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P&P Show Me Newsletter-February 2020
Community Supervision Center repurposing, along with TCSTL programming changes, took place during the late summer and early fall of 2017. Part of this was looking at how to allow residents to have access to computers while at the facilities and how to better prepare residents for employment; not just obtaining a job, but the importance of keeping it. Both of these questions were answered over the next several months with the addition of VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure/Internet) for computer access, and Skills to Succeed for employment preparation.
Although VDI runs through local servers, it is done so in a way as to allow residents access to only certain areas of the internet. This allows them access to the Skills to Succeed (S2S) program. S2S is maintained and sponsored by Accenture, who partners with more than 75% of the Fortune Global 500 companies. Their goal is to equip workers with the skills to succeed for the future. Many of these are P&P clients and residents. Each facility-CSC, Hannibal, Fulton, St. Joe, Farmington, Poplar Bluff and Kennett, along with TCSTL, have VDI’s and S2S up and running to allow for programing and help provide stability for those we supervise and their families. Clients have access to 36 modules over three courses that last between 15-30 minutes each. This means, each client’s training can be personalized to their needs. Through the use of S2S, clients not only have the ability for interactive interviews, or creating a tailored resume, but to also explore interests and prepare for a sustained career. Each facility has active participants using the program, with over 680 active learners as of December 31, 2019. The program has much to offer and we have only touched the outer edge.
On December 18, 2019, representatives from Leon Supply Company began the process of measuring all Probation and Parole firearm certified staff for the issuance of their Body Armor vests. Once these staff have been measured, it will take approximately 60-90 days for the Body Armor to be delivered. A similar process used for the measurements will be repeated when the vests are ready to be distributed. Representatives from Leon Supply Company will be on hand to ensure the vests are fitted properly for each firearm certified staff member. The purchase and delivery of Body Armor to the Division of Probation and Parole, is yet another piece of the Strategic Plan implemented by Director Precythe in 2017.
District 12 is making strides connecting community partners with clients by uniting with the Family Support Division of MDSS, the West County Ministerial Alliance and Mineral Area College. Family Support Division is pioneering the SkillUp and Missouri Work Assistance (MWA) programs which provide free short-term training, job coaching, employment connections and help with training and work costs including transportation, books, uniforms, interview attire, etc. to clients currently receiving benefits through Family Support Division. The West County Ministerial Alliance has opened the West County Community HOPE Center in Leadwood, Missouri. This center will provide offices for community programs including job training, education, and classes covering life skills such as financial security and parenting. They have also partnered with Great Mines Health Center to provide onsite medical and behavioral services. This will provide a location for community visits for District 12 officers and their clients living in the Leadwood area. Mineral Area College is providing tuition free short-term training job placement assistance to students with little to no knowledge of the production environment. This will help them gain skills and abilities to be employable at manufacturing facilities in entry-level positions such as a materials handler, team assembler or basic machine operator. If anyone would like to learn more they can visit or contact the programs below:
 The ERDCC and FCC Probation and Parole Offices began celebrating the holidays with ringing the bell for The United Way. FCC staff participated in the first ever "Giving Plate" for the FCC Administration Building and FCC IPO staff and FCC DAI staff delivered milk and cookies to local nursing homes on behalf of Restorative Justice. FCC IPO staff also sponsored three children through St. Francois Community Partnership.
Each year, the Missouri River Valley Citizen’s Advisory Board donates $1,000.00 to a charity of the choosing of District 32-Lexington. This year, District 32 staff chose five children that are placed in foster care. |
District 21-Branson held a food drive collecting items for the Simmering Center- Recovery House Mexican Fiesta Christmas dinner to feed their 40 residents. |
DOC and P&P Central Office staff participated in the Prison Fellowship Angel Christmas Program. There were a total of 144 gifts were purchased, wrapped, and presented to 72 children of offenders who live in a half a dozen cities in the area. |
WERDCC and NECC participated in the Vandalia Fire Department’s Angel Tree Charitable Event. P&P Staff from NECC and WERDCC helped wrap the 560 presents that were received. Vandalia Fire Department shared the following with the Warden at WERDCC.
