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P&P Show Me Newsletter-April 2020
In an effort to increase client employment efforts, District 6 in Columbia partners with LaborMax Staffing to conduct on-site interviews and begin pre-employment paperwork for potential employees. LaborMax is a temp-hire agency that contracts with several local factories to assist with job placement. LaborMax staff come to the District 6 office the last Thursday of the month to meet with potential employees and enroll them in LaborMax’s database. Pictured is LaborMax employee, Bryson Merrick, and District 6 client, Marc Smith.
In February of 2020, District 25 in Poplar Bluff started one of its most exciting collaborations ever, partnering with Three Rivers College to offer an onsite commercial driver’s license class for clients at the Poplar Bluff Community Supervision Center. They started with a small class of six students for their first adventure into this, and they are proud to report all six are still in the five week 200 hour long program. All of the students (five male and one female) have also just recently passed their initial permit test. In addition to text work, students train on a $150,000 electronic simulator that not only mimics driving an 18 wheeler, from double clutching to making tight turns on city streets, but also can throw unexpected obstacles at students from slick roads to “electronic deer” jumping out in front of the driver at the instructors command.
District Administrator James Berry commented, "Our first attempt at this has been so successful, that a new class has already been scheduled to begin in March of 2020! While employment rates need to be measured, and clients getting “a job” are important steps, the prospect of us assisting clients into a relatively high paying career is so exciting. This is truly a chance not only for a client to achieve something far beyond their expectations, but generational change for entire families."
District 25 would like to thank Three Rivers College and its Workforce Development Director Will Cooper for pushing this program through, and Probation and Parole Officer Heather Liszewski for acting as a coordinator in getting the program up and running. District officers have also done a great job pouring through caseloads to find the best possible candidates. Please stay tuned for graduation news, and the new classes that will be bigger and better than ever!
On January 21, 2020, District 2 in Cameron Probation & Parole Officer Laurette Wigal lost her entire house due to a fire. She not only lost her house, but all the contents. On January 30, 2020, the Correctional Peace Officers Foundation (CPOF)assisted Laurette with a $500.00 contribution to assist her with living expenses. Laurette would like to express her sincere appreciation to all that helped her during this difficult time. She was very grateful to the CPOF for their generous assistance. Pictured is District 2 District Administrator Chad Smith presenting the check to Laurette.
Katherine "Danice" Thomas was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 14 in Sikeston. Congratulations Danice! |
Lisa Nelson was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 13 in West Plains. Congratulations Lisa! |
Latrice Tate has accepted the position of Regional Training Coordinator at P&P Central Office. Congratulations Latrice! |
Jennifer Grierson was promoted to PPO III at District 7B in St. Louis. Congratulations Jennifer! |
Joseph Spence was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 7 South in St. Louis. Congratulations Joseph! |
Richard Bland was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 7B-Free and Clean in St. Louis. Congratulations Richard! |
Amber Reasoner was promoted to SOSA at District 30 in Nevada. Congratulations Amber! |
Sarah Malhiwski was promoted to SOSA in the WRDCC Parole Office. Congratulations Sarah! |
Sarah Jensen was promoted to the Corrections Training Officer at TCSTL. Congratulations Sarah! |
Stephanie Day was promoted to PPO III at the WERDCC IPO Office. Congratulations Stephanie! |
Hannah Jarrett was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 10N in Springfield. Congratulations Hannah! |
Kelsey Ybarra was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 11 in Rolla. Congratulations Kelsey! |
Confined clients have often referred to their time in the community as “the streets”. Institutional Parole Officers (IPO) have rarely had the opportunity, outside of formal training, to interact with field staff and to come together to discuss issues and processes affecting them both. With the Role of the IPO changing significantly, staff are being given the opportunity to peek into each other’s worlds to gain a different perspective and increase communication. Below are two examples of IPO and District offices coming together.
On February 27, 2020, PPO II John Klamert and DA Kelly Peterie-Kissick presented at a “lunch-n-learn” at District 4C in Kansas City via an invitation from DA Jamie DuChaine. Regional Administrator Kim Hubbard-Stewart and staff from District 19 in Liberty joined as well. The topic of conversation included a review of Board Hold/Parole Violator policies, FAQ about warrants and confined clients, clerical responses to Board Staff Advisories and how the Board Hold/PV process takes place once an offender is returned to a Diagnostic Center. It seems the information was well received and there are plans in place to visit other districts in the near future.
