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P&P Show Me Newsletter-August 2019
 On June 26, 2019, the Automated Risk Assessment System became available for DOC Case Managers, Probation and Parole Officers, and DORS Treatment Staff.
To learn the new system, staff were provided a User Manual, PowerPoint and Video Tutorials.
Leah was originally placed on 5 years SIS probation in November 2014 for Possession of a Controlled Substance (Hydrocodone). She was ordered to complete Drug Court. In January 2015 she was cited for a violation and was ordered to complete inpatient substance use disorder treatment and five days shock detention. Leah continued to use alcohol, hydrocodone and marijuana. She was ordered to attend all Drug Court sessions offered, see her counselor weekly and go to mental health treatment. Leah still continued to use and in June 2016 she was terminated from Drug Court. In August 2016, her SIS probation was revoked and she received seven years pursuant to 559.115 (120). She was released in December 2016 with a three year SES probation.
Leah home planned to her parent’s house and it was not easy for her living there. She eventually moved in with the father of her children, and their two children.They had lost both their children due to abuse and drug use at different times. Division of Family Services allowed the children to be placed back in the home with the father and that is why Leah wanted to live there. It didn’t go good and they could not get along. She received a citation for THC use and moved out of the home back to her parents. She was referred to back to substance use disorder and mental health treatment. She was employed at Sonic Drive-In during that time.The children were removed again because one the kids advised dad hit one of them and they were placed with the paternal grandmother. She was granted visits and did her best to make them. In September 2017, and in August 2018, she received citations again for using THC. She started attending New Beginnings and gained employment at WW Wood Making $15.85 per hour. Guardianship was given to the paternal grandmother and she agreed to let Leah see the children. At that time Leah set a goal to one day obtain custody again of her two children. Leah completed probation on January 24, 2019.
Leah has called her Probation and Parole Officer twice since successfully completing supervision. Leah continues to work at WW Wood, completed New Beginnings substance use disorder classes, and has completed parenting classes. Leah reported that her children are going to come spend the summer with her and she is close to regaining custody of her children. She stated that she has not consumed alcohol, has not smoked marijuana and remains single.
Continual Success Leah!
The Chillicothe Correctional Center (CCC) Parole Office sponsored a School Supply Drive from July 2-July 12, 2019. All CCC staff had the opportunity to donate school supplies that were donated to the Livingston County 10th Annual Back to School Bonanza.
Great Job!
On June 2, 2019, WMCC Institutional Parole Officers Jani Holt and Stacey Anthuis participated in the Horses Carrying Hope fundraiser. This fundraiser was held for the House of Hope Domestic and Sexual Violence Shelter for children, women and men. The shelter is located in Lexington, Missouri.
Thanks for supporting your community Jani and Stacey!
District 27 PPO Rex Fults participated in the Statewide Blood Drive.
Great Job Rex!
Staff at District 12-Farmington are embracing the idea of “flexible work hours”. With the implementation of a mandatory late night in 2017, staff began to pitch ideas of how to be even more accommodating. With busy schedules themselves, understanding the demands of families, work, and other obligations, to include supervision, was a driving force for some officers to better supervise individuals in the community. PPO Jennifer Jones began holding the District 12 Intake Class on the first Saturday of each month rather than a day through the week. The consistency and non-traditional day for the class has been a huge success. There was an increase in not only individuals on supervision in attendance, but an increase in family or significant other participation.
Beginning in November 2018, approval was given for staff to work on one Saturday per month to co-inside with the Intake Class. With supervisory approval, staff can schedule office visits or conduct home visits on Saturday rather than through the week. The results of this move was also very positive. Officers were able to meet clients at home with the family present for a more productive home visit. Also, clients who commute to St. Louis often found it difficult to make appointments through the week; even with staff working late hours. Being able to schedule the office visit on a Saturday, alleviated the need for those individuals to miss out on work. Overall, this new way of doing business has been a huge success!
Cherrie Sullivan was promoted to SOSA at District 20-Camdenton.
Congratulations Cherrie!
Candy Turner was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 2-Cameron.
Congratulations Candy!
Sarah Hughes, OSA at the WRDCC Parole Office, was chosen as the North Central Region Employee of the Month for April 2019. Sarah was nominated by the supervisory staff. Sarah received this award because she takes initiative to seek out ways to assist this office beyond her regular job duties. She helps to ensure the office work is being completed and brings concerning issues to the supervisors and officers. She is timely, efficient, and very productive. Most recently, Sarah was tasked with extra duties for a week due to her supervisor’s unexpected absence. She took on this extra work with determination and no complaints. She managed the workload with professionalism and strived to ensure the quality of work was maintained. She remained calm and poised, which helped provide a sense of reassurance to the office. Sarah is an asset to the office and continuously shows her dedication to the Department. Sarah is pictured with North Central Region Regional Administrator Ed Bestgen.
