Incident Summary:
Family members of Wahbinmigisi "Pennie" Robertson reported her missing to the Fond du Lac Police Department on Tuesday May 28th. Robertson was last seen on Mahnomen Rd on May 24th. Since then, family and community members have conducted searches and reached out to the news media and social media for assistance.
The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office was notified of the investigation and began assisting the Fond du Lac PD on Friday May 31st. The Sheriff's Office was not previously involved with the investigation, but will be working with FDL PD moving forward.
Anyone with information on Robertson's whereabouts are urged to call 911 or
the Sheriff's Office Investigations Division at 218-336-4350
Authority: Sgt. Wade Rasch 218-336-4347
Date: 5/31/2019 Time: 1030
Additional Information or Update:
An autopsy was conducted by the Midwest Medical Examiner’s Office yesterday in Anoka County. The preliminary cause of death for Wahbinmigisi “Pennie” Robertson is determined to be: hanging
The manner of death is pending at this time. Additional investigation is currently underway and toxicology results will take some time to be returned. During the autopsy, law enforcement investigators and the Medical Examiner found no signs of trauma, signs of assault, or homicidal violence. The case remains under investigation by the Fond du Lac Police Department and the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office.
Authority: Sgt. Wade Rasch 218-969-2855 Date: 6/3/19 Time: 12:05