The first half of 2024 property tax payments are due Wednesday, May 15. If your tax is $100 or less for real property or $50 or less for personal property, it must be paid in full by May 15.
Payment options
Payments must be postmarked on or before May 15 to avoid penalty. Checks and money orders should be made payable to Ramsey County.
Understanding your property taxes
Watch a video to learn more about how taxes are determined, how to read your statement and how to resolve questions. The video is available in five languages.
On Tuesday, April 16, just a few days ahead of Earth Day, the Ramsey County board unanimously adopted a fully integrated Climate Equity Action Plan. Developed by staff, community members and key partners, the plan aims to reduce greenhouse gases and help the community survive and thrive in changing climate conditions.
The 2024-2028 Transportation Improvement Program is now available for review. The Transportation Improvement Program consists of a five-year schedule of projects developed by assessing the condition of the existing system. The program identifies county road projects for implementation based on community input and financial resources.
Future road projects in planning and design stages include engineering and community engagement work. Current road projects include maintenance and reconstruction.
Two reports recently published on the county’s open data portal—Open Ramsey County—offer unique perspectives on developments throughout the county.
In 2023, Workforce Solutions served 6,285 residents, providing resources for job placement, career development, resume assistance and interview practice. Explore the 2023 Workforce Solutions Annual Report for details on accomplishments and partnerships.
Meanwhile, the 2023 Assessor’s Report details changes in land use and property valuations with interactive tools for visual exploration.
These reports provide crucial information on Ramsey County’s economic and social well-being, supporting goals of data accessibility, transparency, economic development and performance management.
Celebrating APIDA Heritage Month: Tuj Lub, a Traditional Hmong Game in Keller Regional Park
As we approach May, designated as Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Month Heritage Month, it is fitting to celebrate cultural traditions like Tuj Lub, the traditional Hmong top-spinning game. This game serves as a reminder of the contributions and rich heritage of the Hmong community and Asian American and Pacific Islander communities at large. The Tuj Lub court at Keller Regional Park, originally opened on June 10, 2017, served as a hub for cultural exchange and community engagement.
Board proclaims April 21-27 as Volunteer Week at Mississippi River cleanup event
The board of commissioners proclaimed April 21-27 as Volunteer Week in Ramsey County. The proclamation was made during the Mighty Mississippi River Cleanup Challenge.
Dedicated people volunteer thousands of hours in Ramsey County every year. In 2024, the board especially recognized the work of Parks & Recreation-based programs including dog park stewards, rain gauge network, bird banding and Tamarack Nature Center volunteers. These volunteers strengthen our community by supporting park operations, habitat restoration and year-round programming. Read the proclamation.
Are you or someone you know experiencing homelessness and need emergency shelter? Ramsey County has established a new approach to streamline shelter services. Individuals are encouraged to directly contact Ramsey County's Shelter Entry and Diversion Team to help them find available resources in the community:
Phone: 651-266-1050 Email: In person: Saint Paul Opportunity Center, 422 Dorothy Day Place, Saint Paul, MN 55102 (Second floor)
Learn more about Ramsey County’s housing services and support.
Grants available to address public health issues
Grants of up to $30,000 are available for community organizations to support activities or programs that address common public health issues. Deadline to apply is May 24.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Each of us can play a role in promoting good mental health by reaching out to a friend, family member or a loved one. Ramsey County provides a variety of mental health resources.
The county is also hosting an open house at our Mental Health Center on May 14. Families are invited to come meet staff, get a tour and learn about services available.
Domestic Violence Prevention Co-Design Sessions
Monday, May 6, 5.30-7.30 p.m.
- Launch Pad: Career and Resource Fair
Thursday, May 9, 4:30-7 p.m.
- Volunteers in Corrections Annual Plant Sale
Friday, May 10, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.
Medical Assistance Renewal Pop-Up Clinic at Wilder Foundation
Monday, May 13, 10 a.m.- 2 p.m.
Financial Assistance Services Engagement Event
Monday, May 13, 4:45-7 p.m.
Free Open Skate - TCO Sports Garden
Monday, May 13, 5:30-6:50 p.m.
Lactation Lounge
Tuesday, May 14, 10 a.m.-noon
Blood Drive at Union Depot
Thursday, May 16, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
Memorial Day - Holiday
Monday, May 27
Free Youth Open Hockey - Highland Arena
Friday, May 31, 5-6:10 p.m.