St. Louis County Board to hold emergency meeting Tuesday, May 17

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 Administration • 100 North Fifth Avenue West, Room 202 • Duluth, MN 55802

Phone: (218) 726-2450 •

Kevin Z. Gray
County Administrator




May 16, 2022

MEDIA CONTACT: Dana Kazel, Communications Manager

218-725-5049 (office) • 218-591-2219 (cell)


St. Louis County Board to hold emergency meeting Tuesday, May 17

The St. Louis County Board will hold an emergency meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, May 17, at 9:15 a.m. The Board will consider a resolution declaring a local state of emergency. 


In calling for the emergency meeting, County Board Chair Paul McDonald stated, "Due to the late spring melting, frozen/saturated ground and significant rainfall amounts, the County is experiencing high water in many areas. The National Weather Service is predicting peak water levels within two weeks for multiple waterways and areas located in St. Louis County: Crane Lake, Lake Kabetogama, Vermilion River, Lake Vermilion and Basswood Lake/River. The result of this high water has already caused road washouts, water covered roadways and overwhelmed drainage systems throughout the County. Several communities have begun sandbagging in preparation of peak levels. High water has impacted many residential and commercial properties in these areas."


A local state of emergency declaration is needed in order to apply for state and federal assistance if damage amounts reach certain thresholds.


The meeting will be held in the St. Louis County Government Services Center, Lake Superior Training Room, 320 West 2nd Street in Duluth. A County Board Workshop was already scheduled for 9:30. The workshop will still be held following the conclusion of the emergency board meeting.


The emergency board meeting will be livestreamed on the County's Facebook page: The board workshop that follows is not recorded but is open to public attendance.

