and drink 8 ounces of water the last five minutes of every hour.
 On April 30, 2020, District 22 Probation and Parole held a "Drive In Report Day". PPO's conducted SmartLINK enrollments and completed ORAS Assessments with their clients.
District 8S PPO Jeff Robson giving a "thumbs up" on his report day! |
District 4C P&P Officer Megan Mitchell volunteered her time to help at the Fellowship Church helping serve hot ready meals for those in need. |
 District 24 District Administrator Cicely Riley gathered her staff and their children for a “Back to Work” new normal Ice Cream Social in response to staff sharing how much they were missing each other. The event was held on the parking lot of the district. During the gathering, Cicley announced the procedure for the opening to the public on May 4, 2020. She also shared information regarding upcoming changes to the district. Staff responded with excitement!
On April 8, 2020, District 23 Personnel Club came together and made movie night goodie bags for staff. They felt everyone needed a positive reason to stay inside and a movie night was perfect. Each employee was given two sodas, two candy bars and a bag of microwave popcorn to enjoy. They hoped to encourage social distancing while bringing the family closer together in these difficulty times. |
During these unprecedented times, the District 6 Personnel Committee set time aside on a beautiful spring day to show their appreciation to staff. On May 7 2020, PPO Jesse Hodgson and PPO Sherry Poeppe delivered an ice cream treat to the team member’s work-site just to show their appreciation. As numerous personnel are working from home, this was a great opportunity to see a colleague and friendly face while saying “thank you” for their hard work. Pictured are Jesse and Unit Supervisor Kristi Lockwood.
District 24 PPO's Drew Testerman, Korrie Bolin, and Thomas McDonald scheduled a day report day for their clients in the District 24 parking lot. They were equipped with laptops, cell phones, PPE's, and a generator to continue serving the needs of the clients as well as preserving the safety of the community. The clients simply drove up to their officers, while continuing to social distance, and participated in a productive reporting process. One client stated he appreciated the efforts of his officer to ensure his supervision was not ignored during the current crisis.
District Administrator Cicely Riley commented, "These officers have shown dedication to the job and demonstrated that our daily tasks can be done in a creative way while still upholding the mission of the Department! FIST PUMPS to the officers of District 24 and throughout the State of Missouri for their continued hard work!"
On 5/21/2020, the Platte County DWI Court held their graduation via Zoom! Just another innovative idea put into place in order to continue business and recognize clients that successfully completed the program. |
On 05/15/2020, District EP Unit Supervisor CarolLyree Price and PPO Kaitlyn Hein delivered lunch and dessert to employees of the 3rd and 4th Districts of the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Central Patrol Division in appreciation of their service and recognition of Peace Officer Memorial Day.
In recognition of Peace Officer Memorial Day, District 8E staff treated the St. Louis County North 1st Precinct to lunch. District Administrator Cynthia Collier commented, "We were mindful to purchase from a local pizzeria to support a small business. It goes without saying Captain Cunningham and his Officers were very appreciative. They could have probably benefitted from PPE equipment. This small gesture was done on behalf of District 8E and District 8N. District 8N treated the Jennings Police Department to fruit and veggie trays on behalf of both districts. Thanks to all that made this happen."
Amber Johnston and Cyndi Mercer, PPO's at District 11, discussed the fact that many of the clients under supervision work in industries highly impacted by lay-offs related to social distancing requirements due to COVID-19. They proposed that staff come together and gather non-perishable food, pet items and hygiene items for distribution to clients.
April 22, 2020, P&P celebrated Administrative Professionals Day. Director Julie Kempker commented, "Happy Administrative Professionals Day to all of you! The job of a clerical, administrative assistant, SOSA, OSA….whatever your title may be – you are so important to so many. Please do not ever think your hard work and dedication does not go unnoticed because we could not do the work we do every day without you! Thank you for everything you do. I hope you have a great day!"
