MEDIA CONTACT: Steve Krasaway, Resident Engineer
218-625-3841 (office) • 218-213-0579 (cell)
Temporary traffic signals being installed at 60th East and London Road
Temporary traffic signals are being installed at the intersection of 60th Avenue East and London Road, however they won't be activated until June 24, following Grandma's Marathon. St. Louis County Public Works is installing the lights now to allow time for programming and testing. Motorists should continue to follow and obey existing traffic signs at the intersection until the signals are activated.
The temporary traffic signals will be used to help with traffic flow for a project that will soon be underway a block up on Superior Street. That project includes rehabilitating the bridge over the Lester River, reconstruction of a block of Superior Street, installing curb and gutters, and adding sidewalk and other pedestrian accommodations.This is the first major rehabilitation for the bridge, which was constructed in 1973.
The project will require closure of a block of Superior Street beginning June 24, diverting an estimated 5,000 vehicles per day onto London Road, thus the need for a temporary traffic signal. Knowing that traffic often ends up backed up at signals farther north on Highway 61, St. Louis County will monitor the signal operation on peak days, such as Fridays and Sundays, and will make adjustments to the signal timing as necessary
The $1.9 million project on Superior Street is expected to be complete and re-opened by mid-September, in time for the NorthShore Inline Marathon.
To learn more about this or any other St. Louis County road construction project, or to sign up for email updates, visit
 The view looking east at 60th Avenue East and London Road. Temporary traffic signals have been installed, but will not be activated until June 24.
 The view looking west at 60th Avenue East and London Road. Temporary traffic signals have been installed, but will not be activated until June 24.