Sheriff's Office • 100 North Fifth Avenue West • Duluth, MN 55802 Phone: (218) 726-2340 •
Ross Litman Sheriff
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: October 6, 2019
Media Contact: Deputy Brock Kick (218) 780-3250
Know the Truth substance abuse prevention events coming to Cherry
Students, parents and concerned community members will have the chance to learn the realities of youth substance use and what's being done locally to combat it. Know the Truth, a substance use prevention event, is coming to Cherry School on Wednesday, November 13.
Know the Truth includes a program for students in grades 6-12, which will take place during the school day, featuring a team from Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge.
The community event also will be held at the school, 3943 Tamminen Road in Iron. It begins at 5 p.m. with a free supper and resource fair. The program begins at 6 p.m. and includes a presentation from Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge, as well as a question and answer opportunity with a panel of school officials and local law enforcement. People also will have the opportunity to safely dispose of any unused, expired or unwanted medications.
The events focus on building awareness of local drug trends, specifically the new vaping epidemic, with the goal of bringing together the community together to learn ways to communicate with individuals who are struggling with substance use, and to develop tools to keep loved ones safe from the devastation that addiction can cause to a family and community.
Know the Truth is made possible in part with the donation from the St. Louis County Sheriff's and County Attorney's Office. Additional support is provided by Cherry School and Legacy Church. To learn more about the event, contact Minnesota Adult and Teen Challenge at 612-238-6111.