Incident Summary:
On May 3, 2018, at approx. 6:47 PM, the St. Louis County Sheriff's Office along with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Bois Forte Police Department), Greenwood Township Fire & 1st Responders, St. Louis County Rescue Squad and the Tower Ambulance Service, responded to the area of Big Bay near the Everett Narrows on Lake Vermilion in Greenwood Township for a water emergency. Boshey Jr. had left a nearby residence on Farm Point Rd. to retrieve a dog that had gone out onto Lake Vermilion. Boshey Jr. was approximately 300 yards out on the ice, when he broke through and fell into shallow waters. Boshey Jr. was able to get himself out of the water and made his way to a nearby unnamed island, where he waited for rescue. A nearby resident and family member witnessed the incident and called 911. Boshey Jr. and the dog were rescued from the island by the Greenwood Township Fire Depatment using their airboat. Boshey Jr. received minor injuries. The St. Louis County Sheriff's Office urges everyone to stay off the ice as no ice is considered safe at this time of year.
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Assisting Agencies
Boise Forte Police Department, Greenwood Fire and 1st Responders, St. Louis County Rescue Squad, Tower Ambulance Service
Authority: Sgt. Robert Tarr Date: May 3, 2018 Time: 8:30 PM
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