“On behalf of the Vandalia Fire Department and the Angel Tree, we would like to thank everyone who adopted angels, purchased toys and clothing and gave financially to make this year a success. A special thank you to those who contributed their time and assisted with organizing this event. With your help, Christmas gifts were provided to over 80 children in the Van-Far School District. We are humbled by the generosity of the local community as well as the staff at WERDCC. A huge shout out to WERDCC and NECC Probation and Parole Departments for coming together and wrapping over 560 presents! It was truly a team effort and could not have been accomplished without you. May your holidays be filled with peace & joy knowing you have brightened the life of a child.”
In November and December 2019, District EP-St. Louis, led by PPO Mackenzie Hancock, orchestrated a holiday drive for a family in need in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity’s Adopt-a-Family program. District EP staff donated over $500.00 worth of clothing, towels, bedding, toys and gift cards for a St. Louis City family of four. |
District 4-Kansas City Probation and Parole Office collected items to help those families residing at the Ronald McDonald House, located at 2502 Cherry Street in Kansas City. Due to the generosity of staff, Ronald McDonald House was presented with over 40 items from their wish list, in hopes of making the holidays a little brighter for their families in need. |
Beginning in November 2019, the JRI Treatment Pilot was expanded to Polk and Greene Counties. Staff will be working with three different area providers; Burrell Behavioral Health, Preferred Family Health, and Heartland Center for Behavioral Health. Thus far, three officers and three supervisors are involved in the program and the program is growing by the day. Tiffany Lomosi, Southwest Region Administrator, stated, "We are hopeful the addition of this program to the area will increase employment, housing stability, sobriety and reduce revocations for our clients." |
 The District 25-Poplar Bluff Community Supervision Center recently hosted a Missouri Manufacturing Technology Class for residents in partnership with Three Rivers College. This class provided 11 residents with over 95 hours in training in everything from Tool and Machine Safety to Production Team Development. District Administrator James Berry commented, "This class is especially pertinent to the area as we have many manufacturing job opportunities and companies are in regular need of quality/trained workers. In an outstanding display, every single one of our eleven students entering the program successfully passed their test and graduated!"
Will Cooper, the Three Rivers College Workforce Development Director, worked closely with the District, and especially Probation and Parole Officer Heather Liszewski (who volunteers as the Districts Employment Education liaison) to make this happen. The ability to be flexible enough to team with local resources for onsite training and education for clients is critical to the Community Supervision Centers overall mission of creating a better Missouri though improving lives.
The success of partnerships leads to even more opportunities for our clients, including an upcoming Commercial Driver’s License Certification Class in February 2020. We offer our thanks to Three Rivers College, its instructors, and all of our staff who had to put in the extra work to make this happen!
Emily Scharbrough was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 21 in Branson. Congratulations Emily! |
Antonio Muhammad was promoted to Associate Superintendent at TCSTL in St. Louis. Congratulations Antonio! |
Jasmine Yoder was promoted to Probation and Parole Officer at the Command Center in Jefferson City. Congratulations Jasmine! |
Brandon Sapp was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 5 in Warrensburg. Congratulations Brandon! |
Lesa Davis was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 13 in West Plains. Congratulations Lesa! |
Melissa Adams was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 11 in Rolla. Congratulations Melissa! |
Kimberly Mintidis was promoted to Unit Supervisor at the Transition Center in St. Louis. Congratulations Kimberly! |
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 19: PPO Michelle Ashley
District 29: OSA Sarah Henderson
The Annual Employee Recognition Event was held on December 20, 2019 at TCSTL and was a huge success. They recognized some amazing staff members whom have dedicated their time and service to the Department of Corrections. Staff were honored with a catered brunch, prestigious plaques, pins and gifts from the Personnel Club. Lisa Schulze, Deputy Director for Eastern Zone, came to support of the honorees and thank them for their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to all!
