FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 13, 2023
MEDIA CONTACT: Victor Lund, Traffic Engineer
St. Louis County Public Works receives $200,000 federal grant to develop safety action plan
St. Louis County Public Works has been awarded a $200,000 grant to develop a comprehensive safety action plan. The county is one of 510 local jurisdictions receiving a portion of the $800 million from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program. The funding, which came from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law is intended to reduce and eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries.
The comprehensive safety action plan will build upon the county’s current County Road Safety Plan and include a focus on vulnerable users such as pedestrians and bicyclists.
"We are grateful to receive this funding and excited to put it to work to make the county's roads safer for all users," said Commissioner Keith Musolf, who chairs the County Board's Public Works Committee.
The traffic safety action plan will develop a list of priorities and recommend targeted safety projects to those locations. The planning effort is expected to take up to two years once work begins. When finalized, this new traffic safety action plan will make the county eligible to pursue additional traffic safety funding to complete dedicated traffic safety projects.