What is NCRC?
The ACT National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is an assessment-based credential available at no cost to you or job candidates. WorkKeys assessments measure various critical job skills, including applied mathematics, locating information, and reading for information. Candidates earn NCRC's depending on scores achieved on each assessments. Find out how the NCRC can help you hire top candidates for your open positions by contacting staff at your Missouri Job Center.
Why Use NCRC?
ACT profiled a wide variety of jobs based on occupational classifications, so the NCRC is useful across all industries and jobs at every level! Look up positions in your workplace and see what scores and NCRC level you should expect from your job candidates.
Is NCRC Being Used?
In Missouri more than 3,080 employers have completed the partnership letter to indicate they will look for the NCRC when screening job candidates. Over 75,400 job candidates have earned certificates and 78 of Missouri’s 114 counties are participating in the Certified Work Ready Communities (CWRC) initiative. Becoming a CWRC means a given percentage of community businesses support the NCRC in their hiring process and a given percentage of job candidates in the community have earned NCRCs.
For a list of supporting businesses, visit ACT's CWRC Missouri page. Wonder whether your county is participating in the CWRC initiative? Look at this Missouri map of certified counties and those in progress.