73 new cases of COVID-19 reported in St. Louis County

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Public Health & Human Services Dept. • 320 West Second Street, Suite 605 • Duluth, MN 55802
Phone: (218) 726-2096 • www.stlouiscountymn.gov

Linnea Mirsch




September 25, 2020

CONTACT: Dana Kazel, Communications Manager

218-725-5049 (office) • 218-591-2219 (cell)


73 new cases of COVID-19 reported in St. Louis County

St. Louis County is seeing another significant increase in confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 73 new cases reported today. Cases range in age from under 5 to older than 100. Of particular concern: 18 of the cases involve residents of long term care facilities throughout the county.  Additionally, 19 cases involve young adults in the 18-24 year old age range.


There are no new COVID-related deaths today, but there have been 10 reported in the last week. Nine of the 10 deaths involved residents of long term care facilities. 


"As we look at the data, we see two particularly troubling trends," said Public Health Division Director Amy Westbrook. "There is an increase in outbreaks in long term care facilities, and as many people know by now, it is our older populations that are most likely to suffer severe effects from this virus. But additionally, we continue to see a large number of cases linked to college-age students."


Currently in September, 14% of cases - 88 total - are linked to UMD. Of cases associated with any college or university in St. Louis County, 97% are connected to private residences, not dorms.


"It's certainly not surprising that UMD would make up the majority of cases in this age group, since it is the largest college in the region," said Westbrook. "But we need all young people to follow the recommended guidelines of social distancing, wearing masks when unable to maintain six feet of distance, and staying home when sick."  


The CDC earlier this week released a report identifying that increases in younger populations, who tend to be less susceptible to serious health effects, are leading to increases in older populations who are more at risk. It states, "“This report provides preliminary evidence that younger adults contributed to community transmission of Covid-19 to older adults.”


It also should be noted that increased testing through the new saliva testing site at the DECC is not contributing to this increase in cases. All but one of the 73 cases has a test date prior to Wednesday's opening of the saliva test site.


More information about the COVID-19 situation in St. Louis County can be found on the onilne dashboard at stlouiscountymn.gov/covid19.



