MEDIA CONTACT: Steve Krasaway, Resident Engineer
218-625-3841 (office) • 218-213-0579 (cell)
Public meetings set for two 2023 road construction projects
St. Louis County Public Works is looking ahead to 2023 road construction projects and will be hosting two public meetings next week to provide information and get community input on two projects that will take place in Duluth.
Morris Thomas Road reconstruction: a meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 9, at 6 p.m., at St. Lawrence Church, 2410 Morris Thomas Road in Duluth. Morris Thomas Road (CSAH 56) is scheduled to be reconstructed next year between Haines Road and Piedmont Avenue. The meeting will include updates on the more detailed road design that has been developed based on earlier feedback provided. This project also includes a water main project that will be done this year by the City of Duluth. An update on this will also be provided at the meeting. More information on the project and maps of detours that will be involved can be found online at
Woodland Avenue construction: a virtual public meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 12, from 6-8 p.m. This project involves several improvements along Woodland Avenue between Snively Road and Anoka Street, including repaving, new curbs and gutters, conversion from four lanes to three lanes with bike lanes, plus safety improvements for motorists and pedestrians. The meeting will cover project purpose, design and schedule, as well as contruction impacts. Details and maps for the project, as well as a link to join the virtual meeting, can be found online at
To learn more about these or any other St. Louis County road construction project, or to sign up for email updates, visit