CONTACT: Dana Kazel, Communications Manager
218-725-5049 (office) • 218-591-2219 (cell)
Groundbreaking set for Thursday for "GSC North" building in Virginia
Construction is ready to begin on the new Government Services Center (GSC) North in Virginia. A groundbreaking celebration will be held Thursday, May 10, at 10:30 a.m., in the parking lot across from the Northland Office Building, 307 1st Street South. Representatives from St. Louis County, the Quad Cities, key contractors involved in the project and other community partners will take part in the start of this $19 million building project.
Once complete, the GSC North will be a two-story, 63,000 square foot facility, and will serve as a centralized hub for people in Virginia and surrounding areas to access county services from more than 10 departments in one place. Approximately 180 employees will work in the building.
The GSC North will replace the aging Northland Office Building, and is expected to open in the fall of 2019.
 Artist renderings show what the new GSC North facility will look like once complete.