The House Subcommittee on Appropriations – Education, chaired by Rep. Rusty Black (R- Chillicothe), convened on Thursday, Jan. 9, to hear testimony from presidents and administrators from public institutions of higher education. Representatives from the following nine Missouri institutions spoke during the hearing:
• Northwest Missouri State University • Missouri Southern State University • Truman State University • Southeast Missouri State University • Missouri State University • Harris-Stowe State University • University of Central Missouri • State Technical College of Missouri • Lincoln University
The subcommittee invited institution administrators to present their 2020 priorities and recent successes, while also sharing examples of how each institution has collaborated with their counterparts in order to find efficiencies, recognize cost savings, and serve Missouri students.
The eight public universities in attendance are members of the Council on Public Higher Education in Missouri (COPHE), and together they requested an increase in core funding for public institutions to account for inflation and increased costs. In addition, the COPHE members requested funding for deferred maintenance and renovation of campus infrastructure, as well as other areas of financial need. State Technical College of Missouri also shared the need for more investment in Missouri higher education institutions.
Among other topics discussed at the hearing, the committee asked the administrators questions about differences in per-student funding, tuition, improving outcomes for underrepresented groups, and enrollment challenges that universities will face in the 2020s.
In other subcommittee news, Rep. Doug Richey (R-Excelsior Spring) will replace Rep. Aaron Griesheimer (R-Washington).