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P&P Show Me Newsletter-October 2019
On August 30, 2019, Division Director Julie Kempker, Assistant Division Director Todd Schwent, Board Chairman Don Phillips and DOC Attorney Doug Shull presented at the 2019 Missouri Association of Prosecuting Attorneys Spring Training in Lake Ozark. The presentation included a review of the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS), the P&P New Supervision Model, and the Parole Board Process. |
The Department of Corrections received a grant to provide Probation and Parole Officers with additional skills in order to supervise clients with mental health needs. This is a two-phase project. Phase One is focused on providing training to advance officer knowledge of mental health related issues. Phase Two is focused on the development of officers at the unit level within each district who will serve as mental health resource experts and carry a caseload primarily of high risk individuals with mental health concerns.
On August 29, 2019, the 10-33 Benevolent Fund and Director's Cup Golf Tournament was held at the Tanglewood Golf Course in Fulton. The proceeds from this tournament go to families who have lost a loved one in the line of duty. Probation and Parole staff Vince Rost, Matt Jorgenson, Jared Drummond and Carl Bimm took 2nd Place in B Flight.
Congratulations guys!
Missouri, along with South Dakota, were identified in a ICAOS Weekly Update as a recipient of "Spirit of the Compact" recognition. This recognition resulted because Missouri and South Dakota worked together as a team to get a client's supervision transferred timely when the client went to a treatment facility on a reservation in South Dakota. The following Missouri Community Corrections Unit staff were recognized: Rick Kuttenkuler, Ryan Halbert, and Megan Hentges.
Congratulations to all!
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM). DVAM evolved from the "Day of Unity" held in October 1981 and conceived by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. The goal of this awareness campaign is to mourn those who have died because of domestic violence, celebrate those who have survived and make connections among those who work to end violence. P&P staff will be participating in a variety of activities during the month of October. Highlights will be published in an upcoming newsletter. |
While staff work towards incorporating community contacts into the supervision of the clients, District 7C-St. Louis PPO Evita Graham helps her clients put their plans into action. Evita went to Forest Park Community College with her client to help him with the admissions process. This client has since been accepted into college at Forest Park.
DA Valorie Sparks commented, "What a great way to build rapport and improve lives for safer communities!"
Great job Evita!
 The Eastern Region held a Health Fair this summer. It was held at District 7S-St. Louis on June 11, 2019. There were vision, hearing, blood pressure and blood sugar screenings. Heartland provided the majority of the screenings and the DOC nurse conducted TB testing. Approximately 48 staff members attended and received important information regarding their health. There were tasty snacks and a Wal-Mart gift card drawing. Everyone enjoyed the fair and there are plans to conduct one again in 2020. Thanks to the Eastern Region Wellness Committee Members: Alice O'Connor, District 7C; Jennifer Mayberry-District 8S; Melinda DeClue-District 7S and Brittany Bergfeld-District 8E for helping out. A special thanks to DOC Nurse Zoye Gilliland for getting everything arranged with Heartland Health and doing the TB testing.
Corrections Employees Week was held September 16-20, 2019. As part of the celebration, DOC Central Office staff were able to participate in a number of activities such as a wellness walk, lunch provided by The Big Cheese, played indoor mini-golf, and enjoyed ice cream sundaes. Employees were also given an opportunity to vote for their favorite "superlative" in a variety of categories. The winners are to be announced soon! Thanks to all those that organized such a fun week! |
September is P&P Safety Month which is intended to provide additional focus on this important area. Staff safety is an ongoing concern of the agency and ensuring a safe work environment is a shared responsibility among all staff. During the month, District Administrators are required to conduct a number of safety related activities with staff. Director Julie Kempker commented, "Our business has many facets, but we must always remember the safety of our staff is at the forefront of these responsibilities."
As part of Safety Month, District 4-Kansas City staff conducted pepper spray checks. This was organized by the District 4 Safety Committee.
Jada Cooper was promoted to PPO at the Interstate Compact Unit-P&P Central Office. Congratulations Jada! |
Brenda Moore was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 25-Poplar Bluff. Congratulations Brenda! |
Kathy Adams was promoted to PPA I in the Interstate Compact Unit. Congratulations Kathy! |
Jennifer Weldon was promoted to PPA I at the Command Center-P&P Central Office. Congratulations Jennifer! |
Beth Vancil was promoted to Associate Superintendent at the Transition Center of St. Louis. Congratulations Beth! |
On July 31, 2019, Jodi Gorton, PPO at District 3-Hannibal, received a Distinguished Service Award. Jodi was nominated by PPO Amanda Hays. Amanda wrote, "On January 11, 2019, Jodi and I conducted a home visit to one of my client's homes. The situation turned serious quickly when we discovered a two year old little boy was in the care of my client who was severely under the influence of drugs. The home smelled very strongly of marijuana, and was a complete disaster. There was no working heat in the home, and the temperature outside was in the low 30's. The child was dressed in thin pajamas and only had on one sock. Jodi very quickly got a hold of the Hannibal Police Department, and the Division of Children and Family Services. She helped tremendously in keeping the situation from getting anymore out of hand than what it was. The child was placed In protective custody, and was rushed to the hospital for medical attention where it was discovered he tested positive for meth, had a skull fracture, a chipped femur, and bruising on his face. Jodi remained professional, she stayed very calm and level headed, and was kind and compassionate all at the same time. We worked together as a great team, and I had all the confidence in the world that she had my back as we went through this heartbreaking experience, in an effort to save a little boy's life. I credit officers like Jodi for making this job worthwhile, and if not for people like her, this world would be a much darker place." Jodie is pictured with DA Kevin Knickerbocker (on left) and Northeast Regional Administrator Todd Fleharty.
