Open House: Fulton Women's Community Supervision Center
Missouri Department of Corrections sent this bulletin at 11/05/2019 11:19 AM CSTFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE
Nov. 4, 2019
Contact: Karen Pojmann
Communications Director
Office: 573-522-1118
Cell: 573-690-7539
Women's Community Supervision Center Holds Open House
First all-female residential probation and parole center helps Missouri women succeed
(FULTON, MO) – Two years ago, Missouri had the fastest-growing population of incarcerated women in the United States. Since then, the Missouri Department of Corrections has made it a priority to address the specific needs of women involved in the criminal justice system and to give them the tools they need to stay out of prison.
Join us at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 6, for an open house at the District 26 Probation and Parole Office Fulton Community Supervision Center, the state's first all-female residential center for women on community supervision with the Missouri Department of Corrections.
Who: Missouri Department of Corrections
What: Women's Fulton Community Supervision Center Open House
When: 10 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2019
Where: Probation & Parole District 26
1397 Rte O, Fulton, MO 65251
Remodeled and reopened as an all-female facility in February 2019, the Fulton Community Supervision Center provides gender-responsive and trauma-informed techniques to better serve women under supervision in a rehabilitative environment.
In a four-phase program tailored to meet each resident’s assessed needs, women tackle intensive employment-readiness prep work; on-site substance use disorder services; cognitive interventions; housing plans; and family reunification. They learn basic life skills such as goal-setting and meal preparation. They work with counselors, advisers and instructors from organizations such as Compass Health Network, the Division of Workforce Development and University of Missouri Extension. Staff invest in ensuring the women have the skills they need to change their lives.
Tour the facility and meet the team.