Laura Avila, PPO at District 7B, is completing her ORAS using video through Facebook Messenger. Laura commented, "The interview went really well and I got through everything. I set up a professional Facebook account using the guidelines outlined by Probation and Parole. I send the link to my professional profile to my client through a text message (using the TextNow app) and my client was able to quickly access my profile. My client then sent me a message through Facebook messenger and then I was able to video call him."
Amber Johnston, PPO at District 11, took it upon herself to set up a Goggle Voice phone number for her clients to contact her. She typed up instructions on how to set up an account and shared this information with her supervisor to share with others.
Cyndi Mercer, PPO at District 11, took it upon herself to ensure staff safety by disinfecting everyone’s office space by wiping down desks, phones, and chairs when she comes into the office, at least once per week.
Kristen Klein, Unit Supervisor at District 12, created a Staff Awareness and Education Power Point on Coronavirus/COVID-19 to share with staff and clients.
Will Dixon, Unit Supervisor at District 26, created cheat sheets on how staff can share their computer screens via Cisco Jabber, WebEx and Zoom. This is very helpful when training and coaching staff.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Command Center staff split into two teams and established a secondary work location in the conference room at District 27 in Jefferson City. This was done to limit the exposure to the Command Center should a team member be affected by the virus. Staff at both sites are working together to answer calls and investigate Electronic Monitoring alerts, constantly communicating with each other through instant messaging, phone calls and emails, to ensure there is no reduction in service and community safety is not adversely affected. Not only has this been a remarkable demonstration of teamwork by all staff in the Command Center, but also by the District 27 staff that have assisted in providing all of the arrangements needed to setup a temporary work location. Pictured are PPA II Bryan Donley and PPA I Jerry McGhee.
 District 12 in Farmington boasts some amazing community partners. During the COVID-19 crisis two partners have shown exceptional support for staff and residents. The GAP Ministry (lower picture above) provides a Conquering Addiction program for CSC residents along with emergency funding for those needing medications. During this time of crisis the GAP team worked to ensure clients have access to spiritual outlets, especially during the Easter holiday. They provided DVDs and online church services, and called to check-in on the health and well-being of both staff and residents.
Another partner, the West County Community Hope Center run by Ken and Betty McIntyre (pictured top left), showed exceptional support for District 12 when they reached out to their partnering agencies and church groups and provided 56 volunteer-made masks for residents and staff. On the top right, two District 12 employees display the masks. Betty stated “Our volunteers and partnerships with other non-profits and agencies in the area allows us to serve the needs of the community more effectively.” The center has also provided funding for residents to obtain necessary medications when other sources were not available. Both groups are always more than willing to give aid and support in any way they can. During these difficult times, having partners like these provides staff and clients the strength and hope to push through.
In addition to the above, The Bridge Community Church shared several Easter services online to the residents at the District 12 CSC. They also dropped off movies for the residents to watch.
Uncertain times call for certain courage. However, there may have been some days many of us would rather have stayed in bed and tried to ride out the waves of chaos and confusion while hidden away underneath the security of our blankets. The reality is, most of us do not have that luxury. A good many of us must leave the safety of our homes to continue to take care of essential business such as keeping our communities safe, treating the sick or providing other essential services to our fellow citizens. Whether you are quarantined at home or out there on the front lines, we can continue to practice certain actions to help shore up the walls of our resiliency. Building resiliency helps us avoid the pit of despair and thwarts our natural propensity to behave out of fear. The definition of resiliency is the “ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions and the ability to bounce back.” In order to thrive amidst crisis, we must take care of ourselves first.
First, we cannot operate effectively when our own tank is on empty. Trying to work and take care of your family on an empty tank is equivalent to trying to drive a vehicle without gasoline. Research shows when we balance our time and energy across four specific domains of our lives (mental, physical, spiritual and social) we build resiliency and reduce the chance that we will be adversely affected by stress. We know this! We have seen people adapt and thrive in these areas over the last month. So attend that virtual church service or Bible study! Join in the virtual family game night via Zoom! Dust off those bicycles from the rafters! Whatever it is that pours energy back into you, adapt and do it! So many creative ideas are born every day during this global epidemic, many of which are exciting and refreshing. We all need to fill up our tanks across those four life domains.
Secondly, what’s your purpose? The Headington Institute (an organization inspired to help first responders build resiliency) established core components for building resiliency by using reflective questions.
- Research shows that when we take the time to define our purpose, whether it is specific to work or in general, we will increase our job satisfaction and decrease our compassion fatigue.Take time and jot one purpose down. Tweak your personal purpose statement as needed.
