On December 2, 2019,15 staff from the District 2-Cameron office began a two week training course, preparing them to process warrants and effect arrests on their assigned clientele both in the office and in the community. The Safety Pilot training is 63 hours in length and is being conducted by the University of Central Missouri Police Academy. Participants received training designed to enhance the current Department Firearms and Safety training to include, Taser certification, liability issues, enhanced self-defense, use of restraints, transportation, search and seizure, tactical situation awareness and communications. The District 2 Safety Pilot is expected to begin on January 2nd, 2020. There will be 12 staff in the St. Louis area that will attend the Safety Pilot training starting the 3rd week of January and will start their pilot beginning the 1st week of February 2020. They will process warrants and effect arrests on their assigned clientele in the office only.

On November 4, 2019, the District 25 Probation and Parole office in Poplar Bluff hosted an Open House to celebrate the completion of its Community Supervision Center repurposing. With an impressive turnout including Presiding Judge Michael Pritchett of the 36th Judicial Circuit, Police Chief Danny Whitely of the Poplar Bluff Police Department, Butler County Prosecuting Attorney Kacey Proctor, Department of Mental Health Criminal Justice Services Manager Angela Plunkett, and many more, this was a positive opportunity for District 25 to share what we do with the people they work with on a larger scale daily.
Rather than speeches or slide shows, District 25 focused their event on what they see as the most critical component of the new investment, the people. Both MDOC staff and community resources who provide assistance and services to the residents were featured, with their own areas set up to provide information to guest. The people who provide the programs and services to the residents each got to meet with visitors, and to describe what they do day in and day out to make the community a better and safer place.
DA James Berry commented, "Represented were our own PPA staff who provide job readiness training, Southeast Missouri Behavioral Health with both counselors and care coordinators for regular treatment and Justice Reinvestment Initiative Treatment Pilot services, our Change Journal facilitators to explain the cognitive programs each CSC resident goes through, the Family Counseling Center, and several faith based groups such as Reformers Unanimous and Mount Calvary that have allowed us to provide support services for clients five nights a week. A special table was setup for visitors to meet with some successful graduates from the program as well. District 25 was thankful for the opportunity to open our home to so many people we work with day to day, and to share the changes and improvements we have made over this repurposing process. We also greatly appreciate the support our local community showed by coming out to support us."
Shelly Graf and Chantelle Smith are Quality Control Coordinators for the Division of Probation and Parole. Shelly and Chantelle will be responsible for ensuring staff are compliant with the usage of the ORAS, MOMM, along with Carey Guide usage, and other quality control projects. They will also facilitate training and assist in providing skill boosters for a variety of Probation and Parole staff. |
 Through an ongoing partnership between the University of Missouri Extension and the District 23-Kennett Community Supervision Center, a new course was introduced on October 29, 2019 called “Cooking Matters for Adults” facilitated by Samantha Anderson. This course was introduced to the residents of the CSC during the District MRP Event. Cooking Matters is a 26 year old program that serves over 23,000 families annually. Each course is team taught by a University of Missouri Nutrition and Health Specialist and a Nutrition Program Associate. The course covers at home meal preparation, smart grocery shopping, food budgeting and practical nutrition information.
This course introduced the participants about nutrition and how to cook together and has provided groceries to work on with staff during the weekends. Some of the recipes so far have included turkey tacos, pineapple salsa, and fruit pizzas. CSC residents and staff have had nothing but positive comments and reviews. The District 23 CSC liaison, Victoria Barnett, stated, “I believe the clients here will greatly benefit from what is being offered in this course and it is something they can take home to their families to build healthy bonds.”
If any other districts are interested in this or similar programming contact your area Community Engagement Specialist in Nutrition and Health through the University of Missouri Extension Office.
Lacy Craig, Unit Supervisor at District 18-Kirksville, shared the following about the her success of offering the "Coffee with a Boss" MOMM Incentive to several clients.
"I was very uneasy and highly skeptical about using this incentive, but I was challenged to do it, so I did it. Out of the seven clients offered the incentive, three attended. Some of the clients offered the incentive indicated they would not be able to attend due to work conflicts. We met at the North McDonald’s in Kirksville. I got there at 1:00 p.m. and stayed until 4:00 p.m. as one of the client’s didn’t get off work until 3:00 p.m. I have to say, it was probably one of the best experiences I have had since starting with P&P. It was a very relaxed setting and I was able to speak to each of them in just that manner. I was able to hear each of their back stories which led to each of them being placed on supervision. I then heard about their struggles and successes since being on supervision. I am happy to report that all three indicated having a good experience with their supervision, and stated they truly believed each and every PPO they had wanted them to be successful and tried to help them reach their goals. The most important aspect to each of them was that they were treated with respect by their PPO, and not critically judged for their past mistakes. I also read the emails sent to me from their PPO’s explaining why they recommended them for the incentive, which brought some smiles to their faces. All three also served time within the institution for varied periods of time. They did not have too much good to say about those experiences, which I guess is to be expected. They all said they were skeptical about having soda or coffee with me, but they all said they enjoyed it and were glad they came. Moral of this story, we will do this again. I’m thinking we will make it a quarterly activity."
Pamela Bedrosian was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 7B-St. Louis. Congratulations Pamela! |
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
MTC IPO Office: PPO Kevin Shirrell, Ron Mathias, Erica Luke and Jodi Ellis
District 18: OSA Brenda Treece, OSA Ruth Hughes, PPO Garret Hicks and DA Andee Applebury
 Western Region had its annual Employee Recognition Event on November 8, 2019. Over 150 staff were in attendance. Staff were recognized for years of service, leadership, Wizard of Oz, and humanitarian awards for the region. Each District Administrator presented three awards to individuals in their district. The awards were Lightbulb, Sunshine, and a Mentor Award. The Regional Administrator Kim Hubbard-Stewart added numerous gift cards for Unit Supervisors, Adjunct Trainers, District Liaisons for Provider’s, etc. The event was a huge success!
 P&P Pre-Service Graduates of December 5, 2019. Congratulations to All!
District Employee of the Month
District 11-Rolla OSA Franklin “Del” Tate was presented the Employee of the Quarter for the 4th Quarter, 2019 on 12/13/2019. Congratulations Del!
Heather Cook, SOSA at WERDCC IPO Office, was chosen as the Northeast Region Employee of the Month for August 2019. Heather was nominated by SCCC Unit Supervisor Aaron Jarrett.
Aaron wrote, "During July, 2019, SCCC was without an OSA and had previously been short an OSA in March 2019. During these months, Heather offered to assist the Unit Supervisor with requisitions, filing and answering any number of questions regarding distribution of material. All of this was accomplished from her work site located four hours from SCCC. Heather even offered to assist new P&P OSA's at SCCC learn their position and always makes herself available for questions by phone and email. Her assistance is always appreciated and she is truly a benefit to WERDCC, the Northeast Region and Division." Heather is pictured with Northeast Region Administrator Todd Fleharty and WERDCC District Administrator Vicki Bealmear. Congratulations Heather!
The 2020 Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign was a huge success!
Total contributions made by DOC staff was $121,619.55. There were 1,005 staff members that pledged donations. P&P had a total of 385 staff members participate with a total pledge amount of $39,069.00.
The grand total of all contributions by state employees for the 2020 campaign was $960,662.94. Statewide 5,849 state employees participated in the campaign. Great Job MDOC!