September 21, 2017
As many of you may know Minnesota is poised to see small
health insurance rate increases this year, and even reductions in many cases.
This is good news for consumers.
However, these lower rates depend upon federal approval for a
program called "reinsurance," passed by the Minnesota legislature earlier this year.
Right now we are still awaiting federal approval for this
program and time is critical. Without it, insurance rates will be around 20
percent higher.
We are hoping to hear back from the federal government soon
so Minnesotans can access lower health insurance rates. That's why federal
approval of this program is so important for Minnesota families.
Minnesota’s leaders are united in our push for federal
approval as soon as possible. Governor
Dayton recently issued a letter to U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary
Tom Price expressing Minnesota's grave need for the program to be approved and
Minnesota's congressional delegation is also working to get federal signoff.
When we know more we will share it with you. For more
information, please see recent
coverage in the Star Tribune.
Allison O'Toole, CEO
 This month, more than seven hundred MNsure-certified
assisters (brokers and navigators) and support staff are attending one of nine
assister assemblies throughout Minnesota to prepare for the upcoming open
enrollment period.
Assemblies are being held in Brooklyn Center, Fergus Falls,
Bemidji, Rochester, Mankato, Duluth, Saint Cloud, Marshall and Edina.
Assisters offer free in-person help with the MNsure application and enrollment. Find an assister near you.
MNsure CEO Allison O'Toole speaking to assisters at the assembly in Rochester
Applicants are being sought to fill open seats on MNsure's
Consumer and Small Employer Advisory Committee and on its Health Industry
Advisory Committee.
The advisory committees provide guidance, advice and
recommendations to the MNsure Board of Directors as it carries out its mission.
Minnesotans interested in serving on these committees must submit a
resume and a completed application by 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 12.
Call the Contact Center at 1-855-366-7873 (or 651-539-2099) or send us a message on Facebook or Twitter. (Due to privacy policy, not all questions can be handled via social media.) Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Get free enrollment help: Find a navigator or broker in your community.
Find an enrollment
event near you.
Big life events like getting married, having a baby, or
losing insurance due to a layoff could make you eligible to get health
insurance for 2017. Go to our website for a list of qualifying
life events and find out how to apply for a special enrollment period. In
most cases, you must enroll within 60 days of the event.
If you qualify for
Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare, are a member of a federally recognized
Indian tribe, or are a small group employer, you can enroll through MNsure at
any time of the year.
METS Executive Steering Committee Meeting September 26, 10 a.m.–noon Room 1100, Minnesota Senate Building, 95 University Ave. W., St. Paul
Consumer and Small Employer Advisory
Committee Meeting September 26, 2:30–5 p.m. UCare, 500 Stinson Boulevard NE, Minneapolis
Health Industry Advisory Committee Meeting September 28, 2:30–5 p.m. UCare, 500 Stinson Boulevard NE, Minneapolis
All of the board meetings can be attended in
person and are available online. MNsure is committed to accessibility and
provides reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with physical or
mental disabilities. Please submit your specific request for reasonable accommodations
to at
least two weeks in advance of the event date. We appreciate your interest in
"MNsure Open Enrollment
Full Steam Ahead Despite Proposal Hold Up" (KAAL-TV)
still considering Minnesota proposal to lower insurance rates as time running
out" (Pioneer Press)
must move faster to greenlight Minnesota health premium savings" (Star
Tribune editorial)
Reaching Deadline to Get Insurance Rate Approval" (Associated Press)
GOP reinsurance plans lower premiums for Minnesotans in 2018?"
(Minnesota Public Radio)
Federal government delays bipartisan state solution" (Mankato Free
Press editorial)
Mark Dayton says 'nightmarish' federal reinsurance process could cut low-income
health care" (Star Tribune)
approval costly for Minnesota" (Minnesota Public Radio)
Obamacare repeal bill still offers the wrong prescription" (Star
Tribune editorial)
needle to thread’ on ACA fix with easier state waivers" (Health Exec)
questions in health care: Can Minnesota support single-payer?"
(Minnesota Public Radio)
Say States Need More Flexibility to Stabilize Obamacare Marketplace"
(The Washington Free Beacon)
rate continued to fall in 2016" (Modern Healthcare)
split over fixing or gutting Obamacare as deadline looms" (Politico)
Graham-Cassidy Obamacare Repeal Bill Still Covers Fewer People" (The
GOP Effort To Replace Obamacare Could End Health Care For Millions"
(National Public Radio)
Stay updated on the latest MNsure news.