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P&P Show Me Newsletter-July 2019
 Several District 27 staff assisted with the Jefferson City Tornado Clean-up efforts.
PPO Eric Barger shared the following: "I assisted with clean up on Thursday for about two hours and again on Friday for about 5 ½ hours. My daughter's cheer gym, which is Capitol City Cheer, had severe damage, so I volunteered my time to help the gym owner clean up and start rebuilding."
PPO Robert Johnson shared the following: "I helped some friends clean up their yards from fallen trees and debris. I also started a fundraiser and posted to my Zippo Collecting Group on Facebook. We’ve raised over $700.00 so far. Most of the money went to buy food and hygiene products to donate to shelters and churches throughout town. As there has been an been an outpouring of community support and supplies have been coming in regularly, I took a money order for the remaining $125.00 to Building Community Bridges to go toward rent assistance for displaced residents. Any additional donations received will be focused on rent assistance and finding displaced residents new housing. I have been amazed by the donations from my friends on Facebook! I’ve had donations come from the Netherlands, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, New Mexico, and West Virginia! I also sold a Zippo for around $50.00 and the buyer donated $450.00 to the tornado relief effort."
PPO Jesse Weed shared the following: "On May 23, 2019, I helped with pick up efforts on Ashley Street, and on May 24, 2019, my children and I went to Building Community Bridges to hand out food and water. Later that evening we helped with the clean up on 512 East Ashley."
Great Job Eric, Rob and Jesse!
Kelly Smothers, PPO II at District 37-Dexter, shared the following success story.
W.N. had used drugs on and off, even throughout his military experience, and was an alcoholic. W.N. had been arrested for several DWI's, and was discharged from the military due to use alcohol use. W.N. entered the DWI Court in December 2013. He was going through a divorce, had a small daughter that he barely saw on the weekends, and lived in a small apartment that was owned by his boss. He was defiant, and argued with his counselor but he stayed sober. He managed to stay employed at a construction company and graduated from DWI Court. He remained on active supervision and remarried his ex-wife. He quit his job to open his own construction business. Shortly after his remarriage, he relapsed using meth and alcohol. The Judge put him on a new term of supervision and ordered that he complete inpatient treatment and be placed on TAD for the duration of his probation. After completing inpatient treatment, W.N. would often go back to the facility as a guest speaker and continues to do so every two to three months. He tells his life story and his road to recovery. W.N. now has a successful construction business, and recently began purchasing rental houses. He remains married and has a second child on the way. Additionally, W.N. and his church started a "Celebrate Recovery" in Bernie. W.N. successfully completed probation in November 2018. He attends AA and recently received his three year coin. He has started a new healthy hobby...scuba diving. He travels to Florida or Alabama to scuba dive with family and friends about once a month.
Various staff from WERDCC participated in the Special Olympic Torch Run on May 23, 2019. The event began in Farber, Missouri and went to Vandalia with all participants logging approximately 4.5 miles each. P&P staff once again donned their red noses, in honor of Red Nose Day to help raise awareness about child poverty. |
WMCC IPO staff also participated in the Torch Run! |
Members of the District 18 Offices participated in the Annual Torch Run in Macon and Moberly on May 23, 2019 with local law enforcement personnel.
Way to go P&P Staff!
 District 33-Neosho participated in the 1st Annual Neosho Police, Fire & EMS Dodgeball Tournament on May 18, 2019, at the Neosho Middle School. All proceeds benefited the Neosho Police Department Shop with a Hero program which provides Christmas gifts for less fortunate children in Neosho. The “Dirty Dodgers” team consisted of Probation and Parole Officers Candy Tyler, Jessika Richardson and Lindsey Law, Clerical Supervisor Tracy Spencer, Unit Supervisor Eric Mitchell and District Administrator Tracey Musgrave. The Neosho Fire Department won the tournament but all teams had a great time for a very worthy cause. Great Job District 33!
 May is Law Enforcement Appreciation Month. On May 29, 2019 Bates County Probation and Parole Officers Jennifer Byers, Jessica Robey and Travis Cornelius provided a luncheon for the Law Enforcement Officers in Bates County. The PPO’s created flyers and invited the Rich Hill Police Department, Butler Police Department, Bates County Sheriff’s Office, Missouri State Highway Patrol and Conservation Agents to enjoy sloppy joe sandwiches, chips and homemade desserts.
Chris Sarchett was promoted to Superintendent at TCSTL. Congratulations Chris! |
Travis Cornelius was promoted to PPO III at District 30-Nevada. Congratulations Travis! |
Sean O’Keefe was promoted to Probation & Parole Officer I over the Discharged Lifetime Supervision Caseload in the Command Center. Congratulations Sean!
LeLonda Sherrod was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 4C-Kansas City. Congratulations LeLonda! |
Kassi Richmond was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 9-Joplin. Congratulations Kassi! |
Bart Hercules was promoted to Unit Supervisor at District 38-Troy. Congratulations Bart!
Tami Neece, OSA at District 12-Farmington, was awarded the Department of Corrections Lifesaver Award on May 23, 2019. On September 18, 2018, Tami observed a fellow patron choking and proceeded to perform the Heimlich maneuver until the patron was able to breath freely. Tami's caring personality and keen observation along with her departmental training gave her the knowledge to deal with the situation.
Congratulations Tami!
GEM Awards (Going the Extra Mile)
District 10R: PPO Michele McIntire and PPO Robin Beck
District 11: PPO Pam Holyfield and Donna Arthur
District 16: PPO Mike Ninness
District 17: PPO Brian McKay
District 11 Employee of the 2nd Quarter-2019
PPO Pam Holyfield
 Congratulations to All!