Interstate PPO Bonnie Hamburg (pictured in the gray pullover) was chosen as the P&P Central Office Employee of the 3rd Quarter, 2019. Bonnie is pictured with PPO Shelby Hunsaker and PPO Trevor Harrison (who received their award earlier), Director Julie Kempker and Unit Supervisor Ryan Halbert.
Director Kempker wrote to Bonnie, " I want to take this opportunity to express our sincere appreciation for the excellent work you have done in the Interstate Compact Unit. On May 22, 2019, a tornado hit Jefferson City causing significant damage to many buildings in town and restricting travel. As a result, Governor Parson closed state offices in Cole County on May 23rd and 24th, which included the Probation and Parole Interstate Compact Unit. After Memorial Day, staff returned to work on May 28th with a significant workload to catch up with due to the remainder of the state and country working two days the office was closed. This was compounded for the Probation and Parole Officers in the Interstate Compact Unit due to other circumstances that had staffing reduced to 50% at the end of May and the first couple weeks of June.
You have shown exceptional teamwork and dedication during this time to ensure all tasks were completed in a timely manner and Missouri remained compliant with Interstate Compact rules and time frames. While you were given general caseload assignments to cover, you took it upon yourself and decided which of them would complete tasks that were missed and not specifically assigned by the supervisor. You worked overtime to ensure our office was able to get the work in and out as required. Without this level of teamwork, professionalism and dedication, the office would have struggled to keep up. This would not only have impacted Missouri's compliance with the Interstate Compact, but also affected the lives of those offenders whose paperwork would have been submitted late.Please accept our appreciation for the contributions you have made to this organization. We are proud to have you as a member of the Central Office team and wish you much continued success." Congratulations Bonnie!
On August 22, 2019, PPO Andrew Testerman and Unit Supervisor Nate Arnold were alerted by other staff members that a woman had driven her vehicle onto District 24-Independence property and was causing damage to parked cars. When they went outside the car was observed to be in the grass between the parking lot and the adjacent creek. The creek sits approximately 20 feet below ground level. The driver, a unknown female, was attempting to move her vehicle off the grass and onto the parking lot, however the steep incline and parked cars were preventing her from moving. She was ordered by other staff members to turn her vehicle off and wait for assistance, however she refused. At one point she intentionally rammed her vehicle into a parked car. The vehicle then slid down the embankment into the creek. Law enforcement had been called and arrived shortly after the car went into the creek. At this point Andrew and Nate went down the embankment and could hear a baby screaming from inside the vehicle. Law enforcement quickly was able to remove the female driver and took her up to the parking lot. Andrew and Nate began to assess the situation. They discovered a child (approximately 4 years old) was screaming for help that was strapped into a car seat in the backseat of the vehicle. There were also two dogs inside of the vehicle. Nate went around to the other side of the vehicle and unbuckled the child’s seatbelt and removed her from the car. Andrew then helped one of the dogs out of the car as it was too scared to come out on its own. Both the child and dog were carried up to the parking lot and was kept watch until the woman's husband arrived. Due to the actions by Andrew and Nate both the child and the dogs were removed from the situation without injury and were safe. Both are pictured with Regional Administrator Kim Hubbard-Stewart. Congratulations Andrew and Nate!
Jani Holt, PPO II at WMCC, was chosen as the North Central Region Employee of the Month for January 2019.
In July 2019, the merger between CRCC and WMCC was completed. This created new caseload challenges due to a new maximum offender population the WMCC Parole Office was not accustomed to, along with safety concerns. In addition, the Role of the IPO was still being developed along with the Case Management Plan. The Role of the IPO was moving from report writing, to one on one offender interaction with meaningful conversations to create effective case management planning for clients during their incarceration, and successful re-entry back into the community. In order to foster effective case management and meaningful conversations with clients during their incarceration, the WMCC P&P Office began discussing having "Open Door" with maximum security offenders.
