MDC offers free virtual program on Midwestern birds Feb. 1

Kansas City BannerWhite trumpeter swans resting on the water.

MDC offers free virtual program on Midwestern birds Feb. 1

Study the marvelous variety of bird species that Missouri hosts

Kansas City, Mo. – Birds are numerous, as flocks in flight or as bunches gathered by a backyard feeder. But take a closer look and they’re also impressive in variety. Learn about the many Midwestern avian species and their varied adaptations during a free virtual program from 1 to 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 1, presented by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC).

Birds are a vital part of natural ecosystems and interact in many ways. They may be prey or predator in food chains. Birds play a role in plant seed dispersal, insect control, and sometimes as pollinators. Missouri has a wide variety of natural habitats, so birds possess many adaptations to survive and thrive in grasslands, wetlands, woodlands, forests, and in urban settings.

For people who enjoy watching birds, this program will offer fresh insights about their biology and roles in ecology. Lisa Richter, MDC naturalist, will present an in-depth look at Midwestern bird groups such as raptors, summer and winter migrants, year-round residents, and waterfowl. The class will explore fun facts and unique qualities about birds.

The program is open to all ages. Registration is required. To register, visit

A single indigo bunting perched on a grass stem.

Photos: Trumpeter swans (top photo) migrate from the north to visit Missouri in winter, while indigo buntings (bottom photo) overwinter in Central America and visit Missouri in summer to raise young. Learn about Midwestern birds during MDC’s free virtual program Feb. 1.

                                      Missouri Department of Conservation photos