An environmental health newsletter from Ramsey County. |
2024 year in review
The Environmental Health division of Saint Paul - Ramsey County Public Health was busy this past year completing the Environmental Service Center, which opens to the public on April 1, 2025. The Environmental Service Center will offer multiple services to help residents reduce waste, reuse and recycle. Environmental Health has also continued to provide programs that support safe and healthy communities and the environment.
Join us in reflecting on some of the work we accomplished over the past year to serve Ramsey County.
Waste reduction and reuse
Ramsey County partnered with Hennepin and Washington counties to offer the Stop Food Waste Challenge. Through the challenge, 771 residents kept 3,503 pounds of food waste out of the trash.
- Ramsey County joined Hennepin and Washington counties to provide a Plastic-Free Challenge last year, in which 1,757 people participated in to learn about and reduce plastic usage. Residents can sign up for this year's challenge now.
A total of 468 residents attended Fix-It Clinics in 2024 to repair their items for free and learn valuable repair skills. Fixers helped repair 521 items, keeping over 3,302.71 pounds of materials out of the trash.
- The Solid Waste Management Plan was approved by the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners. This plan guides the division's work and was updated to continue aligning with the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's goals. Residents participated in the Solid Waste Advisory Committee to advise staff on the plan priorities.
BizRecycling awarded seven Waste Reduction & Innovation grants estimated to eliminate 21,000 tons of waste from the trash each year.
- Ramsey County hosted the first joint Recycling Ambassadors training with Washington County to help train residents from both counties about environmental health. Recycling Ambassadors volunteer in their communities after completing the training.
- Staff supported the Ramsey County community at 69 different events, interacting with almost 6,000 residents with the help of Recycling Ambassadors.
- About 100 residents attended the first Green Ramsey Career Fair and Expo and got to learn about green careers and meet environmentally-focused organizations.
- The Recycling Exists campaign aims to educate about where recyclables end up. In a joint effort with Washington, Hennepin, Dakota, Scott and Carver counties, the campaign was seen 33,082,976 times.
- BizRecycling provided over 300 businesses and 175 apartment buildings with technical assistance and resources to improve recycling and reduce waste.
- The cities of Roseville, Saint Paul, and White Bear Lake participated in textile recycling during their city cleanup events, allowing residents to recycle 7,128 pounds of textiles.
Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy staff led 138 educational tours of the Recycling & Energy Center, welcoming more than 1,848 people.
- Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy also partnered with cities and multi-unit residential properties to collect and recycle nearly 1,531 mattresses from residents.
 Collection programs
- Ramsey County coordinated the construction of the Environmental Service Center, which opens April 1, 2025, and prioritized sustainable building practices. Staff planned food scraps compost delivery and reused pavers for landscaping and used recycled asphalt for a walkway around the storm water pond.
- Approximately 22,701 visitors used free household hazardous waste drop-off sites to dispose of paint, used oil, batteries and other hazardous materials.
- Over 15,000 residents participated in our electronics recycling program with Repowered this year, recycling 720,397 pounds of electronics.
- There were approximately 450,000 site visits to the yard waste drop-off sites this past year, which allow residents to drop off leaves, grass, food scraps and more for free.
 Climate action
- Ramsey County hired three new staff members to lead climate adaptation outreach and engagement with underrecognized and climate-vulnerable communities, support climate action planning in Ramsey County cities and update the county’s resources for supporting climate adaptation.
- Staff conducted an Urban Heat Island and Air Quality study with support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. This data will be used to guide extreme heat and air quality planning and resource allocation around the most vulnerable communities. We’re looking forward to sharing data collected from the Urban Heat Island at ramseycounty.us/UrbanHeat.
- Ramsey County developed a climate action planning template for cities/communities who are just beginning their planning process.
 Hazardous waste and food/pool/lodging regulation
- The Community Environmental Health program protected the health of residents in 2024 by inspecting 1,600 establishments that serve food like restaurants, grocery stores, convenience stores and special events as well as public swimming pools, hotels and manufactured home parks.
- Staff issued hazardous waste generator licenses for over 1,600 organizations, and conducted more than 400 hazardous waste inspections, while closely collaborating with the cities, State, and Metropolitan Council, along with other government agencies, to ensure compliance.
- The pre-demolition program followed up on 100 demolition projects, and conducted inspections to ensure major appliances, asbestos, and hazardous materials were managed properly before demolition begins.
- Staff licensed 100 solid waste haulers, 6 transfer stations, and 16 facilities, and ensured they were operating in accordance with the local and state rules and regulations.
 Healthy Homes
- The Lead Remediation Program enrolled 57 properties in 2024. This program helps residents replace original windows coated with lead-based paint from homes. Lead-based paint on windows is one of the common causes of lead exposure. With county assistance, 941 windows were removed from homes with young children.
- The Asthma Intervention Program provided home visits to 23 families to identify asthma triggers and provide resources and education.
- Residents purchased 488 $2 radon test kits to test radon levels in their home.
Thank you for supporting our programs. We look forward to continuing to serve Ramsey County in 2025!
Good to know
Fix-It Clinic
Saturday, Jan. 25 10:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Saint Paul Public Library - Hayden Heights 1456 White Bear Ave., Saint Paul Learn more
Ramsey County Master Gardeners present: Houseplant success
Wednesday, Jan. 8 6 - 7:30 p.m. Ramsey County Library - Shoreview Learn more
A to Z Recycling & Disposal Guide
Use this guide to learn how to properly recycle or dispose of many items.
BizRecycling helps businesses, non-profits, schools, apartment buildings and institutions in Ramsey and Washington counties reduce waste and recycle better.
Gardening and landscaping
Learn more about eco-friendly gardening and landscaping from a Ramsey County Master Gardener.
Parks and Recreation
Explore what Ramsey County has to offer for parks, trails and recreational activities year round.
Radon is a naturally-occurring, radioactive gas. Two in five homes in Minnesota have high radon levels that can impact health. Ramsey County offers $2 radon tests to residents. Learn more
Recycling containers for events
Reserve free recycling and food scraps containers to reduce waste. Containers are loaned to Ramsey County residents and organizations for any temporary event. Find a pickup location
Soil and Water Conservation
The Soil & Water Conservation Division maintains and enhances natural resources in Ramsey County. Learn what programs are taking place in your neighborhood.