Sprockets Partner 2012-2013 Training Calendar is now available! Trainings address the professional development needs of Sprockets Network Partners by providing a variety of training opportunities for staff of all levels.
CLICK HERE for the full list of FREE trainings.
Check out what is available and sign up for the training that fits YOUR needs. Register at www.commed.spps.org and search SPROCKETS.
 What's going on during out of school time? Youth and families want to know about all the great opportunities available across Saint Paul. Sprockets Program Finder and Events Calendar are FREE ways the Sprockets Network can promote your events and activities.
If your agency provides programs or events be sure to list them in the Program Finder, contact Jocelyn Wiedow for assistance
Part of the Sprockets Network outreach strategy is to increase traffic to the Program Finder, Events Calendar and Facebook page. Include your information so youth and families can find you!
Like us on facebook!
Join other youth workers in your area to share ideas, best practices and collaborate while meeting others who share a passion for building brighter futures for youth through OST.
East Side Network Cafe - November 12, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Dayton's Bluff Rec Leap Forward Collaborative - November 20, 10 a.m.-12 p.m. at Skyline Tower North End et. al - November 8, 9 a.m.-11p.m. at North Dale Rec West Neighborhood Learning Community - November 22, 12 p.m.-1p.m. at Baker Rec
For more information contact Athelgra Williams or Jocelyn Wiedow
 A Little Data - A Lot to Celebrate. Saint Paul leads Minnesota in capturing data on out-of-school time. See our first year efforts and learn about our expansion to agencies who serve both Saint Paul and Minneapolis. CLICK HERE to learn more about Sprockets Networks efforts to collect reliable data.
 Saint Paul Neighborhood Network (SPNN) youth created seven short videos to highlight out-of-school time programs in Saint Paul. RayLynn Prokasky blogs about it. Click here to read her blog about the project on the SPNN Website.
The videos will be highlighted in future outreach through the Sprocket Network News, on the Website and through Facebook. The best part is that agencies can post videos on their program description pages on the Program Locator!