Field staff have also been attending parole hearings and job shadowing at WRDCC. The months of February and March, Unit Supervisor Sara Geelan arranged for PPO's Lynn Berry, Andrew Couch, Tamera Jenkins, Jodie Ebersole, Deb Maguire, Michael Stowers and Tyrone (Rodger) Watkins to spend a day at WRDCC to gain more insight into the processing of clients returned for revocation and to see more of the IPO Role in supervision and the client’s success.
These opportunities have been rewarding for all staff involved! We encourage you to think about a “field” trip or lunch-n-learn in your area.
February 17-March 6, 2020, South Central Correctional Center (SCCC) staff and the Institutional Parole Office held a diaper and baby sleeper drive for the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) in Mountain Grove. The PRC is a non-profit that assists mothers, couples, and placement homes with parenting classes and items of necessity when in need. On March 10, 2020, the donated items were delivered. Pictured are Abby Boatright, PRC Assistant Director and Aaron Jarrett, P&P Unit Supervisor, SCCC. |
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 2: PPO Laurette Wigal
District 10-R: PPO Holly Freeman and PPO Angie Atwell
District 12: PPO Jennifer Jones, PPO Keith Groom and PPA Cody Badeaux
District 29: PPO Dave White
WRDCC: PPO Sharon Smith, PPO John Klamert, PPO Tabetha Filbert, and PPO Brian Tripp
On February 27, 2020, Jamie Liakos, Deputy Director for the Western Zone, delivered the Probation and Parole Divisional Employee of the 3rd Quarter Award to District 20-Camdenton Probation and Parole Officer Ellen Newell. The nomination was submitted by District 20 District Administrator Tena Riley, in recognition of the extra effort Ellen puts forth in addition to her assigned duties. The nomination stated: “Ellen established four clear storage dressers full of hygiene products and basic needs, suit cases, a resource center of all community resources available to her clients. These are a just a few things that Ellen Newell has made available to her clients every report day in Richland. She has partnered with a local church that provides a place for the clients to report away from the more restrictive environment of the police department. The church provides the clients with snacks, drinks and books. Ellen helps pay back the church by monitoring community service of her clients at the church. Clients can work off community service by cleaning the building. One of Ellen's clients painted free hand a beautiful mural on the wall. Ellen has painted some of the walls with positive sayings to encourage clients and their families. In the past, Ellen spearheaded the District 20 office "adopting" the church youth program for Christmas to provide needed toys and items for the youth. Ellen has contacted local factories and created a working relationship with them so that they would hire her clients. These are just a few of the things that Ellen has done to improve the lives of her clients.
Even though Richland is not a community she lives in, she has invested herself in that community and her clients. She has fostered working relationships with all entities that could benefit the clients. Richland is unique because the town lies in Pulaski, Phelps, Camden and Laclede Counties. She volunteers on the Laclede County Health Department Board. She also volunteers to foster dogs from the dog shelter. She teaches Criminal Justice at the Laclede County Campus for Drury University. Richland and this office are fortunate to have such a dedicated individual to work with and assist anyone and everyone.”
After receiving the award Ellen commented, "It has been an amazing journey. I think us partnering with churches more could be a powerful way to reach clients. My clients see that their community is invested in them and this church always THANKS ME ,YES ME!!! for seeing my clients at the church and they thank my clients when they see them. The church is seeing a way to truly give back to those in need. I love the little books they get for my clients to give to their kids during the holidays. The church has a table w/ literature, adult Christian books, Bibles, and usually stuff for kids. It is not pushed on the client, but they can take what they need. I have had several clients ask if they could have a book and they mentioned they started reading it in prison but didn’t get to finish it. It also amazes me that I have had some clients parents ask if they could have one of the Bibles. Before doing this, I think I took Bibles for granted and assumed everyone had one. I have quickly learned just how many people do not and they truly wish they did. Like I said, nothing is pushed on them at all. The stuff is all on a table with other community information and the church has a sign up telling everyone they are welcome to take them.
Also, when we have children’s books left over (say for Christmas or Easter), the church lets me donate them, and I give them to a friend of mine who does story link at SCCC! My biggest joy was the day with a mom of my female client asked if she could take one of the Bibles. I said of course! Then when I was doing home visits (unannounced so I know this wasn’t planned), the mom had the Bible open and bookmarked where she had been reading!