Congratulations Sarah!
The P&P North Central Region Employee of the Month Award, for May 2019, was presented to WMCC Unit Supervisor Kyle Clark and IPO Stacey Anthuis. The nomination was submitted by WMCC District Administrator Carrie Owen, in recognition of the extra effort Kyle and Stacey have put forth in addition to their assigned duties. The nomination stated:
In the past six months, we have had one IPO on leave for military basic training and another IPO resign. During that time, Kyle and Stacey assumed the responsibilities of both caseloads, in addition to their own caseloads and responsibilities. They both took on the extra workload without hesitation and without complaint. Their own workloads did not suffer. They completed all work ahead of schedule, despite having more to do. In addition, they have recently been training the newest IPO. Stacey and Kyle have worked as a team, for the good of the entire office. Their willingness to cover caseloads for an extended period of time has kept the entire office on track and running smoothly.
Congratulations Kyle and Stacey!
Kelsey Elsberry, OSA at District 27-Jefferson City, was chosen as the North Central Region Employee of the Month for June 2019. The nomination form submitted by PPO Matt Duckett, included the following: "Kelsey does so much to make officer’s jobs easier at District 27. In any given day, you will find Kelsey answering the phones, assisting clients, filing, putting together files, locating missing files, issuing warrants….basically too much to keep track of. She does this all with a smile and a good attitude. District 27 has been short-handed due to numerous reasons over the last couple of months and Kelsey has gone above and beyond to ensure things go smoothly. This has included Kelsey having to change her work schedule multiple times a week to ensure there is clerical coverage. In addition to all of this, Kelsey is a member of the Personnel Club and is instrumental in purchasing, arranging fundraisers, and organizing the District 27 Christmas party. Kelsy brings a lot to this office and deserves to be recognized for it.
Congratulations Kelsey!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 10R: PPO Cheryl Bowen
District 11: PPO Lisa Blackwell
District 12: PPA Anthony Anderson
District 26: PPO Erica Bickell
On June 27, 2019, the Vernon County Area Employment Nexus group, a partnership among employment service providers, held a Reverse Job Fair. This was the first time to hold such an event since the group was initiated last year.
Prior to the Job Fair, the Missouri Job Center conducted four Job Readiness Workshops to assist participants in preparing for the Job Fair, including how to write resumes to participate in a job interview. Clothes were donated and available to participants as well as supplies to complete a Job Board to display during the Job Fair.
The Reverse Job Fair was held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., allowing participants to communicate with prospective employers. Space was also provided to allow employers to conduct onsite interviews. As the District 30-Nevada is partnered with the Vernon County Area Employment Nexus Group, clients were encouraged to attend the Job Readiness Workshop and participate in the Job Fair. Several clients did so and approximately 13 local employers attended the event!
As increased community contacts are a focal point of the Division, District 8 North-St. Louis Probation and Parole Officer II Lakesha Thomas met with one of her clients at MERS Goodwill where the client is enrolled in the High School Equivalency Program (HiSET). The client anxiously discussed her progress and upcoming graduation. The client was receptive to this community meeting as it showed that her officer was invested in her success.
Lakesha also met with clients at the Missouri Career Center (MCC) as a means to support and motivate them during their employment search. The staff at the Missouri Career Center assisted with enrolling clients into offered services such as resume building classes and employment workshops. Subsequently, the assistance provided, enabled one of the clients to obtain employment at the Texas De Brazil Restaurant making $10.00 per hour, as a dishwasher.
Probation and Parole Officer II Jose Lara met with several of his clients at Starbucks and discussed their expectations of him as their officer and of themselves as a client on supervision. During the discussions, Jose indicated that the clients seemed to open up more in the community setting and he was able to assist clients that had issues within the family by a counseling referral. Additionally, Lakesha and Jose discussed the MOMM and had their clients complete the Motivation Survey.
District 8 North regularly schedules Saturday office and home visits from 8:00 a.m.-noon. Great Job District 8 North!
During a DA meeting in May 2019, staff at District 30-Nevada, discussed different ways to show staff the impact they are making with their clients. During the discussion, staff decided to create a “comment box” to allow clients to write down positive comments or notes about their supervising officer. In June 2019, the clerical staff created the box, which was placed in the lobby with a note letting the clients know they can leave notes on the “positive” things their officer was doing for them. Within the first week, staff had received several notes. A bulletin board was created which is displayed in the main hallway. At the end of each week, new notes are added to the board so staff can see the positive influence they have on their clients! Very creative idea District 30!
Missouri Department of Corrections-Improving Lives for a Safer Community
Editor: Sharon Dunn, Special Projects Administrator