Congratulations Jodi!
Terri Broleman, Unit Supervisor at District 7C-St. Louis, was chosen as the Eastern Region Employee of the Month for June 2019. Terri was nominated by District Administrator Valorie Sparks and PPO Evita Graham. Evita wrote, "I would like to nominate my unit supervisor, Terri Broleman. I was a little concerned when I was told that I had to leave District EP and come to District 7C. I was mainly concerned on how my supervisor would be. Little did I know that this quiet woman would push me into becoming a better employee and most of all a better human. Terri does not micro-manage, which I love. She treats us all as adults but she does not allow anyone to misuse her kindness. She is direct but respectful and fair. Terri is a compassionate manager and that is rare. Terri listens to all of my concerns and although she is a very busy woman, she’s always only a phone call or an email away. She has an open door policy and I have never felt afraid to talk to her about anything, probably things she didn’t even want to know. Terri has challenged me in so many ways, with being a new PPO. I still question myself a lot and even when I make mistakes, she is never mad, she tells me where I went wrong or what steps I forgot and she always reassures me that I will never know everything and will still feel like a new officer until I’ve made the five year mark (at least). One of the most scariest but most rewarding things I have done is taken over the Mental Health Caseload and I know I would never had taken that step if it wasn’t for Terri's faith in me and telling me that she knew I could handle it. Her continuous faith in me has pushed me to try and become one of the best resources that I can be for my clients. Terri's knowledge is also second to none and I feel like I have grown under her leadership."
Valorie wrote, "Terri serves on the Manual Work group and attends meetings nearly every month of the year. She is called on to train many new members to the group so they can contribute to the work group quickly and has traveled to their work locations to do this. She is someone that does a number of little things that mean a lot to the district. Terri has played a pivotal role in our Social Committee and team building, She is our manual policy expert, serves as an ORAS trainer, takes on extra tasks to assist the district, models a high level of professionalism and demonstrates Corrections Way. She is great leader."
Congratulations Terri!
On July 31, 2019, District 29-Sedalia PPO II Dave White was presented with the Department Distinguished Service Award. Dave was given the award because after seeing the Awaken Project at the MATCP Conference he put forth a great deal of work to bring the Awaken Project to Sedalia. The Pettis County Drug Court sponsored three presentations. The first was to Smith-Cotton High School. Sedalia Mayor Kehde presented a proclamation at the event, making October 17-18 the "Awaken Project Day" in Sedalia. The following day, area schools came to the Awaken Project presentation at the State Fair Community College. That evening, the third presentation was held at the Celebration Center and was open to the public. A total of 2,357 students, parents and local partners attended and $6000.00 was raised to pay for the event. The event was a huge success and David is well deserving of recognition for his efforts. Dave is also the Drug Court Officer for District 29 - Pettis County as well as the Domestic Violence Officer and serves on the Regional Planning Committee. Dave (on the right) is pictured with District Administrator Miquel Rodriquez. Congratulations Dave!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
Skyler Abegg, PPO, District 19
Jennifer Brown, PPO, District 23
Trieste Miller, PPO, District 23
Beth Gross, PPO, District 29
Kyle Clark, PPO III, WMCC
District Employee of the Quarter
District 11 Employee of the 3rd Quarter 2019- PPO Robin Bench
Jacqueline(Jackie) Hales , PPO at District 7C-St. Louis, received a Distinguished Service Award. Jacqueline was bestowed this for performing exceptional actions related to her extra duties as the employment liaison, Pathway to Change facilitator, Intake presenter, assisting with a job fair and her excellence in modeling professionalism when working with her clients. Congratulations Jacqueline!
The new Residential Facilities (RF) contracts have been awarded to the Center for Women in Transition (formerly SCHIRMER), Heartland Center for Behavioral Change, MERS Missouri Goodwill Industries, and Reality House.
The contract implements a new phase-based design of programming. The 1st Phase lasts up to two weeks, and includes orientation, assessment, and referrals to the appropriate programs. During this time, the RF must establish all intake dates and the client may not leave the facility. The 2nd Phase lasts up to four weeks, and by the second week clients should begin looking for employment. Clients are also eligible for passes/recreation time, up to six hours per week. The 3rd Phase lasts up to six weeks, during which time the client continues programming and employment, and begins saving 50% of their gross income. As clients become more financially stable, the search will begin for a home plan.
By partnering with Three Rivers College and Workforce Development, the District 25-Poplar Bluff Probation and Parole Office is now hosting Industrial Technology training for clients. The program serves not only Community Supervision Center residents, but also unemployed, or underemployed clients already living in the community.
Everyone understands employment is a key factor in client success, however these programs are focused on putting the clients in a position not just to obtain yet another “job”, but to actually impart critical real world skills to begin building a path to a well-paid career. With several manufacturers in the area always in need of qualified staff, this program benefits not only our clients, but the community, and it’s economy as a whole.
Clients involved in the three week 120 hour Industrial Tech I Program will earn valuable skills to local employers, and will leave with a certification that will assist them not only in finding employment, but will follow them on the job to boost their career opportunities once in place. A new round of Industrial Technology I and II classes will begin in November of 2019 at the Poplar Bluff Community Supervision Center in Poplar Bluff.
The Western Region teamed up with Lee’s Summit West softball team to collect fun kids Band-Aids for Noah’s Bandage Project. Between both organizations over 500 boxes of Band-Aids were collected and $1,000.00 was raised.
Great Job Western Region!
The 2019 Charitable Campaign will be held October 1-31, 2019. Please consider donating to your favorite charity! |
Missouri Department of Corrections-Improving Lives for a Safer Community
Editor: Sharon Dunn, Special Projects Administrator