District 18 staff treated SOSA Ruth Hughes and OSA Brenda Treece to a lunch of pulled pork and turkey. Sides included a seven layer salad, devilled eggs and a carrot cake. Each received a beautiful hanging flower basket. |
The management team at District 3 presented SOSA Sherri Graham with flowers and an Amazon gift card. District Administrator Kevin Knickerbocker commented, "We very much appreciate Sherri’s expertise, dedication and hard work especially during this difficult time. Sherri has proven over the years to be a valued member of the management team. Thank you Sherri for everything you do!"
Mary Long, Unit Supervisor at District 23, shared the following:
"When we were first told about COVID19 (The Rona) as we call it down south, I really never imagined I would be managing my life and managing staff through a global pandemic. At first I thought it was strictly political, because I usually think everything is a conspiracy any way. Then I blamed the media, which I also do a lot because, well, they just over inflate everything and this time they caused panic when there was really no need to. But, that’s just “the world according to Mares.” Then something started to happen….
I started hearing phrases like “social distancing” and “telecommuting”, and “Stay At Home Order.” Then as I was watching Governor Parson I wondered, “Are we going to get put on lockdown? I heard rumors of the National Guard coming to town and we were going to be under Marshall Law? Then I thought, I’ll never be able to get a roll of toilet paper if that happens. Not to mention no one knows what day of the week it is anymore.
I do know I did not and do not envy Governor Parson. I would hate to be the single person responsible for making a decision for 6 million people, you know why? Because inevitably you are going to upset three million either way you go. But I kept watching the Governor’s updates. Then it happened!!!! The Stay At Home Order was announced and now we get to work from home! It was decided I could work half days at home and half days at the office. Oh, but wait a minute, I really should be at work. I can’t wake up and be at work, that’s weird. The office is where you go to work. It’s always been that way. (A very very dangerous phrase and mindset. Again, it’s the world according to Mares. It really is a neat little world.) Truth is, it’s hard for me not to have a place to get up and go to to work. I heard at the beginning that it was great, and it may very well still be, but then something started happening again.
Probation and Parole Officers started doing what P&P officers always do: The most they can with what they have. (And they made it work.) There was no pilot project, no test run, just "BAM" we're telecommuting now. Officers got Google Voice numbers and created P&P Facebook pages, started using ZOOM to meet with clients and it really was a benefit. Offenders didn’t have to get gas money, or hire babysitters, or depend on a ride that wouldn’t show up. A phone call and a facetime and boom, jobs done. Then the new kind of started to wear off, then something else began to happen…we started to miss each other.
At some point we realized, as an office, we needed each other more than we ever thought we did. More than we ever thought we would. But yeah, we missed each other. People did and do truly want to work. There are years and years of comradery, friendships, laughter and tears in this office. We’ve all leaned on each other, but it started to get hard when no one was here. So yeah, we really are a family.
Good things have come from this pandemic. I won’t deny that. Officers became more accessible to offenders, we became strong and pushed through because being strong was our only option. We started doing things that work and not because “We’ve always done them that way.” Structure dictates function, change the structure…you change the function. I think that applies in our case.
I believe we will come out stronger at the end of this. Probation and Parole has always made the most out of having nothing. P&P has always made it work. Why? Because that’s what P&P does. (I think it’s in our blood. Maybe they chip us at birth, IDK). P&P are the everyday hero’s no one talks about, no one notices until they need something. The thing is, we’ve always been. I believe we still are.
When this is over and things begin to settle down and level off, we’ll realize there really isn’t anything to watch on T.V. anymore, we eventually did get sick of our phones and social media, quarantine weight shouldn’t count, yeah we need each other, and we rose to the challenge. We rose in an absolute champion fashion. We got the job done, we always will. Probation and Parole staff really dedicated, loyal, and strong. So here’s to P&P…the everyday heroes, Stay Strong."
During National Crime Victims' Rights Week, the Western Region donated stuffed animals to the Kansas City Police Department for them to give to children when they report to scenes.
Great Job Western Region!
