CONTACT: Dana Kazel, Communications Manager
218-725-5049 (office) • 218-591-2219 (cell)
St. Louis County honors community partners in the north for help with COVID response
The St. Louis County Board and St. Louis County Public Health honored more community partners for their assistance during the pandemic - this time celebrating those from the northern part of the county. During Tuesday's County Board meeting, which was held in Hoyt Lakes, the county presented Public Health Partnership Awards to 33 organizations and individuals for helping in a variety of ways including providing space for COVID testing sites and vaccination clinics; assisting with outreach to ensure people had accurate information as well as access to vaccine and testing; providing essential services to people in need who had to isolate or quarantine; and offering resources and infection control consultation and other technical assistance.
Organizations honored during Tuesday's Board meeting in Hoyt Lakes include: Adventure Inn, Arrowhead Center, Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA), Arrowhead Regional Development Commission - Arrowhead Area Agency on Aging, Bois Forte Band of Chippewa, City of Aurora, City of Eveleth, City of Gilbert, City of Hibbing, City of Meadowlands, City of Virginia, Coates Hotel, Curl Mesabi, East Range Police Department - City of Aurora and Hoyt Lakes Emergency Management, Ely Area Senior Center, Ely Bloomenson Community Hospital, Ely Community Care Team, Ely Community Health Center, Hibbing Community College, Housing & Redevelopment Authority of Virginia, Jessie B. of Midwest Radio Communications, Koke's Motel, Northeast Service Cooperative, Scenic Rivers Health Services, St. Louis County Agricultural Fair Association, St. Louis County Public Works Department in Ely and Virginia, St. Louis County Rescue Squad, St. Louis County Schools - ISD 2142, Vermillion Community College, Voices for Ethnic and Multicultural Awareness (VEMA), Duluth MakerSpace, and Paul Schonfeld.
The county held a similar recognition event at a Board meeting earlier this month for community partners from the southern part of the county. Photos from the recognition event can be found on the county's Facebook page at Video of the Board meeting is available on the county's YouTube channel.
 St. Louis County Public Health and the County Board presented Public Health Partnership Awards to 33 organizations and individuals who assisted with pandemic response efforts in the northern part of the county.
 Following the Board meeting, which was held in Hoyt Lakes, Public Health staff provided opportunity to tour one of its mobile trailers. The County purchased two of these trailers with CARES Act funds and have used them to offer COVID testing and vaccines to ensure easier access for people. The trailers will continue to be used for other public health outreach efforts in the future.
 Following the Board meeting, which was held in Hoyt Lakes, Public Health staff provided opportunity to tour one of its mobile trailers. The County purchased two of these trailers with CARES Act funds and have used them to offer COVID testing and vaccines to ensure easier access for people. The trailers will continue to be used for other public health outreach efforts in the future.