Annual meeting on stormwater pollution prevention efforts set for Sept. 24

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Public Works Department  • Richard H. Hansen Transportation & Public Works Complex
4787 Midway Road, Duluth, MN 55811 • Phone: (218) 625-3830

James T. Foldesi, P.E.
Public Works Director/Highway Engineer



September 18, 2019

MEDIA CONTACT: Carol Andrews, Environmental Program Manager



Meeting to recap efforts to reduce stormwater pollution

There will be landscaping tips for home and business owners as well as advice on how to get better de-icing results with less salt; plus Lake Superior College will share information on how they've developed rain gardens and other outdoor landscaping both to improve the campus setting and reduce stormwater pollution getting into area streams and Lake Superior.


These are among the presentations scheduled for an annual meeting on stormwater pollution prevention, put on by members of the Regional Stormwater Protection Team. The meeting will be Tuesday, September 24, 6:30-8 p.m. at the Minnesota Department of Transportation headquarters in Duluth, 1123 Mesaba Avenue. Representatives of the cities of Duluth and Hermantown, MnDOT, St. Louis County. Lake Superior College and the University of Minnesota - Duluth, will provide information regarding their current efforts to reduce stormwater pollution, as well as their goals for next year. The public will have an opportunity to provide input and feedback. Additionally, there will be a drawing for three lucky attendees to win a six-pack of native plants to bring home.


For more information about stormwater pollution prevention efforts, or to provide suggestions
outside of the meeting, contact Carol Andrews, St. Louis County Public Works Environmental
Project Manager, at (218) 625-3862 or visit


LSC Stormwater2

Lake Superior College has used alternative landscaping and green infrastructure to create a living lab on campus, and reduce stormwater runoff at the same time.LSC rain garden

Lake Superior College has used alternative landscaping and green infrastructure to create a living lab on campus, and reduce stormwater runoff at the same time.

