FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 3, 2019
CONTACT: Patty Swedberg
St. Louis County Extension Administrator
(218) 733-2879
St. Louis County 4-H students win honors at Minnesota State Fair
The livestock club of the South St. Louis County 4-H program came home with some impressive hardware after competing at the Minnesota State Fair. The livestock club includes five girls, who each earned honors in their categories. They include:
Shea Moshier: Grand Champion Oberhasli Dairy Goat, Grand Champion Senior Showmanship and Interview finalist.
Laura Johnson: Reserve Champion Senior Showmanship, Blue ribbon Senior Alpine Doe Kid
Jazzelle Waxvik: Grand Champion New Zealand rabbit, Interview Finalist
Ilsa Johnson: Blue ribbon sheep, Interview Finalist
Fraya Webster: Interview Finalist
"The girls did an incredible job, and were competing against some counties with huge livestock programs from the southern part of the state," said Tim Caines, South St. Louis County 4-H Program Coordinator. "They worked hard all year preparing to represent our county at the State Fair and it paid off. Their results were very impressive."
A Grand Champion is the highest award in a class. A Reserve Champion is the second place. An Interview Finalist means that in an test of knowledge about their species they made it to the highest tier.
4-H is a program available to St. Louis County youth in grades kindergarten through one year past high school. The mission of 4-H is to engage young people, in partnership with adults, in quality learning opportunities that enable them to shape and reach their full potential. To learn more, visit
 Shea Moshier earned Grand Champion Oberhasli Dairy Goat, Grand Champion Senior Showmanship and was an interview finalist.
 Laura Johnson earned a Reserve Champion Senior Showmanship and a blue ribbon Senior Alpine Doe Kid.
 Jazelle Waxvik earned a Grand Champion New Zealand rabbit and was an interview finalist.
 Ilsa Johnson earned a blue ribbon for her sheep and was an interview finalist.
 Fraya Webster was an interview finalist