With New Federal Nod the Highway of the Future Heads to Missouri

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With New Federal Nod the Highway of the Future Heads to Missouri

Corridor Sign

Alternative fuel corridor designations are making their way to Missouri highways. The Missouri Department of Economic Development Division of Energy's application for Missouri highways to be designated as part of the national alternative fuel corridors was recently approved by the U.S. Department of Transportation’s  Federal Highway Administration (FWHA). The proposed corridor will connect major metropolitan areas from across the country, traffic traveling between east-west directions, I-70 and I-44, and in north-south directions, I-29, I-35, I-49, and I-55.

An immediate benefit of an alternative fuel corridor designation is the ability to use uniform signage development by FHWA that would be recognized by all travelers around the United States. Other potential benefits include priority funding to help build infrastructures along highways that receive this designation. The new infrastructures could include electric vehicle charging stations, compressed natural gas refueling stations, liquid propane recharging stations, and hydrogen refueling stations. By improving infrastructures it could relieve stress from EV owners and possibly open opportunities for freight transportation to utilize alternative fuels.

The designated alternative fuel corridors directly impacts 45 counties in Missouri, the majority of which are considered rural. The corridor designations are expected to result in job creation and economic growth which are in line with the Missouri Comprehensive State Energy Plan set forth in 2015 by Governor Nixon.

For more Missouri energy information visit energy.mo.gov.