Erica Bickell was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 26 in Fulton. Congratulations Erica! |
Niki Nuccio was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 10R in Springfield. Congratulations Niki! |
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 2: PPO Matayla Hughes
District 10R: SOSA Denise Dawson
District 12: PPO Kelly Dement, CTO Maureen West, CTO Aaron Starkey, CTO Kyle Smith, CTO Debbie Gross, CTO Marshall Kemp, CTO James Callahan, CTO Cathy Crick, CTO John Sitzes, CTO Rhonda Roberts, PPA Cody Badeaux, PPA Cierra Meyers, PPA Mary Thorne, PPA Bryan Pollock, PPA Ken Goad, and PPA Dillion Frost.
District 19: PPO Amy Stonfer, PPO Derek McFerrin, SOSA Kymberlee Higginbotham and OSA Brittany Zegers
Isaac Chaney, Intern at District 2, received a Distinguished Service Award. Isaac was nominated by PPO Michael O'Neal. Michael wrote, "Isaac is an unpaid intern preparing to complete his second internship in May 2020, when he graduates with a BS at Missouri Western State University. Since starting his second internship with us in January 2020, he has been an extremely valuable asset not with just one county office, but for District 2 entirely. Recently, District 2 has suffered the short staff bug. As Isaac is extremely reliable, a quick learner and gets along with everyone, he has been asked by multiple Probation & Parole Officers and even a Unit Supervisor to help in multiple counties. Isaac has always responded in an upbeat, positive and helpful manner. No matter what task he is asked to perform, he completes the task respectfully, quickly and at a professional standard. Isaac has assisted officers with their criminal law days in at least three different counties, in prepping for court, setting in and helping at court as well as helping with completing paperwork after court. When staff have transferred into new offices and roles, he has assisted in helping officers catch up on filing of paperwork, meeting with clients and answering phone calls when officers are tied up with other tasks. Needless to say, Isaac has been instrumental in helping keep multiple District 2 offices running smoothly. It should be noted, that in order to assist in multiple counties, Isaac on his own was willing to and did drive to offices that were an hour one way for him. Isaac never once complained about the location nor the distances he would go, in order to help staff. Isaac was and has always been very eager to lend a helping hand to any staff member. Several staff members, including myself, have made selfish comments about how we don't look forward to Isaac graduating from college this Spring. This is due to when he graduates and finishes his internship, we don't feel like we're losing an intern, but that we're losing a valuable staff member." Isaac is pictured on the left with Michael.
Congratulations Isaac!
Melissa Atteberry, AOSA to the Western Zone Deputy Director Jamie Liakos, was chosen as the Western Region Employee of the Month for July 2019. The nomination read:
"Melissa has taken time away from her regular duties as an AOSA for the Deputy Division Director, on more than one occasion, to get clerical caught up. Recently, in the absence of a SOSA, Melissa has been available to manage and assist clerical by answering questions, along with assisting with regular procedures. Without hesitation, she has dropped everything to help another district to train a new clerical staff on entering warrants. Melissa has been invaluable with her assistance and she deserves to be recognized for going above and beyond."
Congratulations Melissa!
Del Tate, District 11 OSA, was chosen at the Northeast Region Employee of the Month for December 2019. Del was nominated by SOSA Ashley Golden. Ashley wrote, "Del is an invaluable employee at District 11 Probation and Parole. He is dedicated to his job, cares about his work performance, and comes to work every day prepared to produce a high quality product. Recently I was reminded of how much I have come to rely on Del as a member of my team. Clerical were experiencing a shortage and I had requested of Del to change his work schedule, train a new clerical, AND carry additional officers on his workload. He accepted all of this responsibility and I have not heard him groan nor see him skip a beat. When my father passed away and the thought came through my mind about what I would do about taking care of things of work, that thought was quickly replaced with, "I know that Del has it covered." To subconsciously have that much faith and confidence in Del, especially when going through a shortage or a difficult time, displays the consistent character and reputation that he possesses at the work site. I am thankful for him and aim to show him the appreciation that he deserves.
His dependability was further exampled with Del having to take on additional duties as I train the Corrections Way as an Adjunct Trainer. This duty takes me away from the office frequently, and Del is always the "go to" person during that time." Congratulations Del!
The OSMI/CMHT Summit was held on May 4, 2020, via Zoom.
