In honor of Domestic Violence Month, District 12 PPO Angela Diamond spear-headed an awareness event in which she worked closely with residents of the Farmington Community Supervision Center who volunteered to help make diaper bags, Halloween baskets, and backpacks to give to the women’s shelter in Bonne Terre, which is part of Southeast Missouri Family Violence Council. Items such as diapers, bottles, bibs, lotion, nail files, socks, hats, gloves, books, crayons, body wash, etc., was collected from staff to fill the bags and baskets which was completed by residents with the help of Angela.
Angela also prepared breakfast for staff on the morning of October 31, 2019, to accompany a chili dog lunch for monetary donations. In total, 10 backpacks, six diaper bags, 10 Halloween baskets, two strollers, and $200.00 was donated to the shelter. Angela's graciousness and generosity allowed this event to take place, and it not only affected District 12 and the shelter in a positive way, it allowed residents to have a sense of accomplishment by helping give back to the community.
District EP-St. Louis recognized Domestic Violence Awareness Month by dressing in purple and, and DV Officer Mackenzie Hancock created a DV Ribbon sign representing the district. |
 District 9-Joplin chose Children’s Haven to support during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Staff participated in a #NoMore sign competition and prizes were awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. All month, District 9 collected items to donate to Children’s Haven from their Wish List. On 10/24/2019, staff wore purple shirts and had a nail painting station to #PutTheNailInIt. Staff donated $5.00 to get a nail painted purple. PPO Shane Smith organized all the activities and collected donations. All donations were given to Children’s Haven. The total amount of donations was over $350.00 plus the wish list items.
On October 3, 2019 District 4-Kansas City hosted the 2nd Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Pancake Breakfast. The breakfast was complete with pancakes, homemade berry syrup and juice. The Domestic Violence Awareness Pancake Breakfast is held in an effort to collect donations and funds for hygiene items for Rose Brooks Domestic Violence Shelter. This year was a huge success! |
 On October 17, 2019, over 20 different community providers came out, set up tables, and met with justice involved individuals for the Grand Opening of the Re-entry Opportunity Center (ROC) in Columbia. The booths offered information about services being offered by the numerous community resources in attendance. Director Precythe gave an amazing speech about Boone County pioneering the way for individuals entering back into our community from prison or jail. Director Precythe also signed the MOU with Dan Hanneken who heads the ROC. The goal for the ROC is to provide a resource building for justice involved individuals to be able to gain all the resources they need at one location, such as mental health, substance use disorders, housing, and even Probation and Parole. It was a great day, with great speakers and a great chance for the community to come together and celebrate reentry in Boone County.
The P&P North Central Region Employee of the Month Award, for August 2019, went to District 20--Camdenton Probation and Parole Officer Ellen Newell. The nomination was submitted by District 20 District Administrator Tena Riley, in recognition of the extra effort Ellen puts forth in addition to her assigned duties. The nomination stated:
"Every report day in Richland, Ellen has the following available for her clients: hygiene products for their basic needs, suitcases, and material about community resources available. Ellen has partnered with a local church that provides a place for the clients to report away from the more restrictive environment of the police department. The church provides the clients with snacks, drinks and books. Ellen helps pay back the church by monitoring community service of her clients at the church. Clients can work off community service by cleaning the building. One of Ellen's clients painted by free hand a beautiful mural on the wall. Ellen has painted some of the walls with positive sayings to encourage clients and their families. In the past Ellen spearheaded the District 20 office "adopting" the church youth program for Christmas to provide needed toys and items for the youth. Ellen has contacted local factories and created a working relationship with them so that they would hire her clients. These are just a few of the things that Ellen has done to improve the lives of her clients.
Even though Richland is not a community she lives in, she has invested herself in that community and her clients. She has fostered working relationships with all entities that could benefit the clients. Richland is unique because the town lies in Pulaski, Phelps, Camden and Laclede Counties. She volunteers on the Laclede County Health Department Board. She also volunteers to foster dogs from the dog shelter. She teaches Criminal Justice at the Laclede County Campus for Drury University. Richland and this office are fortunate to have such a dedicated individual to work with and assist anyone and everyone."
