MEDIA CONTACT: Steve Krasaway, Resident Engineer
218-625-3841 (office) • 218-213-0579 (cell)
Virtual public meeting set for Haines Road and Piedmont Ave project
St. Louis County Public Works is hosting a public information meeting regarding a 2023 project to improve to sections of Haines Road and Piedmont Avenue in Duluth. The virtual meeting will be Wednesday, June 15, at 6 p.m. Project details, including a link to join the meeting, are available online at
The project will include resurfacing of Haines Road between Morris Thomas Road and Airport Road, and Piedmont Avenue between Haines Road and Chambersburg Avenue. Numerous intersection safety improvements are also planned including traffic signal upgrades, pedestrian crosswalks, and curb cuts for accessibility.
A change in lane configuration is also being proposed for Haines Road between Morris Thomas and Maple Grove Roads. Currently, Haines Road includes two driving lanes and two parking lanes, each of which is 12-feet wide. The proposed lane configuration would include three driving lanes and two parking lanes of varying widths. The two outside driving lanes would be used for through traffic, and the middle driving lane would be used as a continuous two-way-left-turn lane.
The project is expected to be completed during the 2023 construction season with no road closures planned.
To learn more about this or any other St. Louis County road construction project, or to sign up for email updates, visit
 St. Louis County Public Works is planning numerous improvements to Haines Road and Piedmont Avenue in 2023.
 This drawing shows the proposed lane reconfiguration along Haines Road as part of a 2023 project.