- To help you define your purpose you can also ask yourself: What brings you joy? What are your strengths? Our purpose statement will serve us well on those days where we ask ourselves, “What am I doing here?” Our purpose statement will remind us!
Finally, we need to get our minds off of ourselves. If we want to build resiliency, we need to get our mind off of our own problems and concerns and spend much less time worrying about what we cannot control. We need to divert that wasted anxious energy into those areas where we can make a difference. Just pause for a second and look around. Who is worse off than you right now? Whom can you help? There is always someone worse off than us. From the simplest of kind acts to the grand gestures of helping someone put food on the table, there are people who need help. Whose life you could you positively impact? Research says that it is indeed better to give than to receive for we report feelings of elevated happiness when we give. When you focus on helping people in your corner of the world and she focuses on helping people in her corner of the world and I focus on helping people in my corner of the world, well, pretty soon we have a revolution of something very good happening worldwide.
There is no doubt we will be shaped by these uncertain times. Perhaps we will be shaped into better people who are more compassionate, more empathetic and more aware of the needs of those around us. On the other side of the COVID-19 crisis, and maybe for years to come, we will not likely take for granted the joy of a packed pew on a Sunday morning or the sweet sound of children’s laughter wafting from a nearby playground. Over the course of the last several weeks, we all have witnessed the resiliency and courage from our fellow colleagues who have rolled with the punches, adapted ever-so-quickly and who have remained on the front lines getting the job done. Collectively, we have not been merely surviving but thriving amidst crisis. I have never been more proud to be a Missouri Department of Correction’s employee. Let’s make sure we are taking care of ourselves and each other. We are in this together.
Information contained in this article was borrowed from Building Resiliency; Surviving Secondary Trauma by the KCPD & Truman Medical Center
The St. Charles County MU Extension is offering the Taking Care of You Zoom series, presented by Allene Gremaud, Field Specialist in Nutrition and Health. Fees for the series are being waived through June 30 to provide support and resources for stress management during this challenging time.This is a multi-session program offering practical strategies and experiences to help you deal with the stress in your life and manage life's challenges in a healthy way go to:
Melanie Hare was promoted to PPO III at District 29 in Sedalia! Congratulations Melanie! |
Tamara Johnson was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 8 East in St. Louis. Congratulations Tamara! |
Kimberly Allen, PPO at District 12 in Farmington, shared the following testimony regarding the use of the ORAS and the MOMM.
"When the ORAS and the Missouri Offender Management Matrix was first introduced, I was skeptical and struggled to maintain a positive outlook. I was not a fan to say the least. For several months after completing a CST, I complained to the ORAS trainer about the way the assessment questions were worded and I had all but decided this tool would fail. And once the Missouri Offender Management Matrix was introduced along with Motivation Survey, my thoughts were even more negative. I could not make sense of the MOMM and definitely did not see how it was going to increase compliance and decrease the recidivism rate. I felt overwhelmed, I felt as if I was failing as an officer. For the first time in 20 years with the Department of Corrections I was unhappy with my job, I had never been so negative, I felt my job performance was below par and a comfortable “flow” or “routine” was unattainable.
However, after approximately 12 months of utilizing the ORAS and MOMM, I noticed that fewer citations and violations were being issued, there was an increase in positive communication and compliance. I continue to experience more compliance in areas such as reporting, treatment and program attendance, and voluntary admission to drug use. There is an increase in communication from my clients via telephone and office visits. I have once again found routine and confidence in myself and my ability to perform my job. I have found that comfortable “flow/routine” again. I see a positive change in several of my clients who have at one time been the most challenging.
It took several months of utilizing the new supervision model and tools for me to see it come “full circle”, which is when I realized “WOW” this finally makes sense and its working. The new supervision model has proven to be effective. It’s very rewarding to see the positive changes my clients are making and in many cases an increase in their confidence and self-esteem."
P&P Quality Control Coordinators Shelly Graf and Chantelle Smith, along with Assistant Division Director Todd Schwent, have been providing an additional level of guidance for current supervisors and newly promoted supervisors (PPO III and Unit Supervisor) regarding the proper steps to take when completing the ORAS User Reviews and reviewing case plans through Zoom meetings. Todd commented, "We feel it’s extremely important at this point that we provide guidance and support to the supervisory staff throughout the state."
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
FRDC IPO Office: PPO Mary Gaines
District 10R: PPO Angie Atwell and PPO Holly Freeman
District 11: PPO Amber Johnston and Cyndi Mercer
On April 17, 2020, PPO Angie Shanks was presented the District 11 Employee of the 1st Quarter-2020 during a staff meeting conference call.
Congratulations Angie!
