Residents, businesses and other stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed 2024-25 budget and property tax levy. The first public hearing was on Sept. 19. The second public hearing will be held on Dec. 6 at the Maplewood Community Center.
Learn more and sign up to speak at the public hearing at
In preparation for the coldest winter months, Ramsey County has opened winter warming spaces in Saint Paul for residents who are experiencing homelessness. Through the end of March 2024, the following locations will be open every night from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m.:
The free shuttle service will run from 6 p.m. to 9 a.m. each day. Ramsey County housing services and support staff will also be answering calls and emails from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. to help refer people to available warming spaces or extra shelter beds.
Learn more at
 Parks & Recreation has several free opportunities for you and your family to have fun outside over winter break. Try cross-country skiing, kicksledding, snowshoeing and more!
Find dates and locations for winter break activities.
Snowmaking has begun and the first ski trail is open at the Winter Recreation Area at Battle Creek. This easy 0.6 km trail loop is perfect for skiers of all skill levels and is lighted from sunset until 10 p.m. As weather allows, we will continue to make snow and open additional trails.
Find the latest trail opening information and buy ski passes online at
The library in Maplewood reopened with a warm welcome from the community. The grand opening saw a bustling crowd of over 1,300 people eager to explore the newly renovated library.
With such a positive turnout and overwhelming support from the community, the library's reopening is not just a celebration for book lovers but a testament to the importance of libraries in our communities. The reimagined space stands ready to be a beacon of knowledge, imagination and community connection for all.
Read more about the grand reopening

Holiday festivities at Union Depot are underway! Join in the fun by attending the European Christmas Market, Holiday Bake Sale and the annual tree lighting ceremony. Visits by the North Pole Express and Canadian Pacific Holiday Train are also on the schedule.
View the list of Hub for the Holidays events.
Ramsey County, the city of Arden Hills and Rice Creek Commons project development staff want to extend a big thank you to community members who took time out of their evening on Nov. 1 to engage and learn more about the redevelopment project. About 200 people attended the open house to hear a brief presentation by Joint Development Authority members and project partners, review project visuals and information, and ask questions about different aspects of the project. The project team looks forward to hosting future community events to continue to inform and guide the development of the site.
Stay informed about other community engagement opportunities.
 If you are on Medical Assistance, you may need to renew your health insurance. Get prepared by using the Department of Human Services’ new renewal lookup tool to know your renewal month and when to watch the mail for your paperwork.
Yog koj tau Medical Assistance, koj yuav tsum npaj rov thov dua koj daim ntawd kho mob. Yeej meem npaj siv Department of Human Services kev tshawb fawb tshiab kom tau lub hli koj yuav tsum rov thov koj nraim ntawd kho mob dua, raws nws lub hli yuav tau thov dua. Saib ntsoov nej cov ntaub ntawd tuaj rau nej thiaj li tsis nrhau lub caij yuav thov dua.
Si usted recibe Asistencia Médica, puede que necesite renovar su seguro médico. Prepárese para su renovación usando la nueva herramienta del Departamento de Servicios Humanos para saber su mes de renovación y cuando esperar el papeleo.
Hadii aad haysatid Caafimaadka Medical Assistance waxaad Ubaahan doontaa in aad cusboonay siiso. Waaxada adeegyad ada aadanah sida aad u ogaan kartid waqtiga, ama bisha la cusboonay siinaayo.
 Ramsey County was chosen as one of nine communities across the nation to receive the 2023 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Culture of Health Prize. The prize celebrates communities across the country where people and organizations are collaborating to build positive solutions to barriers that have created unequal opportunities for health and well-being.
Learn more about the work and this award.
Transforming Systems Together is looking for nine community members to help transform how the county provides community corrections and mental health services. Community members will earn $50 per hour and serve one-year terms beginning in January 2024. Students and people from racially and ethnically diverse communities are encouraged to apply.
Learn more and apply by Dec. 31.
Infant Safe Sleep Week Read at the Nov. 14 board of commissioners meeting.
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Dec. 12, 19
Open House: Dale Street Safety Conversion Tuesday, Dec. 5
Medical Assistance Renewal Pop-Up Clinic Wednesday, Dec. 6
Public Hearing on 2024-25 Proposed Budget and Tax Levy Wednesday, Dec. 6
Bail Reform Work Group Townhall Tuesday, Dec. 12
Free Open Skate at Highland Arena Saturday, Dec. 23
Christmas Day - Holiday Monday, Dec. 25 County offices and library locations closed.
Free Tot Time at TCO Sports Garden Thursday, Dec. 28
New Years Day - Holiday Monday, Jan. 1 County offices and library locations closed.