I truly think this fits into the Corrections Way and everything we are trying to do with our clients and the community. It is something I am very passionate about and wish I could talk to all people in Corrections and try to convince them to explore. I see it work all of the time!"
Congratulations Ellen!
District 20 PPO Scott Gulley was chosen as the North Central Employee of the Month for November 2019. He was nominated by the Morgan and Benton County Officers.
Scott has only been with the Department of Corrections since July 3, 2017. All of his time has been with District 20 at the Benton County Office. In the short amount of time Scott has been with the District he has become a valuable member of the team. Scott handles interstate cases, domestic violence cases and he is one of the court liaisons for Benton County. Scott also manages a partial caseload in Hickory County. Scott is the only male officer in a Benton County Office of five. Scott has to observe all urinalysis tests on the male offenders at the office. Scott has accepted the task without any complaints and he is generous with his time. He has shown a desire to better himself. If he sees a training that will help him become a better officer he will request to attend it. Scott is an all-around team player and will go out of his way to help whenever he can.This could not have been demonstrated more than what he did during an incident on June 26, 2018. On that date, PPO Tami Acklin was having an offender arrested at the Benton County office. A female officer from the Warsaw Police Department arrived to arrest the offender. During the arrest the offender resisted and ended up getting the officer’s taser. Scott assisted the police officer by grabbing and holding the offender. The police officer was able to regain control of her taser, but only after the offender had “dry stunned” her with it. Scott assisted the police officer while she attempted to handcuff the offender. Eventually, additional law enforcement arrived and they were able to gain control of the situation. The offender was arrested and transported to the Benton county Jail. The female Warsaw officer sustained injuries to her wrist and she was kicked in the face. The situation could have become more severe if Scott would have not assisted in gaining control of the offender. The offender could have obtained the police officer’s firearm and the situation could have resulted in a tragic ending.
Scott not only helps his fellow co-workers and law enforcement, he has a strong desire to help the community. Scott took an early retirement after working for Ford for 20 years. After his retirement, he worked for DYS helping youth in a residential facility. He also worked for Pathways as a CSS worker for the youth department until he was hired on with Probation and Parole. His strong desire to help the youth in his community recently led him to apply for the Big Brother Program. He is also helping law enforcement in Hickory County with the “Shop with a Cop” program.
Regional Administrator Ed Bestgen stated, "I believe Scott is a perfect example of what Probation and Parole wants in a Probation and Parole Officer. He does not just go to work and do his job. He goes to work and gives 110% everyday with no complaints. He has embraced the new policy changes. At this time, Scott has completed the Community Supervision Tool (CST) with every offender on his caseload that requires one. He has entered everything in the ORAS website. He is an exceptional officer and great person.
Scott is pictured with RA Ed Bestgen and Western Deputy Director Jamie Liakos. Congratulations Scott!
Debbie Lammers, PPO at District 17-St. Charles, shared the following success story regarding the use of a Carey Guides and BITS.
"A Drug Court participant on my caseload was having issues. She failed to comply with the treatment court rules and was sanctioned by the Judge. She was less than professional when speaking with the Judge at the bench after having been sanctioned. Her less than desirable attitude made me think… this needs to be addressed, but how? What action should I take? Then it hit me, I’ll look at the Carey Guides and BITS. I met with the client, we discussed her behavior, and she agreed that her behavior was less than respectful. I chose the Carey Guide-Tool 1, called “How Do I respond"? The client worked through the guide. We discussed how she felt disrespected at the bench while being sanctioned. This spilled over from how she feels she is treated by her mom and sister. She processed with me and her treatment counselor as well. At the next Drug Court staffing, the treatment provider team member talked about how this client’s attitude had changed for the better, and that she was participating in groups.
If you feel overwhelmed, work with just one client at a time. Think about someone on your caseload who is presently making poor choices, has less than desirable behavior or is not compliant with their case plan or conditions of Probation or Parole. The Carey Bits (Brief Intervention Tools), and Guides can address the criminogenic needs of difficult clients and may be the guidance you need to help the client move forward. "
On March 16-19, 2020, staff from MCC, TCC, District 1 and District 32 completed the Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT) Training, This training was a 32-hour practical, hands-on workshop that where participants learned how to successfully implement the MRT treatment system including information about understanding and treating the antisocial substance abuser. The cognitive-behavioral method of Moral Reconation Therapy was reviewed during the training and attendees participated in the program’s structured cognitive-behavioral exercises.