District 7C PPO Scott Downs was chosen at the Eastern Region Employee of the Month for July 2019. Scott has a passion for helping his clients and often goes above and beyond to assist getting them the help they need including staying late to resolve urgent issues. Scott also served as a liaison for the College Hill Neighborhood Accountability Board and fostered a strong relationship with the St. Paul church there where they have provided space for PPO's to see their clients. Scott is pictured with DA Valorie Sparks.
Congratulations Scott!
District 7C SOSA Shona Howard was awarded the Eastern Region Employee of the Month for December 2019. Shona is a "driver" by way of her communication style and work ethic. She is someone that can be counted on to move forward with whatever is needed to get the job done. Shona was nominated for her ability to work through changes, adjust, take on extra tasks with a high level of enthusiasm, covering clerical needs for other districts without being asked to do so, and displaying outstanding leadership!
Congratulations Shona!
Jenifer Hamm, PPO at District 8C in St. Louis, shared the following email she sent NECC IPO Brook Gurth:
"On March 31, 2020, client F.P. was released from DOC. Today I was reviewing his information to determine reporting and behaviors to address. I went to the ORAS, and to my joyous delight a Prison Intake Tool (PIT) had been completed in December by you. Upon reviewing the PIT I was able to obtain a ton of important detailed information due to your hard work and diligence. Thank you so much for putting the time in. I truly know how challenging it is to gather all that information and put it in a concise detailed report. Because of your hard work I will be able to jump right in and find the issues to address with the client. I will also know what negative behaviors to look for in order to effectively supervise him. Thank you again for your detailed hard work. It is acknowledged and appreciated."
Brook commented, "I’ve been in my position since December 2019, and was taught well how to administer the PIT by my coworkers here at NECC."
When the ORAS was launched at District 14 in Sikeston, staff decided it was the perfect time to create a District Storyboard. Unit Supervisor Jeannie Lejeune, PPO Shelley Carter, PPO Hillary Stinnett, PPO Tori Caldwell, and Unit Supervisor Danice Thomas teamed up to create a board that would track the district's progress in completing ORAS assessments. The team was inspired by "The Price is Right" Cliffhangers Game and created a storyboard with a mountain climber tracking the progress of ORAS completions. The mountain climber has continued to climb the mountain as more assessments have been completed by the district staff. Great Job District 14!
On April 1, 2020, District 7 Unit Supervisor Terri Broleman retired after 31 years of service with the Division of Probation and Parole. Terri Broleman began her career with P&P at District 7S and then later on promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 7C. Terri served on the Manual Work Group for many years, served as the District 7C Social Committee Chair, coordinated many team building events, coordinated the YMCA Resource Fair in O’Fallon Park, served as an ORAS trainer, and offered her calm demeanor when serving as a Lead Supervisor for District 7C. Terri is an analytical to the fullest and often sees what others overlook.
Thank you Terri for your service and dedication over the years, and congratulations on your retirement!
On May 1, 2020, Unit Supervisor Alice O’Connor is ending her career with P&P after 28 years of service within Districts 12, 7N, 8S and finally 7C. Alice has supervised a variety of caseloads and served on the EPA Committee, Restitution, Court Cost and Community Service Committee, served as a College Hills Neighborhood Accountability Board liaison, served as an ORAS trainer, served as a Corrections Way Coach, attended numerous community meetings and chaired the Eastern Region Wellness Committee. She is an expressive by nature and loves to get involved in the community.
Thank you Alice for your leadership and congratulations on your retirement!
Documentation of Assessment and Case planning is important. Where do I document?
For documentation in the assessment, refer to the ORAS Automation Manual and examples located in the CASE MANAGEMENT folder. It clearly defines what to document in Overall Impression section, Assessment Outcomes for supervision enhancements, and how best to use the Notes section for documentation. The key is not to duplicate work, but to provide basic notation for others to see.
Policy 3-2.3 can guide you in correctly documenting the assessment and case planning within ARB. Some specifics to note:
- The PPO shall document in the Automated Road Book (ARB), utilizing the “PLN” contact type, when the CST or CSST was completed and the client’s Risk Level.
- For clients scoring Low Risk on the CST (not to include specialized caseloads, treatment programing, or other supervision enhancements), CSST, or where a local court rule prohibits the supervision of a client at the Low Risk Level, the PPO shall document in the Automated Road Book (ARB), within 60 days of being placed on supervision, the following:
- Referrals and resources provided to the client, and
- Special conditions which require tracking by the PPO.
- The PPO shall document in the Automated Road Book (ARB), utilizing the “PLN” contact type, when the case plan was developed, reviewed and signed by the client.