iTechnology Vol. I, No. 1

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Tech Circuit: December 2014

Coding Skills Crucial for Future Job Opportunities


KANSAS CITY – According to KC STEM Alliance, math and science related jobs in the Kansas City metro area  will increase 14 percent in the next nine years, and computer programming will become a sought after skill for employers.
"If we want our kids to be prepared for the real world they need to be able to think for themselves," said Vanessa Steger, STEM coordinator at Cristo Rey High School. "It doesn't mean that we have to be an expert, but we can look at a piece of code and not think that it's Greek or a different language. But that it's something that is logical." Read more...

Kansas City Gets a Big IT Job Training Grant


KANSAS CITY – Kansas City's Full Employment Council announced that it is one of three agencies nationally that will receive “coding bootcamp” funds to provide job training in information technology.
Agencies in Kansas City, Minneapolis and Louisville are getting funds channeled from the White House Office of Science and Technology. Read more...

How a 9-hour Coding Class Changed my Whole Outlook on Technology


Once upon a time, Ed Sullivan thought 500 hours to develop a website was ludicrous. Sullivan, a man who has spent a decade working for tech companies but had never coded a website before, developed an appreciation for the amount of time it actually takes to complete a project after enrolling in Code In a Day, a class offered by London startup Decoded. Nine hours later, he indeed had a rudimentary site up and running. But more to the point, Sullivan found himself reconsidering words he'd said just days earlier. Read more…

Hour of Code Initiative Introduces Kids to the Skills, Thrills of Computer Programming


KANSAS CITY – They’re not going to stop.

As long as the projection of more than 1.4 million computing jobs by 2020 dwarfs the projected number of computer science students in America, the voices behind the Hour of Code are going to keep this up.

They’re going to rally schools just like they’re doing across Missouri and Kansas and the nation and the world to the joy of prodding a computer program into action. Even if it’s tricky. Read more...

Show-Me Tech Jobs


Demand is high for Information Technology (IT) occupations across Missouri. Need proof? 

The Show-Me State ranks in the Top 10 for states with the fastest-growing number of IT jobs, according to a report by the tech career website Read more…


Beyond technical skills: IT pros need to show these characteristics to land the best jobs

IT Guys 2

The demand for technology professionals is high, but just like other job seekers tech candidates need to be on their “A” game during the interview process, leave a good impression on the interviewer AND make every communication count. Read more...


DiversifyUs looks to connect people of different backgrounds

Nearly one month after he and a team of developers created a new app designed to connect people of different backgrounds, the founder of St. Louis startup DiversifyUs said he's "underestimated how much the idea would resonate with people," according to a recent article in the St. Louis Business Journal. Read more...


IT Testimonial


"I’m not sure what my expectations were, but I’ve been surprised by the talent of the pool we’ve got to work with in the local area, and by ‘the local area’ I mean not only Columbia, but St. Louis, Kansas City, and Rolla."


Jim Chapdelaine 



3 Tactics for Using Mobile Devices to land your next job

Are you old school? Reluctant in using mobile-based technology in your job search efforts? It might be time for you to come into the 21st Century.

From  Kimberly Kasper, Chief Marketing Officer at Jobvite, here are her top three ideas how job seekers can best use mobile devices to land their next jobs. Read more...

LaunchCode Looks to Increase Diversity in St. Louis' Tech Sector

Launch Code

 ST. LOUIS – St. Louis-based LaunchCode, a non-profit organization that creates pathways to economic opportunity and upward mobility through apprenticeships and job placement in technology, is partnering with Chicago-based BLUE1647 to promote diversity in the tech industry by training underserved youth in St. Louis.
BLUE1647 is an entrepreneurship and technology innovation center focused on professional development, workforce development, business acceleration and economic development in technology skills.
A 10,000 square-foot building, called BLUE1647 St. Louis, is expected to open in March near the Delmar Loop, according to ChicagoInno.comRead more...

BIG BANG THEORY: How NOT to Speak Like a Geek


Speaking like a geek doesn’t impress non-techies. It usually turns them off. But clueless technical professionals, engineers and scientists keep talking like geeks to non-geeks, face-to-face, at meetings and in their written communications. Follow these 10 tips so as NOT to sound like a geek. Read more...

What to Know When Vetting IT Professionals


Your IT function is the top threat to your business – your entire organization depends on it – but there is no industry-wide way to vet its competence. Read more...

Security Tech Firm Finds Comfort in Missouri


As a technical security audit firm, Parameter Security knows how to spot suspicious activity on a company’s computer network.  Parameter Security then teaches other companies how to eliminate the suspicious activity and protect their assets and information.  Click on the video above and find out why this St. Charles-based company finds Missouri to be the perfect home base. 

Information technology companies like Parameter need a highly-educated and skilled workforce to succeed.  And Missouri has several advantages that make it a state poised for growth in the IT sector. Click on the video above and find out how our state’s ongoing commitment to leading industry development in information technology is why Parameter Security calls Missouri home.

To discover how your company can join Missouri’s fast-growing Information Technology sector, visit

Why Missouri?

FASTEST Growing in Tech Jobs

  • 6th best entrepreneurial activity
  • 12th for high tech industries growing faster than the U.S. average
  • Over 2 million high speed fiber, cable, modem, and satellite lines
  • 34 institutions offer degrees in computer science
  • 15 million square feet of secure underground sites in Missouri
  • Over 3,500 IT service firms

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