Jani volunteered to conduct a regular Open Door pilot for A-Side maximum security offenders in addition to still learning her job, other duties, and preparing for changes happening with IPO’s. The pilot lasted sixty days from September, 2019 to November, 2019. The pilot she conducted was a success, which resulted in having regular Open Door for maximum security offenders, further facilitating case planning, addressing the needs of incarcerated offenders, and assisting with re-entry back to the community. Jani has shown herself to be a team player. She takes on additional tasks, is highly motivated, and is well respected by staff along with offenders throughout WMCC. Her experience, knowledge, and skill-set often crosses divisional lines. She is a great asset to the Department of Corrections and the WMCC Institutional Parole Office. Jani is pictured with WMCC Deputy Warden Chris Brewer. Congratulations Jani!
Over the last year, District 22-Cape Girardeau has worked closely with Gilster-Mary Lee (GML), one of the Midwest’s largest food product manufacturers, to get more clients employed. Gilster has been around over 100 years and produces over 8,000 different products in nearly 500 private labels brands. The company has about 3,000 employees at its 14 manufacturing facilities in four states. Several of those are located in Perryville, Missouri (Perry County), and just across the Mississippi River in Illinois. Gilster-Mary Lee is very offender-friendly and is eager to give a second chance to clients looking for a stable job with benefits. The company contracts with a number of transportation vendors to transport employees from surrounding towns, charging employees a flat rate per week which may be paid via payroll deduction. This has greatly reduced transportation and financial barriers for our clients. During 2019, District 22 began hosting direct-hiring events with GML at the Cape Girardeau district office and Perry County sub-office. Currently approximately 77 clients from District 22 are employed, making it the district’s largest client employer. At January’s hiring event at the district office, another nine clients were hired after being interviewed and passing a drug screening (of 19 who applied that day). We are thanks for community partner such as Gilster-Mary Lee for helping us Improve Lives for Safer Communities.
How do we handle Specialized caseloads (Specialty Courts, DV, Sex Offender) who score low risk overall on the ORAS?
Low Risk on the ORAS, you will NOT do a reassessment yearly. Policy dictates reassessment with a significant event or new felony conviction, so we will be catching any issues that occur while on supervision. You will continue to case plan relative to any Domains that may have been high or moderate. Absent any high or moderate Domains you will concentrate your efforts with case planning on those offender specific issues surrounding their offense. With the idea that if they complete certain objectives in Domains scoring high or moderate it may eventually impact two or more Domains by at least one level (on the positive) which would lead to reassessment by policy.
CST 1.3 Scoring: Prior Sentence as an Adult to a Jail or Secure Correctional Facility:
CSC, RF, TCSTL do not count for scoring on this item. Although these facilities are considered somewhat “secure” the offender is not sentenced to these facilities. The manual states “sentenced to” in order to count.
The Case Management Folder on the K Drive is a great resource to learn more about administering the ORAS, and developing a case plan.
Catherine White will be cruising into retirement after 26 years of service. Catherine began her career in December 1993 at District 7 Central. Catherine was said to show potential early on, quickly learning the job and exceeding expectations. As an Officer, she supervised a primary caseload, then ISP. She also served as a Boot camp Liaison, Drug and Alcohol Liaison, REACT Coordinator, Volunteer/Intern Liaison and a member of the Regional Audit Team. She conducted training in the areas of TCUD, Positive Solutions for Youthful Offenders, Behavior Modification and Drug Education. In December of 2003, she was promoted to the position of Unit Supervisor, due in part to her diplomacy, willingness to take on new tasks and challenges. She was described as and continued to be a team player, willing to go the extra mile to assists offenders, her staff, peers and management. In December 2005, she transferred to District 8 East, wherein she continued to display her loyalty, her leadership, dependability and commitment to the mission and vision of the agency. Her greatest contribution has been her operating knowledge of policy and procedure. She has earned the respect of her staff and peers and has been an asset. Her presence will be missed. Good Luck Catherine, as your cruise to the Caribbean and to another chapter of your life, and congratulations!
Missouri Department of Corrections-Improving Lives for a Safer Community
Editor: Sharon Dunn, Special Projects Administrator