On Tuesday, Dec. 12, the Ramsey County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the 2024-25 county budget.
The budget for 2024 totals $808,498,799 which represents a 2.9% overall budget increase from 2023. The 6.75% levy increase for 2024 was driven by a shift away from federal and state one-time resources that were available during the emergency pandemic. The budget for 2025 totals $835,076,779, with an 3.3% budget increase from 2024 and a maximum 4.75% levy increase that is proposed to be reduced once estimates for future cannabis sales tax revenue can be incorporated.
The 2024 budget was mitigated by a $6 million increase in county program aid from the state of Minnesota. Without this critical support, the levy was estimated to be 1.76% higher.
The budget was developed with a resident-centric focus by incorporating key learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic and extensive community feedback received from online comments, phone calls and public hearings.
Learn more about the 2024-25 biennial budget process.
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health has launched a pilot project to distribute a potentially life-saving drug that can reverse opioid overdoses. The county is offering free naloxone (commonly known as Narcan®) directly to residents on a limited basis. Public Health is offering one kit per address, while supplies last. Order a naloxone kit.
Learn more about the Opioid Response Initiative at the upcoming Public Health Presents from 4-5 p.m. on Jan. 30.
Ramsey County has opened winter warming spaces in Saint Paul for residents who are experiencing homelessness. Through the end of March 2024, the following locations will be open every night from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. On Jan. 1, the Saint Paul Opportunity Center warming space closed for the season.
The free shuttle service will run from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. each day. Ramsey County housing services and support staff will also be answering calls and emails from 9 p.m. to 6:30 a.m. to help refer people to available warming spaces or extra shelter beds.
Learn more at ramseycounty.us/WarmingSpaces.
Ramsey County showcased significant strides in bail reform during a Dec. 12 town hall meeting, led by Commissioner Rena Moran and featuring County Attorney John Choi, Deputy County Manager Scott Williams, Undersheriff Kyle Mestad and community-based organizations. The presentation highlighted achievements in key areas such as the pre-charge release process, community support services, sequential bail review, and new performance measures that increase accountability.
Choi emphasized the transition from planning stages to implementation of tangible changes – a priority of the Ramsey County Bail Reform Work Group (BRWG) since the group was formed in 2019. Sheriff Bob Fletcher emphasized a commitment to ensuring the right people are released or detained.
The town hall highlighted initiatives like assessing pre-charge release eligibility, funding community support services, implementing consistent bail reviews, and proposing performance measures that increase transparency. Commissioner Moran affirmed the commitment to reforming the pretrial system, emphasizing collaboration with partners and the community to address challenges and create solutions.
Learn more about the BRWG Dec. 12th town hall.
Winter Reads is a program from Ramsey County Library encouraging busy adults to read during the dark months of winter.
Starting Jan. 2, adults can read four books and be entered for a chance at a grand prize. There will be Winter Reads-themed giveaways throughout January and February, while supplies last. Learn more.
 Employers are invited to join the Ramsey County Inclusive Connections Hiring Summit on Jan. 24 from 8:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Metro Square building. Find new talent pipelines and discover tools to help implement effective and inclusive hiring practices. Attend breakout sessions led by workforce experts about skills-based hiring, youth internships, and providing accommodations to employees with disabilities. This event is free and open to local organizations. Register today.
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health has successfully completed an external review to maintain national accreditation through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). By earning accreditation for another five years, Public Health meets PHAB’s national quality standards and has the capacity to evolve, and advance to continue improving the health of Ramsey County residents.
Saint Paul – Ramsey County Public Health first earned PHAB accreditation in 2016 after a rigorous, multi-faceted, peer-reviewed assessment process. The 2023 reaccreditation goes a step further by showing that the department has the capacity to become increasingly more effective. It is one of 10 PHAB-accredited public health departments in Minnesota and 322 across the nation.
Suburban Family Collaborative 25th Anniversary Read at the Dec. 12 board of commissioners meeting
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Jan. 9, 16, 23
Free Tot Time at TCO Sports Garden Thursdays, Jan. 4, 11, 18, 25
Youth Works! Orientation Wednesday, Jan.10, 11 a.m.- noon
COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic - Consulate of Mexico Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2-6 p.m.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day - Holiday Monday, Jan. 15 County offices and library locations closed.
Top 10 Trends in the Workforce in 2024 Wednesday, Jan. 17, Noon-1 p.m. on Zoom
Absentee Voting Begins for Presidential Primary From Jan. 19 - March 4, residents may vote in person or by mail. The presidential primary is March 5.
Public Hearing: Proposed Name Change of Lake Savage in Little Canada Tuesday, Jan. 23, 9 a.m.
Public Health Presents: Opioid Response Initiative Tuesday, Jan. 30, 4-5 p.m. on Zoom