Bill Number
Bill Sponsor and Bill Description
SB 551
(Wieland): Modifies provisions relating to insurance
SB 569
(Koenig): Modifies provisions relating to victims of sexual offenses
SB 591
(White): Modifies provisions relating to civil actions, including punitive damages and unlawful merchandising practices
SB 599
(Brown): Modifies various provisions relating to financial instruments
SB 600
(Luetkemeyer): Modifies provisions relating to public safety
SB 631
(Hegeman): Modifies provisions relating to elections
SB 644
(Hoskins): Modifies law regarding service animals
SB 653
(Crawford): Modifies provisions relating to foster parents
SB 656
(Cierpiot): Modifies provisions relating to veterans
SB 676
(Luetkemeyer): Modifies several provisions relating to taxation
SB 718
(White): Modifies provisions relating to military affairs
SB 739
(Onder): Prohibits public bodies from entering into certain contracts
SB 913
(Emery): Removes the expiration of the peer review process for architects, landscape architects, land surveyors, and engineers
SCR 32
(Bernskoetter): Urges the Missouri Congressional delegation to support legislation for the declassification of POW/MIA records
SCR 38
(O'Laughlin): Disapproves the Missouri Hazardous Waste Management Commission's recommendations regarding the fees and taxes of the Hazardous Waste Management Commission
SJR 38
(Hegeman): Modifies provisions regulating the legislature to limit the influence of partisan or other special interests
HB 1330
(Veit): Authorizes the conveyance of certain state property located in Cole County, Callaway County, St. Francois County, and Ste. Genevieve County
HB 1386
(Murphy): Modifies the definition of "legislative lobbyist."
HB 1387
(Murphy): Establishes the "Authorized Electronic Monitoring in Long-Term Care Facilities Act"
HB 1414
(Solon): Modifies provisions relating to child protection
HB 1467
(Pike): Modifies provisions relating to public employee retirement systems
HB 1511
(Lynch): Modifies provisions relating to professional licensing reciprocity
HB 1655
(Kelly): Modifies provisions on official documents
HB 1682
(Wood): Modifies provisions relating to health care
HB 1711
(Remole): Modifies provisions relating to the liability for distribution of donated shelf stable food
HB 1768
(Riggs): Modifies provisions relating to communications services
HB 1854
(Pfautsch): Modifies provisions relating to political subdivisions
HB 1896
(Roberts): Modifies several provisions relating to controlled substances
HB 1963
(Fitzwater): Modifies provisions relating to transportation
HB 2046
(Grier): Modifies provisions relating to professional registration
HB 2120
(Kidd): Modifies provisions relating to the safety of utility infrastructure
HB 2456
(Smith): Extends the sunset on certain health care provider federal reimbursement allowances
HCR 57
(Vescovo): Convenes a joint session for the "State of the State Address"
HCR 58
(Vescovo): Convenes a joint session to receive a message from the Chief Justice of the Missouri Supreme Court