This Summit included Missouri Department of Mental Health, Missouri Department of Corrections, Corizon Health, and Missouri Coalition for Community Behavioral Healthcare.
Covid-19 did not stop the OSMI/CMHT Summit from happening according to schedule. It was held via Zoom. There were at least 65 participants on the call.
The Spotlight was Mental Health Services in Missouri Department of Corrections , in addition to an OSMI/CMHT referral and treatment Process flow chart, Workgroup Spreadsheet, COVID-19 changes, and an open forum.
The JRI-Treatment Program (TP) will be expanded to District 11, District 12, District 27 and District 29 and covering the counties of Cole, Pettis, Phelps, Pulaski and St. Francois. In May 2020, the expansion districts began screening their caseloads to determine appropriate referrals, with the goal being to identify and refer 25% of the expected average daily population no later than June 1, 2020. The goal is for the potential JRI-TP clients to have been referred to the provider and to have received their clinical assessment from the provider in the month of June, with full service delivery to begin on July 1, 2020. |
W.W. served 27 years in DOC for Assault 1st and ACA. While incarcerated he completed a Culinary Arts program where he was connected with the owners of a restaurant, Symbowls, who hired him immediately upon being paroled. W.W. also applied to Criminal Justice Ministries Release to Rent program, was accepted and paroled to it in October 2019. A few months after being paroled, he was provided the opportunity to do a podcast with Art & Jennifer (TV/radio personalities w/550 KTRS) to discuss his time incarcerated and his plans for the future. In late March, I spoke to W.W.'s employer and was informed that they had to shut down the restaurant and let W.W. go due to COVID-19. As his boss told me the news, she cried and spoke very highly of W.W. and how difficult it was to let him go. W.W. went on to successfully complete CJM’s program. He is currently attending Connections for Success and looking for employment. W.W. has shown nothing but progress and growth while on supervision, even when life became difficult due to COVID-19. His attitude and outlook for the future have remained positive, and he continues to succeed!
W.W. shared a picture of his interview with Art and Jennifer along with an message of thanks to PPO Stacy Deaton for her guidance and support. District Administrator Shaynon Carter commented, "This is an example of how staff play a vital role in improving the lives of our clients to ensure safer communities! Such a wonderful success story!"
The following was shared by District 23 PPO Julee Hendershot:
"On 5/14/2020, my client T.M., reported as directed as I wanted to follow up on her progress and completion of the Fulton CSC program. T.M. arrived for intake at the District 26 Fulton CSC on 01/23/2020 and successfully graduated from the program on 05/13/2020.
Upon asking T.M. for her thoughts, comments and/or suggestions regarding the Fulton CSC program, she stated, “The program saved my life. I get to see my kids and stuff now.” T.M was much more aware of resources available to her and has goals that she brought up on her own that she wants to complete, like getting her GED, a job and building a relationship with her children. Since her time at the Fulton CSC she has made an effort to pay child support and reports she was able to see her kids on 5/13/2020 for the first time in six years. She seemed very optimistic about her future and wants to explore options like possibly becoming a Peer Support Specialist at FCC.
Additionally, T.M. reported to me she received four certificates while at the Fulton CSC, including certificates for the 12 Step Program and Bad Relationships. She also stated that one of the classes she took at the CSC she believes will count for her SATOP requirement and is going to look into that as she wants to make efforts to get her license back.
T.M.'s time at the Fulton CSC has been extremely beneficial and positive for her. She seems like a different person now and has a lot more hope for her future. Her time there has made a tremendous impact on her. As her PPO, I am so glad we have such an amazing resource like Fulton CSC, to offer to our females that are on supervision."
On April 30, 2020, District 16 PPO II Phil McKernan retired after 27 years of dedicated service to the Missouri Department of Corrections. Congratulations Phil!
Why are ORAS User Reviews important?
This is a tool to capture data on ORAS, but also a tool for supervisors and staff to use to increase our knowledge base and become proficient in assessment and case planning. As supervisors, these should be shared with staff. As staff, you should expect to have discussions regarding the User Review. This is all to help us become better as an agency with our assessment tool. Better assessments lead to better case plans, which leads to increased client success.