Next phase of 65th Street project begins Monday
The reconstruction of 65th Street will begin next week, weather permitting. The first part of this year's work will focus on the area between the Richfield Lake Park entrance and Lyndale Avenue.
Prior to rebuilding the roadway, new utilities will be installed underground, including a box culvert which will help address historic flooding issues in the area. During this phase of the project, through-traffic will not be allowed on 65th Street, between 66th Street/Rae Drive and Lyndale Avenue.
Please be sure to follow the detour signage throughout the course of the project. The only on-street parking that will be available on 65th Street during this phase will be west of the Richfield Lake Park Entrance.
Biweekly neighborhood meetings will begin in early May.
We need your input on our parks!
This spring, the recreation department will host a number of listening sessions with the community to collaborate on updates to our parks and playgrounds. Tonight's virtual event will focus on the expansion of the Augsburg Skate Park. Next week, Fairwood Park playground will be discussed. Please join us!
April 13, 6-7:30 p.m.: Staff will discuss the additional features being added to the skate park in Augsburg Park to better accommodate beginner skaters.
April 15, 5-6:30 p.m.: Fairwood Park playground replacement. Meet staff at the playground (6700 Logan Avenue) to discuss ideas for a new playground.
Show Mother Earth some love!
 Reminder: EcoFair this weekend!
Come out and learn what you can do to live a more sustainable, earth-friendly life! Admission is free and all are welcome. Event will include speakers, door prizes and kids' activities. Exhibitors will showcase everything from electric vehicles and solar panels to composting, low-waste products, organic lawn care and more.
 April 16: Minnesota's Climate Future
On Sunday, from 12:30 to 2 p.m., come out to Wood Lake Nature Center to learn about climate change, the science that informs us, the impacts on Minnesota and how we can help. Craig Heinen, the presenter, will share information from his experience at the International Climate Reality Leadership Conference. Be prepared to explore topics and ask questions about our climate future!
 Celebrate Earth Day!
On April 23 celebrate Earth Day at Wood Lake by helping plant trees, remove invasive species, clean up the trails and pick up litter. We will have some work gloves, rakes, and shovels but we encourage you to bring your own if you have them. Soul to Soul BBQ food truck will be onsite Sunday afternoon.
A Shred-Truck will also be at Wood Lake in the parking lot on Monday April 24, from 12 to 2 p.m.
City recruiting more commissioners and board members!
Richfield is seeking a few residents to serve on the Advisory Board of Health and Charter Commission. Both groups meet approximately four times per year.
The Advisory Board of Health is responsible for advising, consulting, and making recommendations to city council on matters relating to the development, funding, and evaluation of community health services and programs.
The Charter Commission is responsible for the continuing study of the Richfield Charter and government. The Commission consists of 15 regular members who serve four-year terms. The members are appointed by the Chief Judge of the Hennepin County District Court.
Applications will be accepted through April 27.
Residents: Join the Hennepin County Step to it Challenge
 Step to it is a free activity challenge that is open to people of all ages and abilities. Stay active and track your activity online May 1-28. It’s not just about walking; you can convert almost any activity to steps when you enter it in your activity account. Yoga, dancing, even tasks like vacuuming, gardening and washing your car! Be sure to track your activity each week to be entered into a drawing to win Twins tickets. You can also help Richfield take home a Step to it trophy by being the most active community.
Upcoming Events/Dates
April 13: Augsburg Skate Park expansion virtual open house, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
April 15: Eco Fair at Richfield high school, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
April 16: Minnesota's Climate Future at Wood Lake Nature Center, 12:30 - 2 p.m.
April 17: Advisory Board of Health, 6 p.m.
April 17: HRA and EDA, 7 p.m.
April 18: Fairwood Park Playground replacement open house, 5 - 6:30 p.m.
April 18: Community Services Commission, 7 p.m.
April 23: Earth Day at Wood Lake Nature Center, 1- 4 p.m.
April 24: Planning Commission, 7 p.m
April 25: City Council, 7 p.m.
In case you missed it....Community bids farewell to Elsen Bros.
After more than 130 years in Richfield, tomorrow will be the last day of business for Elsen Brothers Auto Repair shop on 78th and Portland.
The Elsen family will be recognized at an upcoming city council meeting in May. We thank them for their dedication to the Richfield community and wish them the best in their retirement.
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