CONTACT: Maggie Myers, Public Health Educator
Prescription drug turn-in events set for April 27
Saturday, April 27, is National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day, an opportunity for people to safely dispose of unused or expired medications. Drop boxes will be staffed and available for take-back events from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the St. Louis County Sheriff's offices in Virginia and Hibbing. Medications to be disposed of should be brought in in their original containers with any personal identifying information crossed off.
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day takes place twice a year to highlight the importance of getting rid of medications that are no longer needed. Proper disposal of prescription and over-the-counter medications in a local drop box helps prevent accidental poisoning, reduces the possibility of medication misuse, and prevents water pollution and other environmental threats.
An additional medication turn-in event is happening Friday, April 26, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Western Lake Superior Sanitary District in Duluth.
Meanwhile, numerous law enforcement agencies and pharmacies in St. Louis County offer secure disposal boxes where medications can be disposed of anonymously year-round. A list of locations, along with information about what is or isn't accepted, is available online at
While take-back programs are the best way to dispose of old drugs, transportation and access issues may make it difficult for some people to discard medications. Anyone who is unable to access a local drop box can contact Maggie Myers at 218-471-738 or for information about alternative disposal methods, such as a free medication mail-back envelope or a DisposeRx kit.
