New Deputies and Corrections Officers sworn in, other staff honored
Eight new St. Louis County deputy sheriffs took an oath to serve and were officially sworn in Thursday, at a ceremony at the Public Safety Building. The deputies started working for the County in April and recently completed their initial field training
New corrections officers at the county jail also were sworn in; plus special recognition was given to other recently hired or promoted staff in the sheriff's office.
The St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for all law enforcement activity in the unincorporated areas of St. Louis County, as well as several cities. Sheriff’s deputies operate out of regional offices in Duluth, Virginia and Hibbing, with additional stations in Ely and Mountain Iron.
To learn more about the work of the St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, visit or call (218) 7262341.
 Eight new St. Louis County Sheriff's deputies took the oath to serve. Shown L-R are: Tanner Banks, Gerard Gagnon, Jacob Gargano, Brandon Kucharski, Zachary Peterson, Michael Pikul, Tylin Rust and Alyssa Schlichting.
 Sheriff Ross Litman administers the oath to new corrections officers (L-R) Anthony Biskey, Deanna Hernandez, Derek Knezovich, Timothy Lyons, Dylan McAulay, Aaron Roebke, Ashley Seabrook, Samual Vinnek and Thaddeus Wood. Not pictured are: Trevor Davidson, Joel Dickhausen, Tanner Johnson, Brittany Moore and Paige Wedan.
 Sheriff Ross Litman gave special recognition to the St. Louis County Sheriff's K-9 Program, including current and past K-9s, handlers and training coordinators, as well as to Undersheriff Dave Phillips, who was instrumental in starting the program more than 15 years ago. Shown L-R are Sheriff Ross Litman, Undersheriff Dave Phillips, Sgt. Brandon Silgjord and K-9 Kilo, Deputy Tim Officer and K-9 Louie, and Deputy Ben Fye and K-9 Diesel. Not pictured are Deputy Ryan Smith and K-9 Wesson.