Ellen is pictured above with Regional Administrator Ed Bestgen. Congratulations Ellen!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
Del Tate, OSA, District 11
Cierra Myers, PPA, District 12
Kevin Royer, MS1, District 12
Cindy Knupp, PPO II, District 12
Jim Anderson, PPO II, District 12
Marshall Kemp, PPA, District 12
Cody Badeaux, PPA, District 12
Aaron Starkey, PPA, District 12
James Callahan, PPA, District 12
On October 24, 2019, the SoutheastHEALTH Foundation and Ambassadors held its 3rd Annual AED Awards. With over 600,000 heart related deaths per year, the ambassadors saw an opportunity to assist with individuals in cardiac arrest. The Automated External Defibrillator (AED) not only can save an individual’s life, it also can protect the individual’s functions. The ambassadors spent a lot of time considering which of the 10 applicants to award the AED to this year. District 22-Cape Girardeau was selected as one of the 10 recipients. On behalf of District 22, PPO II Marjorie Kirkover, District Safety Officer (pictured on the right) accepted the AED. SoutheastHEALTH will also provide complimentary training to all district staff.
Congratulations District 22!
The Northeast Region Employee Recognition Event was held on October 18, 2019, in Fulton. Approximately 100 staff attended, with 50 staff being recognized for their years of service. North East Regional Administrator Todd Fleharty and Deputy Division Director Lisa Shulze recognized all of the North East Region’s Employees seniority recipients including one 35 year and two 30 year recipients. All together the honorees combined for 820 years of service. The group enjoyed a game of Trivia, won by the Boonville IPO Office ending District 11’s streak. Division Director Julie Kempker attended and spoke to staff about the direction and mission of the agency.
Congratulations to All!
 The Southeast Region Personnel Club hosted its annual recognition banquet in Cape Girardeau on October 24, 2019. There were 34 staff honored for their dedication to the State and Probation & Parole with a combined total of 670 years of service! Individual awards, certificates, and prizes were given to the honorees. After a delicious meal, staff participated in a spirited game of trivia with the District 31 table taking away the win! Also celebrated at the event were the Region’s last twelve Employee of the Month winners. Great people, wonderful friends, and dedicated employees are found in the Southeast Region!
Congratulations to all!
 The Southwest Region's Annual RSVP (Recognizing Service, Value and Professionalism) Event was held at the Double Tree Hotel in Springfield on October 28, 2019. This event is funded by the Missouri Probation and Parole Officers Association (MPPOA), the Southwest Missouri Citizens Advisory Board, the West Plains Citizens Advisory Board, training funds from the Department, and fund raising activities by members of the RSVP Committee. The day included training on Self Care and Meditation by Kim Colgrove, a comfort food buffet, and a trivia game for all staff who wished to participate.
Congratulations to all the honorees!

On November 4, 2019, the DOC Central Office Recognition Ceremony was held at the Governor's Office Building in Jefferson City. Several staff were recognized for their years of service, including 13 Probation and Parole Central Office staff ranging from five to 30 years of service (some staff not pictured).
Congratulations to all!
 The Eastern Region Employee Recognition Event was held on October 23, 2019, at District 7 South. Approximately 25 staff were recognized for their years of service. The group enjoyed a game of “Do you know?” which helped break the ice and then sat down for a nice lunch. Division Director Julie Kempker, Deputy Director for the Eastern Zone Lisa Schulze and Regional Administrator Donna A. King all recognized staff for their hard work and dedication. Congratulations to all of the Honorees!
District 15-Hillsboro PPO's Denise Welker and Billie Gibbons were invited to Ms. Baumgartner’s Criminal Justice Class at Jefferson High School in Festus to talk to her students about being a Probation and Parole Officer. Denise commented, " It is always a fun experience and one student has decided to become a Probation and Parole Officer when she is finished with college." |
On Nov 1, 2019, the Rolla City Fire Department presented information and instruction to District 11-Rolla staff regarding fire extinguisher use. After the instruction, all staff present went outside to practice using a fire extinguisher to put out a fire.
District Administrator Ty Scott commented, "Several staff commented that they never previously had cause to use a fire extinguisher, so they appreciated the information and practice lesson."
After 25 years of commitment, professional passion, compassion and dedication, delivered daily with a bright and genuine smile, District 17-St. Charles PPO II Virginia Spies has retired from Probation and Parole.
Congratulations Virginia!