All participants received a certificate of attendance/completion and CEUs from Louisiana State University at Shreveport.
On November 5, 2019, in collaboration with the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development, the first ever Missouri Job Center was piloted inside of a Department of Corrections facility. The open house at the Transition Center of St. Louis Job Center was held on February 21, 2020. The collaboration between Department of Corrections and Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development is very exciting, but more importantly very much needed. Working collaboratively with Department of Corrections, Division of Probation and Parole, and WIOA Partners, along with community-based organizations, provides an effective avenue for clients to have a successful journey while pursuing a rewarding career. Tonisha Rush, Workforce Development Specialist, conducts all of the same Job Center specific services with the residents at the Transition Center as part of Phases II and III, ensuring they are enrolled in prior to beginning their employment search. As part of the collaborative case planning approach, Tonisha actively participates in weekly staffing's with Probation and Parole staff and other community partners providing on-site supportive services. Charles Barnes, Director of Community Outreach for Fathers and Families Support Center says, “As a community partner this Job Center assists us with the opportunity of assessing individuals for employment and training in a timelier manner. It also provides motivation to the residents when they understand that a process towards their employment is so close. They look for tangible evidence that the TCSTL process is working towards their transition. DHEWD’s presence also assists the reentry team in collaborative case planning for the residents. The residents are able to attend workshops, receive individualized assistance with their search for full time permanent employment, as well as continued access to felon friendly employers.
The DOC Reentry Unit continues to work on identifying and building relationships with employers around the State that are not only willing to hire clients but that are willing to work with them in maintaining employment.
On March 9-12, 2020, P&P staff were trained on the CBI Moving On Program. Moving On is a program designed for women who are involved in the criminal justice system. The goal is for women to mobilize and develop personal and social resources that mitigate the impact of risk for future criminal behavior. The program addresses personal responsibility and motivation for making life changes, building healthy relationships, life skills enhancement, and relaxation/stress management skills. |
Recently changes were made to the Sentencing Assessment Report (SAR) including format and utilizing the ORAS Assessment results for the report. Please refer to P2.3-1 for specific guidelines on how to complete a SAR using the various tools available to capture the information.
The Interview Guide questions on substance abuse do not include the chart that is in the SAR. What do we do?
Per policy, the Offender Questionnaire should be utilized, which includes the chart that you see in the SAR. Once clients provide that information, the officer should use the interview guide to make sure they have captured all the relevant information about drug use. Remember: the Interview Guide is a guide and follow up questions are encouraged.
How do supervisors review the SAR?
As part of the review process for approving the SAR, supervisors should be completing the ORAS Review Tool that can be found in the Case Management Folder on the K-Drive. The section on case planning would be marked as N/A. Please refer to the memo sent to P&P supervisors on March 3, 2020 for more details.
Also, a DOCOTA titled Sentence Assessment Report is still in place to assist staff in learning the process regarding completion of the new SAR. This DOCOTA can be found in the DOCOTA Online Training System under All Staff Members. Staff are also encouraged to keep the new SAR Policy, P2-3.1, close at hand for reference should they have questions.
Tim Hogan began employment with Probation and Parole at District 7S in St. Louis on April 12, 2000. He transferred to District 11-Rolla in February 2002. While at District 11 he has worked at both the Rolla Office and the Satellite Office in Steelville. Tim has supervised a regular caseload, the out of district caseload, the Interstate caseload, and the sex offender/domestic violence caseload. In the past, Tim has been a court liaison, the UA coordinator, and the Prison Tour Coordinator. He is currently the District 11 vehicle coordinator and a District Coach. Tim keeps everyone in the Christmas spirit by signing Christmas Carols all year. During Tim’s free time he enjoys spending time with his family, riding his motorcycle, and collecting old/antique military weapons. Tim will be retiring effective May 1, 2020. His upbeat personality will be greatly missed by his co-workers.
Congratulations Tim!
Missouri Department of Corrections-Improving Lives for a Safer Community
Editor: Sharon Dunn, Special Projects Administrator