News for rental housing owners & managers ~ April 20, 2023 |
The Richfield Apartment Manager’s Association (RAMA) is a collaborative effort between the City of Richfield and rental housing management and owners to create and maintain quality apartment communities. The RAMA Reporter is published quarterly to provide information and resources for furthering this mission. |
Tips from the Housing Inspectors:
Spring is on its way! In spite of this week's cold weather, spring is coming, and as part of your spring cleaning:
- Make sure window screens are all in good repair and installed as they should be.
- Clean out the gutters and make sure the extensions are all attached.
- Change your smoke detector batteries. Did you forget to change all the smoke detector batteries with Daylight Savings? It’s not too late! While the start or end of Daylight Savings offers a good reminder to change those batteries, any time of year works. The important thing is to do it once a year.
Rental Rehab Loans and Grants
Funds are available to make improvements to your building using the City’s Apartment Remodeling Loan and Grant programs. Duplexes that participate in a rent assistance program (e.g., Section 8) are also eligible for the grant program. Check out our website or contact Julie Urban, Housing Manager (jurban@richfieldmn.gov or 612.861.9777), for more information.
Energy Efficiency Business Grant
For a limited time, the City of Richfield is offering bonus rebates (20% of the costs up to $2,500) to local businesses who make qualifying upgrades. The common and exterior spaces in apartment buildings can qualify as a "business." The local nonprofit Center for Energy and Environment will provide you with a free energy assessment, which includes:
• Detailed report with recommended upgrades
• Estimated rebates and savings
• Help with bids or finding a contractor
• Financing options
• Technical expertise
• Completion and submission of all rebate paperwork
Get started today by calling 612-244-2427.
 Help Us Keep Your Residents Safe!
The Richfield Police Department requires updates of tenant lists whenever there has been a change of residents at your property. (Richfield City Code 407.09 Subd. 4).
This information provides officers with vital information in the event of a fire or other emergency on the property. We understand the sensitivity of this information, and it will be used for public safety purposes only. If there have been recent changes in management or owner information for your properties, please let us know.
We would also appreciate emergency contact numbers for both on-site and off-site managers. This allows us to contact the appropriate people as quickly as possible in the event of an emergency.
Please send information to jmecklenburg@RichfieldMN.gov.
Richfield Farmers Market OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 6
Saturdays, May 6-October 28. 7:00 am-12:00 pm (May-Aug) and 8:00 am-12:00 pm (Sep-Oct)
Veterans Park Shelter (6335 Portland Ave)
Join us at the Richfield Farmers Market every Saturday morning for a great place to gather with the community, shop for fresh and handmade local foods, farm products, and artisan crafts. Check out a number of special events that happen at the market: live music every week, Master Gardener info booth, monthly art and science activities for the kids, Yoga, Power of Produce Club, and much more! For the latest news, including updated vendor lists, follow the Richfield Market on Facebook or sign up online for the e-newsletter.
Now Hiring: Summer Recreation Staff APPLY ONLINE!
This summer, consider a job in the fun delivery business! Richfield Recreation is seeking applicants for summer jobs. Work outside in the parks or at the pool and get paid to help run the fun! We're hiring for a variety of cool jobs: Adaptive Leader/Specialist, Inclusion Facilitator, Lifeguard: Outdoor Pool, Playground Coordinator, Playground Leaders, Attendant/Cashier: Outdoor Pool, Pool Supervisor: Outdoor Pool, Tennis Coordinator, Event Attendant: Ice Arena (Year-Round), and Ice Resurfacer: Ice Arena (Year-Round). Apply online, or read more about the positions, at www.richfieldmn.gov/jobs.
Paddleshare at Taft Park
Rent a paddleboard or kayak and take it for a spin on Taft Lake (1800 E 63rd St)! Paddleshare is a system where users can reserve a paddleboard or kayak online, then head to Taft Lake at your reserved time, get the watercraft out with your special code, and take it out on the lake! The program is presented by Three Rivers Park District. Reservations can be made beginning Saturday, May 6, for dates beginning May 27. Four-hour rental prices are $20 for solo kayaks, $30 for paddleboards, and $35 for tandem kayaks. Try it out for the month of June for 20% off! Use the discount code TRYIT20. For full information, visit the Richfield Paddleshare page at www.richfieldmn.gov/paddleshare.
Residents in Need of Financial Help?
VEAP provides food and supportive services to members of the Richfield community. Limited funds are also available for rent and utility assistance. Contact VEAP at 952-888-9616.