Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 7. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Voters can register to vote at their polling place. Find your polling place and sample ballot at mnvotes.org.
Return your ballot on Election Day
On Election Day, Nov. 7, the only place you may return your absentee ballot in person is to our Elections Office - Plato building by 8 p.m.
If you haven’t returned your absentee ballot, you can vote in person at your polling place. Your absentee ballot will be spoiled (made invalid) and you will be issued a new ballot to cast at the polling place.
Track your ballot
You can track your ballot to know when your ballot has been mailed to you, received by the Elections Office and counted. Statuses are updated daily. If you have questions, please call 651-266-2171 or email elections@ramseycounty.us.
More information at ramseycounty.us/VoteBeforeElectionDay.
Residents, businesses and other stakeholders are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposed 2024-25 budget and property tax levy. The first public hearing was on Sept. 19. The second public hearing will be held on Dec. 6 at the Maplewood Community Center.
Learn more and sign up to speak at the public hearing at ramseycounty.us/PublicHearings.
Ramsey County property owners will receive their 2024 proposed property tax notices in mid-November. This notice estimates the amount of taxes property owners will pay in 2024 if the county, cities, school districts and other taxing jurisdictions approve their respective budget proposals.
Property tax refund
If you're a homeowner or renter in Ramsey County, you may qualify for one or more property tax refunds from the state of Minnesota.
Visit the Department of Revenue property tax refund page for details and a full list of refund programs.
An issue with the Ramsey County electronic payment system was identified on Oct. 16. The issue caused some customers who made an online payment between Sept. 29 and Oct. 2 to be charged a second payment on Oct. 13 in the same amount as their original payment.
As of Oct. 19, all funds have been returned to impacted residents and businesses.
Read the notice
Veterans Day is Saturday, Nov. 11. Approximately 23,500 veterans live in Ramsey County – thank you for your service!
Five county buildings will be illuminated green from Nov. 6-12 as part of Operation Green Light for Veterans. The county also invites residents and businesses to join in this nationwide effort to shine a light of hope and support for veterans.
Ramsey County Veterans Services provides guidance and assistance to veterans, their dependents and survivors in applying for local, state and federal veterans benefits.
Learn more about assistance for veterans
The service center, to be built at 1700 Kent St. in Roseville, is part of Enhancing Environmental Health Services, a county initiative to redesign and add recycling and waste disposal services to better meet community needs. The county started this process in 2020 by surveying residents to learn more about their needs for recycling and waste collection. This center is one of the first projects developed due to feedback from the 2020 survey.
See more about the Environmental Service Center
 If you are on Medical Assistance, you may need to renew your health insurance. Get prepared by using the Department of Human Services’ new renewal lookup tool to know your renewal month and when to watch the mail for your paperwork.
Yog koj tau Medical Assistance, koj yuav tsum npaj rov thov dua koj daim ntawd kho mob. Yeej meem npaj siv Department of Human Services kev tshawb fawb tshiab kom tau lub hli koj yuav tsum rov thov koj nraim ntawd kho mob dua, raws nws lub hli yuav tau thov dua. Saib ntsoov nej cov ntaub ntawd tuaj rau nej thiaj li tsis nrhau lub caij yuav thov dua.
Si usted recibe Asistencia Médica, puede que necesite renovar su seguro médico. Prepárese para su renovación usando la nueva herramienta del Departamento de Servicios Humanos para saber su mes de renovación y cuando esperar el papeleo.
Hadii aad haysatid Caafimaadka Medical Assistance waxaad Ubaahan doontaa in aad cusboonay siiso. Waaxada adeegyad ada aadanah sida aad u ogaan kartid waqtiga, ama bisha la cusboonay siinaayo.
Michelle Basham has been named director of Ramsey County Social Services. Basham, who currently serves as a deputy director for operations and partnerships for Vocational Rehabilitation Services at the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, will join the county Nov. 13.
Learn more about Basham
As one of the most diverse counties in Minnesota, Ramsey County Workforce Solutions and the Workforce Innovation Board of Ramsey County are leading efforts to support employers to address discrimination and unconscious bias within their organizations.
One of these efforts is the launch of an Inclusive Employer Toolkit. The toolkit aims to help employers provide a more welcoming and inclusive workplace for all by offering practices to build diversity, equity and inclusion in the areas of employee recruitment, hiring, onboarding and retention.
Access the Inclusive Employer Toolkit
Licensed Family Child Care Provider Recognition Day Read at the Oct. 3 board of commissioners meeting.
Indigenous Peoples Day Read at Oct. 9 community powwow.
Disability Employment Awareness Month Read at the Oct. 17 board of commissioners meeting.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month Read at the Oct. 24 board of commissioners meeting.
Election Day Tuesday, Nov. 7
Veterans Day Support Event Tuesday, Nov. 7
Veterans Day (Observed) - Holiday Friday, Nov. 10
Board of Commissioners Meeting Tuesdays, Nov. 14, 21 and 28
Financial Assistance Services Engagement Event Tuesday, Nov. 14
Thanksgiving Day - Holiday Thursday, Nov. 23
Thanksgiving - Holiday Friday, Nov. 24