Family and Friends Newsletter | January 2019
JPay Tablets & Email Delays
As JPay tablets have been distributed to offenders, the Department has experienced a surge in emails, Snap ‘n Send pictures and Videograms being sent to offenders. The increase in volume has caused a significant delay in delivery to the offender population. All emails, Snap ‘n Send pictures and Videograms are reviewed by staff to ensure appropriateness and compliance with the Department’s mail and censorship policies. Inappropriate messages slow down the process. To ensure timely delivery, be sure to follow the same mail policies that have been in place for years. The Department does not allow images, photos and videos that contain depictions of gang activity, pornography, nudity (including bare-chested adults and children), sexually explicit images or other inappropriate content. Pictures that contain words other than a name, date and location are prohibited. Videos containing music with sexually explicit, violent, profane or otherwise inappropriate song lyrics are prohibited.
Please help us to better serve you by sending only electronic communication that is appropriate and in compliance with the Department policies.
Deposits to Offender Accounts
Each offender has an account for personal funds that may be used to make purchases of phone time, clothing items, legal or writing supplies, small appliances, hygiene items and snacks.
The quickest way to deposit funds on an offender’s account is through JPay.
Or you may mail a money order or cashier’s check to be deposited to an offender’s account. When doing so, the money order or cashier’s check must be made payable to the Missouri Department of Corrections and accompanied by a Department of Corrections deposit slip. Each offender has access to deposit forms and can send the slips to you at any time. All transactions should be forwarded to:
Offender Finance Office Missouri Department of Corrections P.O. Box 1609 Jefferson City, MO 65102
Upon receipt by mail, all deposits are normally completed within 1-3 business days. The offender may check their balance and determine the transaction, sender name and amount on a kiosk located inside the facility.
Do not send personal mail, cards, stamps or photographs to the above address. The office processes money transactions only. It is important that you supply all information requested on the deposit slip in blue or black ink. If you have questions, you may call the Offender Finance Office at 573-526-6445.
Note: it is important that you do not deposit money to other offender’s accounts. This is usually indicative of illegal activity or a way to get around established procedures and may result in disciplinary sanctions.
Crossroads Correctional Center Consolidation
In 2019, the Department will consolidate Crossroads Correctional Center (CRCC) with Western Missouri Correctional Center (WMCC), both located in Cameron, Missouri, to help reduce staffing shortages and improve safety and services in our facilities.
The department has faced significant staffing shortages, leading to long overtime hours for staff and a reduction in program time, recreation time and other rehabilitative activities for offenders. In some cases, these circumstances have sparked unrest among a few offenders, which can affect the safety of everyone in our facilities.
WMCC has open beds for offenders as well as open positions for staff. Half of WMCC will be converted to a maximum-security facility and as many CRCC offenders and employees as possible will be relocated to WMCC. Relocation gives CRCC offenders access to some programs and resources that have been unavailable at CRCC.
Though many CRCC offenders will be transferred to WMCC, some will be transferred to other facilities in the state. Housing decisions are based on several factors, such as space availability, safety issues, proximity to family, and the treatment and/or program needs of the offender.
Note: The Department is unable to accommodate transfer requests from family for their loved ones currently incarcerated at CRCC.
Resources for Families of Incarcerated Individuals
Parents and Their Children (PATCH) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to helping children maintain contact with their incarcerated mothers. PATCH visits provide a private, less formal environment for mother and child to interact during a four-hour session. During these visits, offenders and their children interact by reading books, playing games and working on craft projects. PATCH is offered at the Chillicothe Correctional Center.