Get health coverage for the new year through MNsure

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Start 2023 with health insurance. Sign up at by Janaury 15! [Image of New Year's Eve fireworks]

Happy New Year! Start 2023 off right. If you don't already have health insurance, add “get covered” to your resolutions.

Getting covered through MNsure will protect your health and your wallet.

All plans sold through MNsure cover essential health benefits that include prescription drugs, mental health services, emergency services, and preventive care like flu shots and cancer screenings.

Don’t miss out on tax credits to lower your premium costs. Even if you didn’t qualify for financial help in the past, you could now! Take a minute to see how much you could save.

Enroll now

You can get free help with your application, or with choosing a plan. Contact a MNsure-certified assister (broker or navigator).

Remember, open enrollment for 2023 private health insurance ends Sunday, January 15. (After open enrollment, only people with major life changes will be able to enroll in a 2023 private health or dental plan.)

If you qualify for MinnesotaCare or Medical Assistance, or are a member of a federally recognized American Indian tribe, you can enroll year-round.

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