Frances Redmond, PPA I at District 12-Farmington, was selected as the Southeast Employee of the Month for April 2019. Frances is a 16 year veteran of the Department of Corrections and is a value member of the Farmington Community Supervision Staff.
Congratulations Frances!
Daman Shy, PPO II at District 22-Cape Girardeau, was selected as the Southeast Employee of Month for May 2019.
Damon received this award due to his ongoing initiative and helpfulness to his colleagues. Without hesitation, Damon steps up to serve those around him regardless of the situation, whether it is doing UA's, filling in for court officers, or anything else when the need arises. Damon has spent countless hours training staff, providing tips on best practices, and assisting the District Administrator in development and implementation of a local SOP that has helped ensure the safety of staff. He has used his military and law enforcement background to assist in safety procedures in the office. Furthermore, as the law enforcement liaison for the office, he keeps us aware of potential threats and dangers we may face in this line of work. He is a great asset to District 22.
Congratulations Daman!
District 3-Hannibal PPO II Jodi Gorton POII was chosen as the Northeast Region Employee of the Month for January 2019, and the P&P Divisional Employee for the 1st Quarter-2019. Jodi was nominated by PPO Amanda Hays. Amanda wrote, "On January 11, 2019, Jodi and I conducted a home visit to one of my client's homes. The situation turned serious quickly when we discovered a two year old little boy was in the care of my client, who was severely under the influence of drugs. The home smelled very strongly of marijuana, and was a complete disaster. There was no working heat in the home, and the temperature outside was in the low 30's. The child was dressed in thin pajamas and only had on one sock.
Jodi very quickly got a hold of the Hannibal Police Department, and Reggie Fenton from the Division of Children and Family Services. She helped tremendously in keeping the situation from getting anymore out of hand than what it was. The child was placed in protective custody, and was rushed to the hospital for medical attention, where it was discovered he tested positive for meth, had a skull fracture, a chipped femur, and bruising on his face.
Jodi remained professional, she stayed very calm and level headed, and was kind and compassionate all at the same time. We worked together as a great team, and I had all the confidence in the world that she had my back as we went through this heart-breaking experience, in an effort to save a little boy's life.
I credit officers like Jodi for making this job worth while, and if not for people like her, this world would be a much darker place." Jodi is pictured with Northeast Region Regional Administrator Todd Fleharty and District Administrator Kevin Knickerbocker.
Congratulations Jodi!
District 3-Hannibal PPO Amanda Hayes received a Distinguished Service Award. Amanda was nominated by Unit Supervisor Amy Sanders. Amy wrote, " On Saturday, December 15, 2018, at approximately 7:00 p.m., Amanda was contacted at home by a community partner asking for assistance with a client that had consumed a bottle of wine and was having a mental health crisis. Amanda is very familiar with the client and has worked diligently with her for the past several years. Amanda contacted local law enforcement and requested a well-being check. She also contacted the crisis hotline for a local mental health provider and requested that they respond to the client's residence as well. Amanda drove from her home (30 miles away) to meet with law enforcement and the mental healthcare worker at the client's home. Amanda was aware that the likelihood of the client cooperating with law enforcement would be better if she was also present. Amanda, law enforcement and the mental healthcare worker were able to talk to the client, convince her to take her mental health medications and they stayed with her until she was calm.
Amanda went above and beyond for taking the call on a Saturday at 7:00 p.m., and her willingness to drive 30 miles to meet with the client in order to increase the likelihood of a successful intervention.The mental health crisis was subdued, the client received the services she needed and she did not harm herself."
Congratulations Amanda!
 As a Community Outreach Project, District 4 and Detective Von Burns with KCPD collaborated with Habitat for Humanity and assisted with a renovation project in Kansas City. The "wrecking crew" blew out ceilings and walls with sledge hammers and crow bars, and filled the dumpster to the rim with everything but the kitchen sink. Great Job District 4!
Treatment Courts, including Veterans Treatment Courts, represent one of the most successful strategies in our nation’s history for reducing crime. By holding offenders with substance use and mental health disorders accountable through strict supervision and treatment, Treatment Courts and Veterans Treatment Courts have saved billions of tax dollars and saved the lives of over 1.5 million citizens and veterans. Currently, there are 79 Adult Drug Courts, four (4) Juvenile Treatment Courts, 13 Family Treatment courts, 23 DWI Courts and 13 Veterans Treatment Courts. These programs have 4,900 active participants. Since their inception, Missouri treatment courts have had more than 20,800 graduates and 898 drug-free babies have been born to treatment court participants. (Source MRN)
In recognition of National Treatment Court Month, District 27 Probation and Parole Treatment Courts (DWI, Drug and Veterans Court) sponsored a food drive to help benefit the local Samaritan Center in Jefferson City. The court participants also volunteered during the 8th Annual Serve Jeff City, a community-wide day of service, where the clients picked up trash and debris out of and around Wears Creek. |
 On June 7, 2019, the Western Region joined together for a day of camaraderie at Longview Lake. Western Zone Deputy Division Director Jamie Liakos and Regional Administrator Kim Hubbard-Steward barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs for staff. The region participated in team building exercises which included a scavenger hunt, dessert contest and some line dancing.

After over 20 years of service, Donna Amato retired on May 1, 2019. District 6-Columbia held a small retirement celebration and presented Donna with her “shadow box”. Donna will be enjoying the sunshine and beaches from this point forward.
Congratulations Donna!
Missouri Department of Corrections-Improving Lives for a Safer Community
Editor: Sharon Dunn, Special Projects Administrator