FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 20, 2022
MEDIA CONTACT: Steve Krasaway, Resident Engineer
218-625-3841 (office) • 218-213-0579 (cell)
Public meeting set for Rice Lake Road redesign including new roundabouts
St. Louis County Public Works is hosting a public information meeting to unveil the preliminary design for the reconstruction of Rice Lake Road between Ridgeview Road and a half mile north of Martin Road. The meeting will be Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 6 p.m. at Rice Lake City Hall, 4107 Beyer Road.
Engineers have been studying this section of roadway for several years, noting the concentration of new and planned development, the expected growth in the city and corresponding traffic volumes, and safety and delay concerns at several intersections. Working with the City of Rice Lake, they have developed recommendations to improve traffic operations and safety while preserving the function of Rice Lake Road. The goal is to create a commercial corridor that invites development while also managing access, and that incorporates accessibility for pedestrians and bicyclists.
The recommendation also includes installing two roundabouts on Rice Lake Road - at the intersection with Calvary Road and with Martin Road.
At the meeting, Public Works engineers will share preliminary designs and the reasoning that led to these recommendations. Construction of the project is likely several years out as funding has not yet been finalized.
More information about the proposed project can be found online at or by contacting Engineer Steve Krasaway at or 218-625-3841.
 St. Louis County Public Works is hosting a public information meeting on September 27 to discuss plan to reconstruct a portion of Rice Lake Road.