Conversations to Make Community Better for All
I am excited to announce some important updates regarding the Emerging and Diverse Developers, Critical Corridors, and Environmental Response Fund programs. Thank you for your support of these programs and your assistance in getting the updates out to your audiences.
Emerging and Diverse Developers
We are pleased to announce that the 2024 Emerging and Diverse Developers (EDD) Solicitation is now open! This solicitation is a funding opportunity specifically for new housing developers who want to bring affordable housing to their communities. The EDD program also has a technical assistance component to assist potential applicants with their development proposals.
An informational webinar will be held on Thursday, September 12 for applicants to learn more about EDD and Critical Corridors. Responses to the 2024 EDD Solicitation are due on October 31, 2024.
For more information on the EDD program and this funding solicitation, please visit
Critical Corridors
Critical Corridors Development and Infrastructure solicitation is now open. Applications are due on October 15. Through this solicitation, Ramsey County seeks proposals for redevelopment projects that demonstrate efficient land use and compact built form that connect residents to housing, jobs, retail, and services, while creating walkable environments.
Visit the Critical Corridors webpage to apply and access program details, including the program guidelines and previously funded projects.
Environmental Response Fund
The Fall 2024 Environmental Response Fund (ERF) solicitation will open on September 15, with applications due November 1. This program helps offset the costs of environmental cleanup of contaminated sites to prepare them for redevelopment.
Thank you for your support as Ramsey County continues to grow the pool of affordable housing developers, expand the housing supply and support redevelopment opportunities across the county! |