Paul McDonald chosen as County Board Chair for 2022

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 Administration • 100 North Fifth Avenue West, Room 202 • Duluth, MN 55802

Phone: (218) 726-2450 •

Kevin Z. Gray
County Administrator




January 4, 2022

MEDIA CONTACT: Dana Kazel, Communications Manager

218-725-5049 (office) • 218-591-2219 (cell)


St. Louis County Board selects Paul McDonald as Board Chair for 2022 

St. Louis County commissioners today selected Commissioner Paul McDonald to serve as County Board Chair for 2022. Commissioner Patrick Boyle was selected Vice Chair.

McDonald represents the geographically massive Fourth District, which covers all of the northern portion of the county as well as much of eastern edge. He has been on the County Board since 2019. Boyle represents the Second District, which covers the eastern portion of Duluth. He has been a commissioner since 2014.


In thanking his fellow commissioners for choosing him to lead the Board this year, and for their continued service, McDonald stated, "I am very confident we are going to have a good year. I know we are all united in one mission to make St. Louis County better each and every day for each and every one of our citizens. I look forward to working as a unit to accomplish those goals."


As the new Board Chair, McDonald assigned commissioners to chair the following standing committees of the Board:


Health and Human Services - Patrick Boyle

Public Works and Transportation - Keith Musolf

Environment and Natural Resources - Mike Jugovich
Finance and Budget - Keith Nelson
Public Safety and Corrections - Ashley Grimm
Central Management and Intergovernmental Relations - Frank Jewell


Commissioners also approved their meeting schedule for 2022. Consistent with the Board's
ongoing efforts to to provide easier access to meetings for all citizens of St. Louis County, at least one meeting each month will be held in locations around the county, outside of the county seat in Duluth. Board meetings will be livestreamed when at locations that are equipped with the necessary technology to do so. All other meetings will be recorded and posted later on the county's YouTube channel, as well as aired on Public Access Cable Television.  The 2022 schedule can be found online at

For more information about St. Louis County and its Board of Commissioners, call (218) 726-
2450 or visit


Paul McDonald

Commissioner Paul McDonald of Ely will serve as St. Louis County Board Chair for 2022. He has represented the county's 4th district since 2019.

Patrick Boyle

Commissioner Patrick Boyle has been named Vice Chair of the St. Louis County Board for 2022. He has represented the county's 2nd district since 2014.

