Assessment, Case Planning & Offender Accountability
When it comes to changing the mindsets and behaviors of people involved in the criminal justice system, a one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work. That’s why the Department of Corrections is changing the way we do business. In order to get the best results — to send people back out into the community better than they were when they came to us — we're tailoring our approach to the particular needs and strengths of each offender. The Justice Reinvestment Initiative (JRI) will help us get there.
Right now JRI implementation focuses on three major areas:
- Assessment
- Case Planning
- Offender Accountability Procedures
Implementation of a new risk and needs assessment tool, the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS), started June 1. This validated instrument helps identify factors that drive a person toward negative or criminal behaviors and also to determine each person’s risk of reoffending. The information collected can help ensure that we invest proportionate attention and appropriate resources in the moderate-risk and high-risk offenders who need them the most. The ORAS is being adopted department-wide to assess offenders, target interventions and determine responses to behavior.
Case Planning
The new case planning model started June 1. Based on ORAS assessment results, the case plan is a collaborative partnership between the offender/client and corrections staff — and may include treatment providers and family members when appropriate. Staff will be able to create case plans, and each case plan can be customized to capture goals, objectives, incentives and sanctions at all points of a client’s time with the department, both in facilities and in the community. Goals will be tied to criminogenic needs, and objectives should follow the SMART principle (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely).
Offender Accountability
The new offender rulebook for adult institutions went into effect May 1. For Probation & Parole, the Missouri Offender Management Matrix (MOMM) went into effect June 1. Both sets of tools are designed to provide a system of incentives and sanctions to reinforce positive behaviors while holding offenders/clients accountable for negative behaviors
When the first ASPIRE MO participants leave prison, they intend to re-enter their communities equipped with the professional skills, solid business plans and confidence they need to become entrepreneurs.
Since December 2018, nine women have been fellow travelers on a 20-week journey to self-discovery and employability, from inside Women’s Eastern Reception, Diagnostic & Correctional Center. There, they have gathered each week to figure out how to turn their strengths, skills and passions into careers.
Launched in collaboration among MODOC Reentry Services, the Missouri Women's Business Center and the Missouri Women's Council, the ASPIRE MO entrepreneurship program is rooted in LaunchU, a nationally recognized intensive business training course developed at Southeast Missouri State University. Students complete assignments designed to help them learn not only how to start a business but also how to get and keep a good job.
Missouri women business owners and industry experts give guest lectures on topics such as business etiquette, résumé building and marketing strategies. Retired banker and Missouri First Lady Teresa Parson led a financial literacy session for the group and returned June 5 to deliver the commencement address at the graduation ceremony.
For each student, the coursework culminates in a finished business plan and a pitch delivered before graduation.